News Release - City of Toronto and the Government of Canada announce agreement to fund West Toronto Railpath Extension
- [注册人]City of Toronto
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Toronto, Canada
- 注册日期 : 2024/08/01
- 发布日 : 2024/08/01
- 更改日期 : 2024/08/01
- 总浏览次数 : 124 人
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News Release
August 1, 2024
City of Toronto and the Government of Canada announce agreement to fund West Toronto Railpath Extension
Earlier today, the City of Toronto and Government of Canada announced a partnership to fund the extension of the popular West Toronto Railpath multi-use trail that will connect Toronto’s residents and visitors with new areas of the city.
Under the funding agreement announced by Councillor Alejandra Bravo (Davenport) and Julie Dzerowicz, Member of Parliament for Davenport, the Government of Canada will provide $23 million from its Active Transportation Fund (, while the City will contribute $125.7 million.
The project will see the existing 2.1-kilometre trail doubled in length, with an additional two kilometres of trail extending south from Dundas Street West at Sterling Road to Abell Street at Sudbury Street, as well as the construction of four new pedestrian-cycle bridges. Construction will begin in mid-2025.
The extension is part of the City’s Major City-wide Cycling Routes under the Cycling Network Plan and will encourage sustainable transportation options by making it easier for commuters to connect to the Bloor GO Station and the upcoming King-Liberty Station.
Additional information including design images is available on the City’s West Toronto Railpath Extension webpage:
Quick facts:
• The West Toronto Railpath follows the trade route that Indigenous peoples would take from the Davenport Trail to the receding Lake Iroquois, following Roncesvalles Avenue. This route was later used as the path of a railway that started in 1871.
• The first phase of the West Toronto Railpath from Cariboo Avenue to the Dundas Street West Overpass was completed in 2008.
• Realignment of the existing Railpath between Wallace Avenue and Bloor Street West began in August 2022.
• Metrolinx will build the West Toronto Railpath Extension on behalf of the City.
“Expanding the West Toronto Railpath will connect even more communities and make it easier for people to enjoy our city by walking, cycling or taking transit. Partnership between all levels of government made this possible. Working together, we can connect communities, provide more active transportation options and create new opportunities for sustainable travel. Thank you to Councillor Alejandra Bravo, our federal partners and the residents of Davenport for their advocacy on this project.”
– Olivia Chow, Mayor of Toronto
“The West Toronto Railpath is beloved by Davenport residents. Not only will it benefit the local community who love the Railpath to walk, run and cycle - this extension will also support our local economy.”
– Julie Dzerowicz, Member of Parliament for Davenport, on behalf of the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities
“The West Toronto Railpath's innovative use of public land connects members of our community to local parks, schools, and other community hubs. Today's investment will help the West Toronto Railpath reach even more people and encourage active transportation that will help Toronto meet our climate action goals. Residents of Davenport have long dreamed of and advocated for this project, which will benefit those walking, rolling, and cycling on the West Toronto Railpath in the coming years.”
– Councillor Alejandra Bravo (Davenport)
Toronto is home to more than three million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, innovation and climate action, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit or follow us on X at, on Instagram at or on Facebook at
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