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Mayor Ralph's Weekly Update
- [Registrant]City of Kent
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Kent, WA
- Posted : 2024/12/13
- Published : 2024/12/13
- Changed : 2024/12/13
- Total View : 44 persons
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- 일본 내 중고차 판매량 1위의 갈리버는 자동차를 '팔고 싶다'도 '사고 ...
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Mayor's Update
December 13, 2024
2025-26 Adopted Biennial Budget
Happy Friday Kent,
At Tuesday's Kent City Council meeting, the council unanimously adopted the 2025-26 Biennial Budget I proposed in September.
The biennial budget is the most important document the city produces—it shows how the city plans allocate funding over the next two years.
It's a representation of our values and the collaborative efforts of city leadership, the city council, staff and the Kent community.
This budget is a road map that reflects the values of our organization and its commitment to our community.
As city leaders, we have shared values centered around benefiting our residents, community organizations, businesses and visitors.
Thank you to the Kent City Council and our Finance department for your collaboration and commitment to improvement so we can continue to make Kent a place we're all proud to call home.
You can view my letter to the Kent City Council as a part of her initial proposed budget *here [ ]*, and the full 2025-26 Proposed Biennial Budget document *here [ ]*. The adopted budget will be uploaded to the city website in the new year.
I'll be sharing some highlights on the budget over the next few newsletters and you will also be able to see them on our social media platforms.
I hope you enjoy this week's update and have a great weekend!
Dana Ralph, Kent Mayor
budget 2
The 2025-26 Biennial Budget includes $300k toward the future 116th Ave SE and SE 248th St roundabout project! It also includes $1.5M for future construction along 132nd to improve pedestrian connectivity from neighborhoods to East Hill North Community Park
2044 Kent Comprehensive Plan
comp plan
This week Kent City Council adopted the *2044 Comprehensive Plan* [ ]!
The 2044 Comprehensive Plan is our shared, long-term vision to guide growth in Kent over the next 20 years. It is a road map for both short-and long-term strategic policy, decision-making, and investments relating to housing and development, jobs, transportation, environmental resources, climate resiliency, and other important topics that impact daily life.
*The 2044 Comprehensive Plan* [ ] is a monumental update that incorporates community voices, responds to changing trends, and builds upon numerous prior planning efforts.
The City Council also adopted updates to the City’s zoning map and new State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) infill exemptions to streamline permitting and protect environmentally sensitive areas. Together, these efforts will shape Kent’s future so existing residents and future generations can thrive in Kent.
king county award
We are proud to have partnered with the King County Flood Control District and worked closely with stakeholders on this important Green River project.
The rich history of this area and its people is an incredible story, and it’s been an honor to be part of a team that uncovered and celebrated it.
Thank you to King County for recognizing the collaborative efforts of the City of Kent, the King County Flood Control District, the Muckleshoot and Suquamish Tribes, and King County staff with the John D. Spellman Historic Preservation Award.
I loved seeing everyone who came out for the Winterfest parade and tree lighting! It was so much fun!
A huge thank you to our Kent Parks Department, Kent Lions Club, Santa, Public Works and Kent PD for making the spirit of Christmas shine in downtown Kent.
Thursday evening, I was invited to King County Councilmember Pete Von Reichbauer's South King County Holiday Leadership and Volunteer recognition event. We heard from former Gov. Christine Gregoire about her years in leadership with students from Federal Way and Auburn.
Pictured: Auburn Superintendent Dr. Alan Spicciati, Maple Valley Mayor Sean Kelly, Algona Mayor Troy Linnell, Auburn Mayor Nancy Backus, Gov. Christine Gregoire, Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell, Federal Way Superintendent Dr. Dani Pfeiffer, King County Councilmember Pete Von Reichbauer.
game of life
Early Tuesday morning, I joined Chief Padilla and Councilmember Troutner at the annual Game of Life Conference.
It's a daylong conference for Kent middle and high school students to learn and brainstorm about important topics impacting them and their peers.
Thank you to Stacy Judd and Sara Wood from our Community Education group and the Kent Police Student Board for putting together this awesome opportunity for our students.
ocean kitchen
Earlier this week, we celebrated a new food manufacturing business that chose to make Kent home.
