Lead Worker - Programs- Street Maintenance (Vegetation)
- [등록자]City of Bellevue
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Bellevue, WA, US
- 등록일 : 2024/02/16
- 게재일 : 2024/02/16
- 변경일 : 2024/02/16
- 총열람수 : 152 명
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하와이 가게나 회사를 팔고 싶으신가요 ? 저희는 하와이 전문 M&A 중개 회사입니다. 하와이 사업 매각 ・ 사업 양도 ・ 사업 승계를 생각하시는 분은 부담없이 상담해 주십시오. 일본의 경영자 및 투자자에게 귀하의 비즈니스를 소개합니다. 저희 대표는 일본의 행정서사 사무소를 겸직하고 있어 높은 신뢰성과 실적을 가지고 있습니다.
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+1 (914) 358-5337SAPIX USA
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Lead Worker - Programs- Street Maintenance (Vegetation) [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/bellevuewa/Jobs/4395538?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
How does working in a fast-paced team environment with a wide variety of benefits and career growth sound? Twelve paid holidays, sixteen hours of personal time off annually, overtime opportunities, annual pay raises, monthly vacation and sick leave accrual. In addition to all of these great perks, employees get medical, dental and vision benefits for themselves and family members along with multiple retirement benefits. We also provide an annual allotment to purchase work clothing and boots, Carhartt, .511 and more. All of this on top of the posted hourly wage. For more details about medical, dental, vision and multiple retirement options for benefits refer to the Benefits link when you apply.
We are currently looking for a Streets Lead Worker-Programs (vegetation) to join our team. This is a journey-level position that performs a wide variety of street maintenance duties. Duties include the installation, maintenance, and repair of the City's roadway, signs, traffic control and walkway infrastructure and related appurtenances, and the staffing of major street maintenance programs such as street cleaning, ice & snow response, and vegetation management. This position will act as a lead to one or more small work groups; reporting to the crew leaders of the section and supervised by the Street Maintenance Superintendent who reports to an Operations Manager.
The person in this position must be capable of learning and performing all aspects of the Street Maintenance workload. Primary focus will be vegetation management.
Persons in this position assist in implementing and creating new concepts, processes, and ideas to drive the success of the vegetation management program. You will operate and care for all equipment needed to complete the tasks in your Program. Work will be performed cooperatively with other employees as incumbents make on-site job assignments, troubleshoot on-site problems including working with senior engineering technicians to compile repairs and oversee the work of outside contractors. You will ensure the availability of equipment needed to complete assignments including equipment procurement and rentals. The position includes the ability to resolve on-site problems between employees, report project status to superiors, and complete work in a manner that leads/motivates all members of the group. The work involves adverse weather conditions, safety for individuals, co-workers, and public safety in all weather conditions must be at the forefront. Work is performed with little supervision while on the job site; you make decisions necessary to plan, organize, and complete your work with appropriate safety and efficiency, and complete work in a manner that commands the respect of, or demonstrates appropriate courtesy to the public. As a Lead you will provide adequate, documented and consistent on-site training opportunities for subordinate employees. Candidates for this position are expected to have excellent mechanical problem-solving skills as well as the ability to estimate project costs and schedule work. Responsible for on-site direction of crews concurrently at multiple job sites performing Street Maintenance tasks and is responsible to perform duties that are typical at the Lead Worker level. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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