Guidance for septic systems during and after a power outage
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/11/25
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/25
- 変更日 : 2024/11/25
- 総閲覧数 : 46 人
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King County On-site Sewage Systems Regulatory Code Updates
Septic system guidance for power outages
Many people across King County are still without power after the storms last week. Power outages can cause problems for septic systems – see below for tips to maintain your septic system when the power is out and when it comes back on.
During the power outage
Conserve water
If your home has a septic system, it’s important that you conserve water during extended power outages. Without electricity, certain parts of septic systems can’t work. This means that sewage could back up into the house if you continue using water like normal by flushing toilets, washing dishes, and taking showers.
Key tips for conserving water:
* Take short showers
* Don’t wash laundry
* Don’t let the faucet run while brushing teeth, shaving or rinsing dishes
* Don’t flush the toilet each time it’s used for liquid waste.
Make sure your pump breaker is turned off
If you haven’t already done so, turn the circuit to your septic pump off. This will keep the pump from automatically turning back on once the power is back.
After the power is back
Reset your septic system pump
If your septic system has a pump that has not been working during a power outage, the pump settings are likely messed up, which can cause sewage to back up or problems with your drainfield.
Find your record drawing and maintenance information at www.kingcounty.gov/SepticRecords [ http://www.kingcounty.gov/SepticRecords ] to determine if your pump has timer settings or not and follow the guidance below to reset your pump.
If your pump has timer settings
Make sure that power is restored to the pump by turning the circuit back on. The timer will likely be behind. To allow your timer to catch up, continue to conserve water for another day or more.
If the high-water alarm sounds once power is restored, effluent has backed up into the reserve storage area of the pump tank. Follow steps 1-2 below to start pumping backed-up sewage to the drainfield.
If your pump does not have timer settings
Normally, when the amount of wastewater reaches a specific level in the septic tank, a float control turns on the pump so that the wastewater is pumped into the drainfield. During a power outage, wastewater is not pumped to the drainfield and, instead, continues to collect in the tank.
To empty your tank without damaging the drainfield, follow the below steps:
* *Turn it on then off once power is restored*: Once power is restored, turn the pump on for 2 minutes and off for 4 to 6 hours. You can do this by turning the circuit on and off or using the control panel that is likely on the side of your house or garage. The pump may automatically turn off during the first manual dosing if there was little water use during the outage.
* *Conserve: *Conserve water and continue the 2-minute pumping every 4 to 6 hours until the pump turns itself off.
Make sure your septic system is fully functioning
If your septic system has other parts that rely on electricity (like a blower or fan), it is important to make sure that they are properly started after the power is out. It’s a good idea to hire a maintainer to inspect the septic system and make sure that everything is working once the power is back on.
*Get more information about septic system maintenance during a power outage on our website [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dph/health-safety/environmental-health/on-site-sewage-systems/maintaining-your-system/what-to-do-during-power-outage ].*
*Septic systems during power outages * [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dph/health-safety/environmental-health/on-site-sewage-systems/maintaining-your-system/what-to-do-during-power-outage ]
*General guidance: How to stay safe during long power outages* [ https://publichealthinsider.com/2024/11/21/long-power-outages-and-road-closures-how-to-stay-safe/ ]
Contact us with septic questions
If you have a technical question about septic systems, you can call our septic expert at *206-477-8177* or find a professional [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dph/health-safety/environmental-health/on-site-sewage-systems/maintaining-your-system/professionals-who-can-help ].
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