City Of Las Vegas Halloween Happenings
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]City of Las Vegas
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Las Vegas
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/09/30
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/09/30
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/09/30
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 40 คน
- หากท่านต้องค้นหาร้าน โปรดดู [คู่มือแนะนำตัวเมือง]
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News Release
*David Riggleman* | Director of Communications | 702.229.2207
* *
**Monday, Sept. 30, 2024* *| *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*
MEDIA CONTACT: MARGARET KURTZ | 702.229.6993 | 702.249.1828 | mkurtz@lasvegasnevada.gov
**City Of Las Vegas Halloween Happenings* *
"Fun Activities For The Whole Family Oct. 5-31"
The days leading up to Halloween are filled with free and low-cost activities for children and fun seekers of all ages. Find something safe and fun to do below. All activities are subject to change. All centers and city of Las Vegas offices are closed Oct. 25, 2024, in observance of Nevada Day.
*Barktoberfest *(all ages)
Saturday, Oct. 5, 9 a.m. to noon.
Free and open to the public.
Veterans Memorial Community Center, 101 N. Pavilion Center Drive
Bring the family and your pet on a leash to enjoy this free event, including dog costume contest, pooch parade, photo opportunities, agility courses, pet trick-or-treating, pet vendors and a morning of fun. Prizes will be awarded for Best Duo/Group, Most Original, Cutest, Funniest and Scariest costumes. Pets must be on leashes. Call 702.229.1100 for more information.
*“We’re Dying to Feed You” Luncheon *(ages 50+)
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Cost: $10/person
Centennial Hills Active Adult Center, 6601 N. Buffalo Drive, 702.229.1702.
Wear your costume and join neighbors for a fun-filled afternoon and a spooktacular Halloween luncheon! Enjoy pizza skulls with marinara shots, pasta salad and monster doughnuts! Advance registration and annual active adult program membership required. Call 702.229.1702 to register.
*Halloween Family Fun Night *(all ages)
Friday, Oct. 11, 6-8 p.m.
Cost: $5 per person, includes a snack
Veterans Memorial Community Center, 101 N. Pavilion Center Drive, 702.229.1100.
Wear your costume and enjoy “The Great Pumpkin” animated movie, pumpkin decorating and pie. Register online [ https://registration.lasvegasnevada.gov/NV/las-vegas-nv/catalog/index?filter=bG9jYXRpb24lNUIxNDE0MCU1RD0xJnRhYiU1QjYwMzUlNUQ9MSZzZWFyY2g9RmFtaWx5JTIwRnVuJTIwTmlnaHQmcmVudGFsJTVCZnJvbSU1RD0mcmVudGFsJTVCdG8lNUQ9JjgxMDYxNGE5MDhmZjY5ZWE1NDcxNDBhNDU0NDI4OWJmPTExOTZhNDdiYTNmYjM0MDA1NGQxNTgzMjhmODk2MmE1&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] today, as space is limited. Call 702.229.1100 for more information.
*Ward 2 Trunk or Treat & Halloween Movie in the Park *(all ages)
Friday, Oct. 11, 6 p.m.
Free and open to the public.
Bruce Trent Park, 8851 Vegas Drive.
Bring the family in costume for free trunk-or-treating and to enjoy the “Hocus Pocus” movie under the stars.
*Halloween Garland Craft Workshop *(ages 50+)
Thursday, Oct. 17, 10:30 a.m.
Cost: $7 per person
Centennial Hills Active Adult Center, 6601 N. Buffalo Drive, 702.229.1702.
Make a Halloween garland just in time for decorating! Advance registration required. Call 702.229.1702 for registration and information.
*Teens On The Go* (ages 11-14)
Thursday, Oct. 17, 3-7 p.m.
Cost: $10 for staffing and transportation; approximately $30-$40 for food and entry fee.
Veterans Memorial Community Center, 101 N. Pavilion Center Drive, 702.229.1100.
Staff take teens on a Halloween excursion to a pumpkin patch and Jason’s Deli. Advance registration is required.
*Lieburn Halloween Howl Luncheon* (ages 50+)
Friday, Oct. 18, 11:30 a.m.
Cost: $7/person.
Lieburn Active Adult Center, 6230 Garwood Ave.
Come in costume to enjoy a lunch of stew and pumpkin roll, and stay for games and the costume contest! Advance registration and active adult membership required. Call 702.229.1600 for information and registration.
*Ward 4 Halloween Event & Movie in the Park*
Friday, Oct. 18, gates open at 6 p.m. Movie begins at dusk.
Free and open to the public.
Durango Hills Community Center/YMCA, 3521 N. Durango Drive, back parking lot.
Bring the family in costume to enjoy free walk-through trick-or-treating, DJ music, candy, giveaways (while supplies last), and the animated movie “Coco” under the stars.
*Halloween Nerf Mania *(ages 8-14)
Friday, Oct. 18, 6-8 p.m.
Cost: $5 per person.
Veterans Memorial Community Center, 101 N. Pavilion Center Drive, 702.229.1100.
