Auburn Arts November 2024
- [注册人]City of Auburn
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Auburn, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/01
- 发布日 : 2024/11/01
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/01
- 总浏览次数 : 25 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 我们提供从设计到印刷的全面 ・ 协调服务。我们还可以接受仅用于设计、仅用于印刷、...
我们是南湾的一家印刷店,已有 40 多年的经营历史。我们不仅向洛杉矶和橙县发货,还向州外和日本发货,并提供免费本地送货服务!。
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- 以 "阿罗哈 "之心提供清洁服务的专家。定期清洁房屋、商业场所和搬出清洁 ! 水...
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+1 (808) 260-3557Aloha Service Specialists
- 该诊所专门为木更津的儿童提供牙齿矫正服务。该诊所主要使用MyObrace系统治疗...
我们以 "夏威夷 "的概念为基础,营造温馨的氛围。 Myobrace 牙齿矫正 我们主要使用 Myobrace 系统,这是一种以口罩为基础的儿童牙齿矫正治疗方法。 Myobrace 系统使用特殊的口罩和简单的活动 ( 如口腔练习 ) 来纠正不良习惯的原因。 该口罩由硅胶或聚酯制成,对儿童的压力较小。 通常在白天和睡前佩戴口罩一小时,每天的活动时间约为两分钟。 上学时无需佩戴,只需在家...
+81-438-30-0058Konoha こどもの歯ならびクリニック真舟
- 千叶县・木津市・的白鸟牙科
、千叶县・木津市 二津市・木更津... -
君津市白鸟牙科 ・ 正畸 | 正畸 牙科检查 维护。 从牙周治疗到假牙和牙套的综合口腔保健。
- 千叶县・木津市・的白鸟牙科
- 参观南加州最大的水族馆--长滩水族馆 !。
开放时间:每天上午 9 时至下午 6 时 !。
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- 它是一个非营利性组织,将全美讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者联系在一起,并为日本社...
FLAT ・ FLAT是一个非营利性组织,总部设在纽约市,业务遍及全美,为讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者牵线搭桥,并为日本社区提供支持。 随着越来越多的日本人及其照顾者在美国面临复杂的医疗保健和保险问题,随着越来越多的老年人随着年龄的增长而变得孤立无援,我们为他们提供所需的信息和支持。 我们还在网上积极开展活动,并向居住在纽约以外的人开放。 我们致力于通过与健康相关的计划满足您的需求,请...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- South Coast Plaza 新开的私人美发沙龙 ! ! 我们努力提供只有...
周到的接待和友好的美式服务,让您仿佛置身于日本!我们努力提供只有私人沙龙才能提供的服务。敬请光临。地理位置优越,距日本超市 5 分钟路程 ! 理发期间,家人可在 South Coast Plaza 购物 ! 夜晚明亮安全 ! 清晨或下午 5 点以后,请给我们发短信 ♪.
+1 (949) 771-5502Sola Salons at South Coast Plaza
- Best Seminar 是一所面向海外儿童的在线补习学校,现提供为期 1 个月...
Best Seminar 是一所在线日语学习学校,由于采用一对一的完整班主任制度,学生可以在这里成长。 我们收到了 "日语自然流露 "和 "我的孩子对每节课都充满期待 "这样的评价。 和自己的老师一起愉快地学习日语。 如果您想试听课程或索取信息资料,请随时与我们联系。
+1 (206) 452-3747Best Seminar
- 日本俱乐部是由莫斯科日本工商协会和莫斯科日本人协会合并而成,于2007年分别在日...
为了刺激经济活动,促进日本和俄罗斯之间以及两国之间的交流,以及支持生活在俄罗斯的日本公民的日常生活,该组织通过各种活动和研讨会开展了广泛的活动。 截至2019年1月,会员目前有191个企业会员、3个支持会员和39个个人会员()。
+7 (495) 098-0021特定非営利活動法人モスクワ・ジャパンクラブ
- [秋季开放日] 看孩子们的笑脸 !。
西山里学园加州分校 西山里学园加州分校是奈良县享有盛誉的西山里学园初中高级中学的附属学校,作为一所全日制日本语学校和一所辅助学校,已经满足南加州的日本语教育需求长达30年之久,
始终尽最大努力满足孩子们多样化的教育需求。我们始终尽最大努力满足未来儿童的各种教育需求。 为了满足更多的需求, 我们于 2022 年 4 月开设了 "西山里学园网上补习学校"。 ●"西山里网上补习学校 ... +1 (310) 325-7040Nishiyamato Academy of California
- Gakushu-juku Commit 是一个支持孩子们追求未来梦想的全球合作系...
