Abstract Technician - Senior (Senior Property Deed/Title Clerk)
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/10/30
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/30
- 変更日 : 2024/10/30
- 総閲覧数 : 36 人
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With a growing portfolio of commercial and residential property parcels, King County’s Department of Assessments is looking for interested applicants to apply for the Abstract Technician – Senior position. This position serves a vital role in meeting our mission of ensuring fair and equitable property tax administration by performing complex legal description analysis and review, as well as providing outstanding customer service to our taxpayers.
King County’s Department of Assessments is looking for a dynamic and collaborative property deed/title clerk to support the daily administration and maintenance of the County’s legal property descriptions. We are looking for action oriented creative thinkers who can multi-task and bring their property parcel and chain of title administrative skill and desire for excellence to this role. This position will focus on maintaining the accuracy of parcel data to help the department achieve its commitment to be *"The Best Assessments Department in North America".*
* * An award-winning leader and innovator in government property assessments, with 210 employees and an annual budget of over $37 million, the department administers King County's property valuation and assessment process. The Assessor’s Office has a significant impact on the funding received each year by a wide range of important County public services. The agency uses innovative business intelligence tools and cutting-edge technology to be more efficient with current resources and provide value-added services to taxpayers. The Department of Assessments has collaborative partnerships with 150+ separate taxing districts and 39 cities. To learn more, please visit our website at:** **www.kingcounty.gov/Assessor.aspx* [ http://www.kingcounty.gov/Assessor.aspx ]*:
*** The Department of Assessments is seeking an employee who possesses strong functional and technical skills when working with legal descriptions, cadastral maps, chain of title, and property issues and who understands the value of maintaining the configuration and integrity of King County’s real property tax assessment parcel data.
*Are You....*
* *A seasoned and senior research-oriented* professional with the ability to identify chain of custody and ownership of properties using varied sources of information? Can you back up your decision and title searches with verifiable data? Can you interpret, research and resolve *complex* parcel discrepancies based on deeds, customer requests or court orders?
* *
* *Business and complex legal/property boundary description writing savvy* and able to write concise legal descriptions; proportion or prorate assessed value; reconfigure parcels based on segregations, mergers or lot line adjustments, following recorded conveyances, court documents and taxpayer requests?
* *
* *A senior customer service star?* Do you have strong property and title researching skills? Do you have real property knowledge relating to problems/resolutions of title and taxes? Can you correspond with property owners and other representatives regarding problems/resolutions relating to title, taxes and other situations?
* *
* *Organized and attentive to detail?* Can you work to resolve a variety of complex tax parcel/property identification problems? Can you manage your daily work to meet the needs of the department while ensuring accuracy and completeness?
If so, then read on to see if this position is right for you.
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