Ocean's Kitchen is a seafood processing company and will begin production in early 2025.
We cut the ribbon and had a traditional sake barrel breaking, Kagami Biraki, celebrating the new beginning of the business.
moe vegan
There's an exciting new family-owned restaurant on West Hill you should visit—Moe Vegan! They are a locally owned business who want to show the community that vegan food can be delicious and affordable, at the same time!
I had a fantastic time cutting the ribbon at their grand opening last weekend.
Kent City Council
Here's the recap on what the Kent City Council has been working on!
*As a reminder, you can view meeting agendas, minutes and live stream recordings here! [ ]*
parks commission
If you are looking to get more involved with the community, apply to join the City of Kent Parks & Recreation Commission! Learn more and apply online at * [ ]*.
shop with a cop
Shop with a Cop 2024 was a success! It's always great to see these kids and our Kent Police officers with smiling faces as they race through the store picking out gifts.
We welcomed 48 kids this year and help make their holiday a bit more special.
Special thanks to Kent Youth and Family Services and the staff at Target for the continued partnership.
christmas rush
The Christmas Rush is a beloved holiday event in our community, and I can't wait to seeing those runners and walkers take to the course tomorrow!
?? Tomorrow, December 14
⏲ 9:50 a.m.
?? Hogan Park, 25500 Russell Road
Learn more and register online at * [ ]*
With the holidays right around the corner, I just wanted to encourage you to shop local as we all do that last minute shopping we don't want to admit to.
It's a great way to help support Kent small businesses and our local economy!
You can find all kinds of special and unique gifts locally—and don't forget to grab a bite while you're out!
Shop Small
Yeti Scavenger Hunt
yeti scavenger hunt
The Kent Downtown Partnership is coming up with a clever way to celebrate Small Business Saturday and the holiday season and show support to our local businesses!
Tiny yetis have made their way to historic downtown Kent, and they need your help to track them down. Search for the hidden yetis, complete your passport, and submit it below for a chance to win awesome prizes! Such a fun way to explore our city!
*Here's how you can participate! [ ]*
santa photos
2024 Santa Photos at Santa's Cozy Cottage
in front of AMC!
Santa is BACK at Kent Station! *Reserve your appointment online [ ]*. Walk-ins are allowed until one hour before the end of the day.
Kent Station Giving Tree!
*Kent Station will be collecting gifts for Seeds of Hope. [ ]*
From now through December 23, bring your unwrapped gifts and leave them in the drop box outside Johnny Rockets.
giving tree
Drinks in the Driveway
We are now booking Spring and Summer dates for Drinks in the Driveway!
Our program brings city leaders to neighborhood councils/associations to discuss resident issues.
If you want to get on the list, sign up at [ ]
Come have some free family fun at the Kent Historical Museum!
Join staff for delightful winter-themed crafts, delicious hot chocolate and cookies, stories from our friends at the Kent Library!
The museum admission is free for the day, so don’t miss this opportunity to create lasting memories with your family at the Kent Historical Museum.
?? Saturday, December 21
⌚ Noon - 4 p.m.
?? Kent Historical Museum
family winter craft day
Winter Parks Guide
Parks Guide
A new season of FUN is here!
Registration for Kent Parks Winter programming is now open. From NEW Youth programs to outdoor adventures for Adults age 50+ and everything in between, our Parks team has curated another season of incredible offerings – there is something for everyone in the family!
If you still need a guide, copies are available at the Kent Commons Community Center and the Kent Senior Activity Center or browse a digital guide online. Register online today at * [ ]*!
Earlier this week, the Land Use and Planning Board had their last meeting for 2024.
The past two years have been especially busy as they have worked to shape the Comprehensive Plan adopted by city council this week.
Special recognition and appreciation were given to Sally McDonough and Shane Amodei who are concluding their service on the board. We are excited to have Ali Shasti and Dot Oyefeso joining the Land Use and Planning Board in 2025.
Land use and planning
Kent 101
*Kent 101 [ ]* is returning for a Spring Session in 2025!