可随时免费注册试用。 详情请向就近的校舍咨询。 ■ 学塾塾的最大特点 小班授课 补课 ・ 上课制度 美国出生的孩子 ・ 长期在国外的孩子的长处 ・ 了解他们的弱点 了解学生的"" 了解学生 "不知道的"
特殊班级 了解学生 "不知道 "的东西 特殊班级 有趣的活动 班级 ●英语 ●当地学校 ●儿童 ●SAT ●ISEE <... +1 (310) 540-1605学習塾コミット / Commit Tutoring
- 海外儿童教育专家 ・ 在辅导学校和日语补习学校开设面授课程。幼儿班。访问 ・ 补...
初中三年级以前的日语补习 ~ 幼儿园班
和补习班部的个别辅导。辅导课随时 ・ 开课,请与我们联系上课日期。我们可以满足您的所有需求,包括在学年中期补习所缺单元。 日语补习学校为日语有困难的学生提供指导,使他们能够愉快地学习日语。 学书塾 Pi:k ( 峰 ) 和尔湾日语补习学校最大的特点是 "关怀态度"。孩子们的问题会得到认真解答,不懂的地方也会得到解决。 此外,补习学校・... +1 (657) 212-5377学習塾Pi:k アーバイン日本語補習校
- 这是一家公共图书馆,收藏有 13 000 多种日语图书。
图书馆位于日本城以西约三个街区处。 图书馆面向斯科特街,位于吉尔利大道和邮政街之间。 图书馆有日本工作人员,每天开放。 任何居住在加利福尼亚州的人都可以获得一张免费的借书证。 ( 您需要持有加州驾照或护照以及当前住址证明、信件或已张贴的账单 )。
+1 (415) 355-5727サンフランシスコ公共図書館ウェスタンアディション館
- Dean & DeLuca Hawaii 是一家汇集世界各地美味食品的食品专卖店...
DEAN&DELUCA 是您从世界各地购买美食的来源。DEAN & DELUCA Hawaii 是一家汇集世界各地美味食品的食品精品店。我们利用当地的新鲜食材提供各种产品,帮助顾客重新发现夏威夷的美味。为了让威基基这个国际度假胜地的日常生活变得更加与众不同…,两家店铺各具特色,将提供 "观赏的乐趣、制作的乐趣和食用的乐趣"。
+1 (808) 729-9720DEAN & DELUCA HAWAII
- 爱知县陶磁资料馆は、陶磁史上における爱知の位置について、日本における最高级の窯业...
以降、日本やアジアを初めとする世界各地の様々なやきものの魅力を展覧会や関連催促事を通じて紹介してまいりました。コレクションは3点の重要文化財を含む7,020点 ( 平成27年3月末 ) となり、国内屈指の陶磁専門ミュージアムとして成长しております。
Auburn Arts Header
free community programming
A Familiar Taste
"*...A Familiar Taste [¤tDate=2024-09-20&view=event ]
*"*Gallery Exhibition Events
***All Ages | FREE**
"@ "*"Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."*
* *Cooking Demonstration*
*Date*: Thursday, November 14 | 5-7PM
Join Chef Jan Parker for a storytelling and cooking event as she demonstrates how to make "longanisa, "a sweet and salty sausage eaten in many Filipino households. Visitors will be welcome to taste a sample of the dish!"
Register for free here, limited space available. [ ]"
* *Curator and Artist Talk*
*Date*: Thursday, November 21 | 5-6:30PM
Hear from curator Clarissa Grace Gines and artists Dejan Ann Kahilinā'i and Raychelle Ordoñez on their creative practices, and learn about the food stories behind the exhibit and artworks!
"Register for free here. [ ]"
Postmark Holiday Art Market
*Postmark Holiday Art Market [¤tDate=2024-11-16&view=dailylist ]*
**Date*: *Saturday, November 16 | 11-3PM*
*"@ "**"Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."**
Visit Postmark Center for the arts this November for a one-of-a-kind Holiday Art Market!
Stop in for hot cider, live music by Allison Preisinger, free crafting, and the opportunity to shop unique gifts for friends and family!
Featured artists:
Nicole Bennion, Jessie Crnich, Linda Covey-Campbell, Aimee Dan, Pam Hemmerling, Alexander Kamola, Yoshi Nakagawa, Jennifer Oberheuser, Tina Ostrander, Teresa Owens, Holly Pennington, Brian Rimmer, Barry Roitblat.