Wear your costume and enjoy a battle royale of Nerf fun, including capture the flag, team and individual competitions. Players provide their own Nerf gun; center provides the darts and goggles. Register online [ https://registration.lasvegasnevada.gov/NV/las-vegas-nv/catalog/index?filter=bG9jYXRpb24lNUIxNDE0MCU1RD0xJmFnZUdyb3VwJTVCNSU1RD0xJnRhYiU1QjYwMzUlNUQ9MSZzZWFyY2g9TmVyZiZyZW50YWwlNUJmcm9tJTVEPSZyZW50YWwlNUJ0byU1RD0mODEwNjE0YTkwOGZmNjllYTU0NzE0MGE0NTQ0Mjg5YmY9MTE5NmE0N2JhM2ZiMzQwMDU0ZDE1ODMyOGY4OTYyYTU%3D&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] today, as space is limited. Call 702.229.1100 for more information.
*Hallo-Clean The Streets* (all ages)
Saturday, Oct. 19, 9-11 a.m.; check-in begins at 8:45 a.m.
Free and open to the public; advance registration not required.
Meet in the parking lot of the John E. Carson Building and Downtown Alley at 120 S. Sixth St.
Dress in costume and join city of Las Vegas Neighborhood Services and nonprofit Caridad in this third annual downtown cleanup! Each costumed participant will receive a raffle ticket and be entered to win a prize. For more information, call 702.229.2179 or email vacosta@lasvegasnevada.gov.
*Cimarron Rose Halloween Spooktacular*
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 6-8 p.m.
Free and open to all ages.
Cimarron Rose Community Center, 5591 N. Cimarron Road, 702.229.1607.
Bring the family in costume to enjoy a safe Halloween event with carnival games, cupcake walk, bounce houses, haunted maze, raffle prizes, music, selfie booths and more. Children up to age 13 are invited to enjoy trick-or-treating and carnival games.
*Senior-Ween Halloween Luncheon *(ages 50+)
Thursday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.
Cost: $8/person.
Doolittle Active Adult Center, 1930 N. J St., 702.229.6125.
Dress in costume to enjoy lunch and an afternoon of fun, food, games and prizes. Top three entries will win a prize in the costume contest! Register and pay by Oct. 22; space is limited. City of Las Vegas active adult membership required. Call 702.229.6125 for information and registration.
*Mirabelli Trunk or Treat *
Thursday, Oct. 24, 5-9 p.m.
Free and open to the public.
Mirabelli Community Center & Park, 6200 Hargrove Ave., 702.229.6359.
Bring the family in costume to enjoy bounce houses, haunted sensory tent, carnival games, cupcake walk and trunk-or-treating for children up to age 13.
*Free Fall Festival* (all ages)
Thursday, Oct. 24, 5 to 8:30 p.m.
Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be available for purchase.
East Las Vegas Community Center, 250 N. Eastern Ave., 702.229.1515.
Join your neighbors for a fantastic fall festival, where the charm of the season will come alive. Get ready to experience a delightful pumpkin patch, a vibrant array of vendors, exciting games for all ages, a variety of food offerings and so much more. If you wish, come dressed in your favorite costume. Mark your calendar and be part of the fall festival magic! For more information, call 702.229.1515.
*Dive-In Movie Night*
Saturday, Oct. 26, doors open 4:30 p.m.; showtime 5 p.m.
Cost: $4 per person
Pavilion Center Pool, 101 S. Pavilion Center Drive, 702.229.1488.
Enjoy a family film, spooky games and activities while you lounge on a raft, relax in a deck chair or take a dip in the pool. Movie to be announced. Popcorn and water for sale for a small fee. All pool rules apply. For more information, call 702.229.1488.
*Wards 4 & 6 Movie in the Park*
Saturday, Oct. 26, 6 p.m.; movie begins at dusk.
Free and open to the public.
Huckleberry Park, 10325 Farm Road.
Bring the family to enjoy the animated movie “Coco,” as well as DJ music and light refreshments.
*Halloween Costume Contest *(ages 50+)
Thursday, Oct. 31, 2:30 p.m.
Free and open to ages 50+.
Centennial Hills Active Adult Center, 6601 N. Buffalo Drive, 702.229.1702.
Who says Halloween is for the kids? It’s time to get dressed up and trick or treat!
*Stupak Trunk or Treat *
Thursday, Oct. 31, 5-7 p.m.
Free and open to ages 3-12.
Stupak Community Center, 251 W. Boston Ave., 702.229.2488.
Ages 3-12 can trick or treat in Stupak’s Trunk-or-Treat and new Pumpkin Patch. Wear your costumes, bring your treat bag and stay safe on Halloween night!
*Halloween Safe Night Carnival*
Thursday, Oct. 31, 5-8:30 p.m.
Free and open to all ages.
Doolittle Community Center and adjacent park, 1950 N. J St., 702.229.6374.
Bring the family in costume to enjoy free carnival rides, kiddie games, bungie bounce, climbing wall, haunted hallway, classic cars trunk-or-treating, costume contest and more. This event is presented by city of Las Vegas and Clark County in partnership with many community leaders and organizations.
*Las Vegas City Council *
Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman | Mayor Pro Tem Brian Knudsen
Cedric Crear | Victoria Seaman | Olivia Diaz | Francis Allen-Palenske | Nancy E. Brune
City Manager Mike Janssen
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