Upcoming classes & programs with Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation
- [登録者]City of Auburn
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Auburn, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/05/31
- 掲載日 : 2024/05/31
- 変更日 : 2024/05/31
- 総閲覧数 : 103 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 日松幼儿园为幼儿提供了一个在游戏和体验中学习的场所。学校面向 18 个月至 6 ...
+1 (714) 557-1669立夏幼稚園
- 我们在检查每位顾客身体状况的同时,提供量身定制的治疗。在充满怡人之气的鸭川,请尽...
夏威夷 Lomi Lomi 按摩由拥有多年度假酒店和综合美容院工作经验的店主提供。 Lomi Lomi 是一种手工按摩,能促进淋巴流动,有效缓解疲劳、肩膀僵硬、背痛和其他各种症状。 如果您想治愈日常疲劳,我们等着您♪。
- 东信安保公司主要在君津市的道路建设和土木工程工地提供安保服务 ! 我们负责工地周...
我们的总部设在千叶县,在全县范围内提供安保服务。我从事交通警卫工作已有 20 多年,负责保护建筑工地和周围居民的安全。在我们的工地工作的人不分年龄、经验和性别。千叶地区的安保工作就交给我们吧!。
- 感受日本居酒屋的氛围,品尝美味饮品和日本料理。无论您是怀念日本,还是想与大伙儿一...
①谢谢您的耐心等待! 最后,从下周一开始,午餐菜单上将增加烤鸡肉串。 请在午餐时品尝我们用滨草炭烤制的正宗烤鸡肉串! 我们期待您的光临。 ② 5 月 12 日(周日)是母亲节,因此我们为看到本帖的朋友带来了好消息! 居酒屋 Bizan 将推出母亲节特别促销活动。 如果您在母亲节当天与母亲一同前来用餐,您的账单将享受九折优惠! 这个母亲节,请来比赞,与母亲共度美好时光,并表达您的感激之...
+1 (213) 625-1184Peace Dining (Izakaya Bizan)
- 看 ・ 触摸 ・ 享受和学习 ・ 体验
一个实体水族馆 -
- 看 ・ 触摸 ・ 享受和学习 ・ 体验
- 空调安装、免费估价、日本空调。日语服务。请随时与我们联系。
+1 (808) 489-4538C.S.Mechanical, Inc.
- 夏威夷北海道协会的历史可以追溯到 1972 年 11 月 3 日成立的那一天,协...
这是一个与北海道有关的人的联谊会,比如来自北海道的人,在北海道工作过的人,喜欢北海道的风景和气候的人,喜欢北海北海道人・・的人等等。 北海道人的阿罗哈精神,与来自世界各地的北海道人交流,时间在夏威夷缓缓流逝,美丽的自然、清新的气候、安全的环境,充分享受阿罗哈精神,让您的身心和灵魂一起焕然一新。我们将为您提供支持,让您的身、心、灵都焕然一新。 我们很荣幸能代表北海道和日本北部的人民来到夏威夷这个自古...
+1 (808) 282-8376ハワイ北海道人会
- 纽约日本单身母亲协会旨在帮助离开日本到纽约生活的单身母亲,并使她们有能力相互帮助...
- ☆ 拥有日本员工的房地产中介公司 ☆ 成立于 1991 年 ・ 可靠的业绩记录 ...
公司在夏威夷成立了30多年,由日本员工提供房地产买卖、租房和别墅物业管理服务的全面支持。我们每周都会收到20多个租房请求的咨询,而且租房房源也很紧缺。 我们还提供室内和室内装修解决方案。欢迎那些在管理出租房或度假屋物业方面遇到困难的业主与我们联系。我们的日本员工将很乐意为您提供帮助。
+1 (808) 800-2421藤澤太郎ハワイ不動産
- 我们是一个支持同性恋者的非营利组织 ! 我们,温哥华骄傲组织,成立于 1978 ...
这是一个支持同性恋者的非营利性组织。每年八月举办的 "温哥华骄傲节"(Vancouver Pride Festival")吸引了众多游客的关注,也得到了许多企业的支持!
+1 (604) 687-0955Vancouver Pride
- Kisarazu Stone Co.销售墓碑・石制品・,并提供公墓销售和公墓信息...