We'll see you there!
*Poets at the Postmark [ ]*
**Date: **Wednesday, November 6 | 6:30-8:30PM*
**All Ages | FREE**
Come to our monthly Postmark Poetry Nights! On the first Wednesday of each month Postmark will have a lineup of featured readers followed by opportunities for open mic readers.
*November's featured reader will be Yvonne Higgins Leach!*
Poets at the Postmark
Yvonne Higgins Leach’s second collection of poems "In the Spaces Between Us" hit the shelves in the fall of 2023, published by Kelsay Books. Her first collection "Another Autumn" was published by Cherry Grove Collections in 2014. She spent decades balancing a career in communications and public relations, raising a family, and pursuing her love of writing poetry. Her latest passion is working with shelter dogs. She splits her time living on Vashon Island and in Spokane, Washington. For more information, visit [ ]
Yvonne Higgins Leach
Classes & Workshops
Pie Decorating
*Pie Decorating [ ]*
Want to impress your family or friends with a beautiful pie this season? Join local baker and business owner Oksana Lusnikova and learn how to make and decorate beautiful pies! Each student will leave with basic knowledge of how to make pie dough, fillings, and decorate pies, and will take home one delicious full-size pie.
***Date*: **Wednesday, November 13 | 5 - 7PM*
Ages*: 15+
*Fee*: $55/$69 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor*: Oksana Lusnikova
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
*"Register now! [ ]"*
Cookie Decorating
*Cookie Decorating [ ]*
Have you ever wondered how bakers create showstopping cookie designs? Join Postmark Center for the Arts for an evening with Tara Trujillo and learn how to flood, pipe and decorate sugar cookies! Each student will leave with basic knowledge of how to create cookie masterpieces using Royal Icing. Participants will get dozen cookies, 3 icing colors and assorted sprinkles.
*Date: *Thursday, December 5 | 5 - 6:30PM*
Ages*: 15+
*Fee*: $40/$50 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor*: Tara Trujillo
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
*"Register now! [ ]"*
Santa Parade Cookie, Cocoa, Craft
*Santa Parade Cookie, Cocoa, and Craft [ ]*
Get your craft on at Postmark Center for the Arts prior to Auburn’s Santa Parade & Tree Lighting festivities!
Alongside all the fun happening downtown on Saturday, December 7, Postmark will be offering two different holiday arts crafts accompanied by warm cocoa and delicious cookies. Register to drop in any time between 12:30-3:00 PM to make and take your crafts.
Each individual must register to craft and have a cookie and cocoa.
*Date: *Saturday, December 5 | 12:30-3PM*
Ages*: 5+
*Registration*: $5
*Instructor*: Postmark Staff
*"Register Now! [ ]"*
Art Galleries Header
A Familiar Taste
*Postmark Center for the Arts Gallery [ ]
**20 Auburn Ave"
Exhibition:* ."..A Familiar Taste"*
Exhibition dates:* Through January 15, 2025*
*Cooking Demonstration [ ]*
*Date*: Thursday, November 14 | 5-7PM
*Curator and Artist Talk [ ]*
*Date*: Thursday, November 21 | 5-6:30PM
"…A Familiar Taste "highlights narratives from artists of color through the lens of food and cultural foodways. This exhibit presents a visual and literary feast evoking a diverse range of connections, emotions, and memories. It is an invitation to consider one’s own relationship to food and explore how different backgrounds and experiences inform our interaction with culinary traditions.
Josh Sands
*Vault Gallery [ ]
**20 Auburn Ave
*"Located within Postmark Center for the Arts"
*Josh Sands [ ]* [ ]
Exhibition Dates:* *October 26 - January 5, 2025**
We are eager to host Josh Sands in the Vault Gallery as our new artist for October!
*Artist Statement:*
"This piece continues my series of temporary public installations that showcases glass in the form of raindrops. Here the ordinary experience of a downpour invites viewers in to the space to contemplate, observe, and feel the sensations and emotions of such an event, in a displaced setting.
The narrative of this installation alludes to the importance of arts education and the need to shelter and support art during challenging times. Through the stewardship of local cultural centers like the Postmark and the City of Auburn’s programming, arts education and exhibition can continue to be provided and protected." -Josh Sands
Lisa Turner
*Art on Main Gallery [ ]*
*East Main St between N Division St and Auburn Ave
*"Windowfront viewable streetside 24/7"
**"Plastic Bodies 2 "by *Lisa Turner [ ]
*Exhibition Dates: *October 26 - January 5, 2025*
We are eager to announce the arrival of a new Art on Main artist this October, printmaker Lisa Turner!