If you haven't heard about it before, Kent 101 is our fun and interactive 8-week civics course that deepens understanding about local government and how it all works.
This program is perfect for high school students looking for career inspiration, college students who need more experience before joining the work force, working adults who want to have a stronger understanding about government work, or retirees looking to be more involved in their community.
*Applications are now being accepted for the Spring 2025 session that starts in February! The deadline to apply is January 30, 2025. [ ]*
Kent Valley Figure Skating Club
The talented skaters of the Kent Valley Figure Skating Club have been working hard to bring you a spectacular holiday performance!
Join us at the Kent Valley Ice Centre for their *Home for the Holidays Ice Show* [ ] and get into the festive spirit while supporting these incredible athletes.
winter weather plan
We recently updated our Winter Weather Plan, which has tips and best practices for preparing for winter weather.
It explains the city’s capabilities and strategies for maintaining roadways, communication and public safety during rain, snow and ice.
It also has our anti-icing and plowing routes as well as details on our roadway response priorities during weather events. Check it out at * [ ]*
*Sign up for Drive Kent traffic alerts* [ ] to stay ahead of the curve on road closures due to weather or construction.
drive kent
167 work
Join WSDOT at the next SR 167 Corridor Improvements project update meeting!
*Hear about upcoming construction work, ask questions, and find out how to stay informed about future closures of SR 167. [ ]*
Link Light Rail
Transit changes are coming to south King County, and King County Metro want to hear from you. They are adding connections to future light rail stations, enhancing east-west routes, and more!
Give your feedback on proposed changes to transit services in South King County by attending a virtual open house or share your thoughts in a survey at [ ].
disability retirement position
Interested in serving the Kent community? Applications for a Fire Department member position is available for the city's Disability Retirement Board.
*The board reviews medical and disability claims made by police officers and firefighters. [ ] *
Are you 50+ and alone for the holiday? The Kent Senior Activity Center has a Holiday Take Home Meal for $5 that you can purchase today.
Call 253-856-5150 to order or for more information! *Limit one meal per person while supplies last.
take home meal
2024-25 Spotlight Series
jazz at lincoln center
The Spotlight Series brings the best entertainment to local stages here in Kent.
Our next Spotlight Series show, Jazz at Lincoln Center Presents New Orleans Songbook, will take place on Friday, January 24 at the Kent-Meridian Performing Arts Center.
This performance will bring the soul of New Orleans and the spirit of Mardi Gras right here to Kent. Led by pianist Luther S. Allison and vocalists Quiana Lynell and Milton Suggs, it will be a night you won’t want to miss!
Tickets are now on sale for all shows. Read more about the performers, see ticket prices, and purchase tickets online at * [ ]*
Indoor Park
Indoor Park is back at the Kent Commons Community Center! On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 9:30-11am, drop by with your little one to experience a traditional playground brought indoors!
No registration is required. Open to all kids 10 months to 4.5 years old. Cost is $2 per visit for the first child and $1 for each additional child. Come by and PLAY!
Campus Park Redevelopment Project
parks [ ]
In case you missed it, one of our upcoming park projects is the Campus Park Redevelopment! This park was purchased and assembled in 1982 as part of the French Field Renovation.
Today, the park is a wooded natural area with steep walking paths. This space has so much potential, and we need YOU to provide the Parks team with your feedback!
Activity boards are currently posted at the Kent Library, located at 212 2nd Ave N. Stop by now through *January 6* to provide your input!
If you can’t make it to the library, take the survey online at * [ ]*! Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to help shape the future of Campus Park.
The Kent Parks ShoWalk program is back at accesso ShoWare Center!
This free indoor walking program offers a warm, safe place to walk on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings during the cold, dark months of Fall and Winter. *Learn more and check out program dates online [ ]*!
resident question
""Hello Mayor, our neighbor mentioned something about a city civics course she took last Spring. Do you know what she's talking about?""
Thank you for your question, and you bet I do!
Kent 101 is an opportunity to better understand how your local government works! The Spring 2025 Session is Feb 13-April 10, 2025. Classes are every Thursday at Kent City Hall from 6-8 p.m. Apply at ** [ ]
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