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MOVE Culver City Construction Update
- [Registrant]City of Culver City
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Culver City, CA
- Posted : 2024/10/25
- Published : 2024/10/25
- Changed : 2024/10/25
- Total View : 70 persons
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Culver CityBus [ ]
Bus and Bike Lane Image October 24
MOVE 2.0
This Week (Week of October 21)
* Crews continued applying green and red-colored pavement markings.
* Crews continued replacing signage throughout the corridor.
* Installation of horizontal and vertical delineators in the bus/bike lane is complete.
* Culver CityBus supervisors conducted test runs on the new shared bus/bike lane.
* Per City Ordinance, outdoor equipment is required to maintain an 18" setback from the curb.
* Outdoor equipment includes shade structures, heaters, umbrellas, lighting, tables, chairs, fences, and planters.
* Staff has collaborated with stakeholders to remind businesses holding outdoor dining permits to relocate equipment 18" from the curb to maintain proper clearance from the roadway.
* Business owners not in compliance have until Thursday, October 31 to comply.
Next Week (Week of October 28)
* Crews will finish applying red pavement markings in bus lanes.
* Horizontal and vertical delineators at curb extensions will be installed.
* Blue pavement markings and vertical delineators at curb extensions in the Downtown area and in the Arts District will be installed.
Substantial completion of construction is anticipated by November 1, 2024. Some construction activities, including traffic signal modifications and installation of bus boarding platforms, will continue into November. It is anticipated that bus detours will end next week.
*Detours and Construction Impacts*
The City is working to minimize dust, noise, and temporary lane closures throughout construction. However, some level of construction impacts are anticipated to occur.
* Remember: Bikes May Use Full Lane. Please remember to share the road and give bikes three feet when passing.
* Bikes may use the travel lane at all times. Bikes may also use Venice, Braddock, Lucerne, the Expo Bike Path, and the Ballona Creek Bike Path to navigate around the construction area.
* One lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained at all times.
* Businesses will remain open, and access will be provided during normal business hours.
* Construction crews are using street sweepers and other measures to minimize dust when possible.
For safety, please observe all posted traffic controls, parking restrictions, and detours.
Bus Detours began on September 5th, and will continue through the end of construction. The detour affects Culver CityBus Lines 1, 1C1, 5, and 7, LADOT CE437A, Big Blue Bus Route 17, and Metro Line 617. These routes will run along Venice Boulevard instead of along the MOVE Corridor. Detours will be maintained throughout the construction period to provide a consistent experience for riders.
More information about the detour can be found on the Culver CityBus website [ ], the MOVE Culver City website [ ], and at bus stops.
*More Information*
Visit the project website at MOVE Culver City [ ] for the latest construction information. Sign up for email updates [ ].
For construction-related inquiries, contact:
*City Construction Manager*
Thomas Check
Senior Traffic Engineer
(310) 253-5627
*Community Engagement*
Dia Turner
(310) 253-6540
Thank you for your patience!
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