*Artist Statement:*
“In the artwork "Plastic Bodies 2", consumer objects are juxtaposed with the visual language of medical illustrations to create an environment. In some cases, these elements act as landmarks, other times they morph together to create Frankenstein like figures. Ultimately, they invite multiple interpretations while drawing attention to the inherent conflicts and confluence between the natural and the synthetic.” -Lisa Turner
*Auburn Community and Event Center Gallery [ ]
910 Ninth St. SE*
Artists:* Lev Elkin | Kimberly Tepe
*Exhibition Dates: On view through* November 7, 2024*
Lev Elkin
*Lev Elkin* is a sculptor transforming found wood into art. "I find twisted branches and driftwood on river banks and ocean shores and strive to reveal their hidden beauty. Some pieces display their potential right away and others spend months or even years on my shelf before I arrive at a concept. Similarly, some take weeks and others much longer to finish. I hope my art brings joy and inspires others to see hidden beauty in seemingly ordinary pieces of wood."
Kimberly Tepe
*Kimberly Tepe [ ]* seeks to recreate textures and shapes found in nature. "I am drawn to nature. The textures enthrall me. The medium I respond with is fabric. With fabric comes thread and fibers, and a slew of techniques to manipulate the media into shapes. I am always experimenting to find the right combination to get the right texture. I have recreated trees with life like tree bark, leaves, needles, lichen, moss, and individual mushroom gardens that stand alone to remind us of what is outside our door."
*Auburn Community and Event Center Gallery [ ]
910 Ninth St. SE*
Artists:* Wendy Wahman | Barry Roitblat
*Exhibition Dates: *November 7 - January 9, 2025*
We are eager to introduce two new artists at the Auburn Community Center gallery starting November 7th, Wendy Wahman and Barry Roitblat!
Wendy Wahman
Wendy Wahman [ ]’s “Wenderings,” are improvisational, meditative drawings. Unplanned, with usually nothing conscious in mind, they begin with a line and go from there. Volumes 1 and 2 of, “Wenderings: to Wander (or Color),” along with her books for children, are available on Amazon.
Barry Roitblat
Says Barry Roitblat [ ], "I am fascinated by the grand works of art created by 'Mother Nature' and enjoy turning nature’s art to a human purpose. I delight in the beauty revealed as an apparently non-descript piece of wood becomes a polished, functional art-piece. I have been turning for about 18 years and have had pieces on display at over a dozen galleries in Western Washington and nationally."
Penny FireHorse
*Cheryl Sallee Gallery [ ]
**Auburn Senior Center
808 Ninth St. SE*
Artist: Penny FireHorse [ ]
Exhibition Dates: On view through* November 6, 2024*
We are happy to introduce Penny FireHorse as our upcoming Cheryl Sallee Gallery Artist! "How my art is created… Most of my art can be considered impressionistic" says Penny, whose art utilizes bright colors and use of textures. "All my art is created on a soul level and it signifies my unity with the universal energy and flowing of my being into the artwork. I am inspired by many things including other artists, images, bright colors, emotional expression, and a desire of love, compassion and kindness. My art symbolizes overcoming obstacles within life to serve as hope and inspiration to others."
Watercolor Show
*Cheryl Sallee Gallery [ ]
**Auburn Senior Center
808 Ninth St. SE*
*JoAnne Iwasaki Watercolors Group Exhibition*
Exhibition Dates: On view through* November 6 - January 8, 2025*
*2024-25 Downtown Sculpture Gallery [ ]
Main Street, Auburn Downtown*
*On Display: *Through September 2025
The City of Auburn's Downtown Sculpture Gallery showcases outdoor sculptures of various sizes, types and mediums. Primarily located along Main Street, the sculpture gallery changes annually providing different artwork for Auburn residents to experience and enjoy.
Take a walk downtown or view the Downtown Sculpture Gallery webpage [ ] to tour the newly installed sculptures!
"*Vote for your favorite sculpture to win the 2024 People's Choice Award through our online submission form! [ ]*"
Downtown Sculpture Gallery
Drop ins header
Drop in Drawing
*Make & Mingle
**Every Wednesday, 10AM - 12PM
**Ages: *Suggested 18+ | FREE
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
Stop by for our Artist Open Studio! Come join us for a cup of coffee with whatever art project you might be working on! This is a free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to gather. You can talk with other artists, ask for feedback or critique from on-site staff if available, bring your sketchbook to work out ideas, or just quietly draw in the gallery or work on your art! All are welcome. "No need to sign up or register, just drop in!"
