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Intern III (Graduate Intern) - HEAL Program
- [Registrant]King County
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]King County, WA
- Posted : 2024/10/24
- Published : 2024/10/24
- Changed : 2024/10/24
- Total View : 44 persons
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Department of Public Health – Seattle & King County’s Healthy Eating, Active Living (HEAL) unit within the Health Sciences Division is seeking a *Graduate Intern (Intern III)* to join its team. This position will support the development of a report to Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) on food security recommendations related to future public health emergencies, primarily drawing on existing emergency response plans and lessons learned from COVID-19 food security response. The work toward this report would be shared between two intern positions to be hosted in early 2025.
The Graduate Intern will be responsible for leading key informant data collection and analysis. This position will also support the work of a second intern in identifying, reviewing, and analyzing existing emergency response plans and reports; developing recommendations; and compiling a report for WSDA. *This paid internship is expected to last approximately 3 months.*
*Why Join Our Team?*
The Graduate Intern will have the opportunity to gain public health work experience within a small, supportive team structure. The position will primarily work from home with some in-person work opportunities as well. There will also be opportunities to engage with the greater Health Sciences division and build relationships within Public Health - Seattle & King County (PHSKC).
The Graduate Intern position will be based in the Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) unit of the Health Sciences Division of PHSKC. HEAL primarily focuses on policy, systems and environment change approaches to improving access to food and physical activity, primarily in neighborhoods whose infrastructure does not support access to affordable, healthy and culturally relevant food. HEAL does this work through deep relationships with the community, experience supporting organizations in implementing best practices, and a history of leveraging federal grant funding to support community-based organizations.
*"Note: This posting will create a list of qualified candidates that may be considered for selection of additional vacancies of the same position type over the next 6 months. "*
*Commitment To Equity and Social Justice*
Named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most influential civil rights leaders in our nation's history, King County is a vibrant international community with residents that represent countries from around the world. It is a region with increasing diversity that cherishes the traditions of many cultures.
The county government has a deep commitment to equity and social justice and advancing practices, strategies, and policies that promote fairness, justice, and opportunity for all – in our workplaces and our communities. With this commitment, King County has adopted a pro-equity agenda to advance regional change and ensure that residents from all communities are incorporated into our emergency planning and public outreach efforts.
We recognize that structural racism consists of principles and practices that cause and justify an inequitable distribution of rights, opportunities, and experiences across racial groups. Since declaring Racism is a Public Health Crisis in June 2020, King County and Public Health committed to being intentionally anti-racist and accountable to Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities.
To learn more, please visit
*Work Schedule*
The work schedule can be modified to fit the graduate intern’s schedule. Ideally the graduate intern would be available to work between January and April 2025 for 30-40 hours a week, not to exceed 320 hours. Typical hours would be Monday through Friday, between 8:30 am and 5 pm.
*Work Location*
The primary location for this position will be based at the Chinook Building – 401 5th Avenue, 11th floor, Seattle, WA 98104. This position will be a hybrid position with most of the candidate's time spent virtually. However, the intern may be required to attend in person activities and events.
Some of the work associated with this position will be performed through teleworking, and will report to office location and to meetings as needed. Travel to other work locations may be necessary. Employees will have access to shared workspaces at various King County facilities. Employees must reside in Washington state and within a reasonable distance to their King County worksite to respond to workplace reporting requirements.
Employees will be provided with a County issued laptop and must maintain a workspace with an internet connection where they can reliably perform work and remain available and responsive during scheduled work hours. To support employees during this time King County has a robust collection of tools and resources to support working remotely. The individual selected for this opportunity will be joining an innovative and progressive team.
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