Chinese Gongbi Painting with Amy Sie
*Drop-in Painting with Amy Sie
**Every Friday, 10AM - 12PM
**Ages:* Suggested 18+ | FREE
*Instructor:* Amy Sie
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
Amy Sie is offering Drop-In Gongbi Painting sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for you to start a new painting or work on an old one. Please bring your own tools and materials. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. All are welcome. "No need to sign up or register, just drop in!"
Drop in drawing
*Drop-in Drawing
****Every Friday, 10AM - 12PM
*****Ages: **Suggested 18+ | FREE*
"@"*" ""Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
Come stop by for our new Drop-In Drawing sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to drop-in. Draw from a still life or the gallery, stay for whole two hours or only 10 minutes! Bring tools to either shade or color with, and your own sketchbook or drawing pad. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. All are welcome. "No need to sign up or register, just drop in!"
Postmark BRAVO heading
BRAVO Fall 2024
Lights on! Stage set! BRAVO Performing Arts is launching into the Fall season! The City of Auburn is excited to present an incredible lineup of music, comedy, theater, and kids’ programming as part of BRAVO Performing Arts. Check out the full schedule at [ ].
"*Upcoming performances:*"
* Saturday, November 2 | Luca Stricagnoli [ ] | GRC | 7:30PM
* Friday, November 8 | Seattle International Comedy Competition Week 1 [ ] | GRC | 7:30PM
* Saturday, November 9 | Six Gun Rebel - Bad Co. Tribute [ ] | GRC | 7:30PM
* Friday, November 15 | Seattle International Comedy Competition Week 2 [ ] | GRC | 7:30PM
* Friday, November 22 | Amelia Day [ ] | PCA | 7:30PM
* Sunday, December 8 | Red, White, and Blue Holiday Concert [ ] | Auburn PAC | 2:00PM
* Saturday, December 14 | Ted Vigil [ ] | GRC | 7:30PM
* Saturday, December 21 | An Inspirational Christmas with Elvis [ ] | GRC | 7:30PM
Arts Around Auburn Header
*MakerSpace [ ]
*Auburn Community and Event Center | 910 9th St SE, Auburn, WA 98002
Visit the Auburn MakerSpace for activities geared toward all ages!
*Kids Craft Night*
* Fall Rock Painting [ ] | Monday, November 4 | 6 - 7:30PM
* Crafting Together Bath Bombs & Sugar Scrubs [ ] | Friday, December 13 | 6 - 8PM
*Adult Open Craft Night*
* Wine Glass Painting [ ] | Thursday, November 7 | 6 - 8PM
*Adult Take & Make Kits*
Host your own craft party at home! Choose from 4 individual projects consisting of signs and a banner each month, or choose the entire package with 4 kits. Kits are available for pick up Mondays-Fridays 8 AM - 8 PM and Saturdays 9 AM - 4 PM. More information at the MakerSpace webpage. [ ]
WRVM Festival of Trees
*White River Valley Museum Exhibit
**Festival of Trees [ ]
**White River Valley Museum, 918 H St SE*
The Museum transforms into a fairytale forest this winter. Beautiful trees decorated by our local business partners will fill the galleries with the spirit of the season.
Trees on display throughout the Museum’s permanent galleries.
Better Postmark Header [ ]
Postmark AIA Merit Award
Postmark Center for the Arts – AWARD Winning again! The City of Auburn and Johnston Architects received the 2024 AIA Washington Council Civic Design Merit Award in recognition of the City of Auburn’s Postmark Center for the Arts. The award celebrates design excellence in publicly funded projects located in Washington State. Award winning projects reflect the highest standards in sustainability, innovation, building performance and overall integration with the client and surrounding communities.
This is the third award for the Postmark Center for the Arts. Other awards include the Washington Recreation and Park Association Spotlight Award and the King County John D. Spellman Award for Achievement in Historic Preservation (Award for Excellence in Adaptive Reuse).
Downtown Auburn Plaza Plans
*We invite you to learn about the upcoming plans for Auburn Avenue Theater [ ] and the surrounding downtown area, and follow the progress of the downtown infrastructure, theater, and new park [ ].
*Gallery and Gift Shop Hours:
*Wednesdays 12-4PM
Thursdays 12-6PM
Fridays 12-4PM
*Location*: 20 Auburn Ave, Auburn, WA 98002
Stay Connected!
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