Kisarazu Stone Co.是千叶县的石材经销商,主要在Kisarazu ・ Kimitsu ・ Sodegaura ・ Ichihara和 Tokyo ・ 神奈川县的Aqua-line附近,销售墓碑・石材工程・墓地销售和墓地。一家 "专业墓园 "的石头店,提供有关公墓和墓地的信息。
- 即使你的问题在别人看来微不足道,但对你来说却很重要。如果你有困难...从 "倾诉...
・感到沮丧 ・ ・ ・ 持续失眠 ・ 情绪 ・ 缺乏动力 ・ 感到孤独 ・ 不能上班或上学 ( 家庭主妇退缩 ) ・ 不能做家务或外出 ( 家庭主妇退缩 )
不能做家务或外出 家庭主妇退缩 让我们从交谈开始。请随时给我们打电话。 +1 (626) 372-7848LA カウンセリング / ひつもとみわ [子供・結婚・家族・不安・鬱病 専門カウンセラー]
- 牙医也会参加,牙龈・种植专家也会参加。技艺高超的牙科医生为您提供精心治疗。我们的...
治疗 : 种植体、种植体并发症、牙冠和牙桥、上颌窦提升/骨移植、美容治疗、假牙、牙周治疗、根管治疗。接受各种保险。请随时用日语与我们联系。
+1 (310) 320-5661Implant and Peridontal Institute of Torrance
- 全日制日语幼儿园,是文部科学省认可的加利福尼亚学校的姐妹学校。日语保育・教育培养...
日语托儿 ・ 教育培养日本精神。 西山里学园圣何塞学校幼儿园是一所日语全日制幼儿园,于 2012 年在圣克拉拉开园。西山里学园的总校位于日本奈良,姊妹校位于洛杉矶地区,在日本・和美国都有许多附属学校。在湾区,我们的教师秉承大和精神,培养孩子们健康的身心,将日本传统活动・文化・和语言传承给日本儿童。
+1 (408) 243-1174西大和学園サンノゼ校幼稚園
- Weee!最新消息 ✨感恩节专属优惠券现已推出🧡枥木县最受欢迎的越光(Koshi...
Weee!最新消息 ✨感恩节专属优惠券现已推出🧡枥木县最受欢迎的越光(Koshihikari)又有存货了 !节日期间我们仍会送货上门🚚。
+1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
24_spring_summer_reccover [,%20Arts,%20&%20Recreation/Recreation/Current%20Recreation%20Guide.pdf ]
Check out great summer programs and activities with Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation
*Online **Recreation Registration [ ]*
As we head into June and gear up for summer, we invite you to check out all the offerings, opportunities and experiences with Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation.
We encourage you to follow us on social media or subscribe to our electronic newsletters to see what we are up to:
"* Facebook: *"Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation [ ]
*"Instagram": *@auburnparks_rec [ ]
"*Auburn@Play Electronic Newsletter*": Subscribe Now [ ]
You can also visit [ ] for updates, registration information and a full listing of upcoming opportunities. We are looking forward to our upcoming endeavors and hope to see you very soon.
Play safe! Your Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Team
"-Your Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Team"
*Check out the Spring & Summer 2024 Recreation Guide
**PDF Version [,%20Arts,%20&%20Recreation/Recreation/Current%20Recreation%20Guide.pdf ]*
Summer Camp 2024 [ ]
2024 Summer Camp Registration [ ] still accepting registrations
No fooling! Summer is just around the corner and it's time to start thinking about Summer Camps! The Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Department has everything you’re looking for to keep your child active and engaged. Camp options are offered for pre-school age through teens in various topics and settings. Summer Camp season will begin on Wednesday, June 26.
Hiring Banner - general [ ]
We're Hiring for a variety of positions!
Join our team!
Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation is looking for a variety of seasonal and year-round positions with varying pay rates and schedule flexibility: Seasonal Park Maintenance Workers, Fitness Instructor, Mobile Recreation Program Staff, Outdoor Adventure Camp Counselors, Bike Program Staff, Museum/Farm Program Assistant, Gym/Ballfield Attendants, Rental Facility Assistant, Summer Camp Counselors and Leads, and Teen Summer Camp Counselors. For full details and all open positions, please visit [ ]. You can be paid to play! Parks and Recreation staff get the opportunities to work and play in the programs they serve.
preschool heading fall
* Football [ ]| | Thu | May 30-Jun 20 | 4:15-4:55 PM
* Soccer [ ] | Tue Jul 9-30 | 5-5:40 PM
* Football [ ]| | Thu | Jul 11-Aug 1 | 5-5:40 PM
youth baseball photo
Trail Shredders Camp
*Trail Shredders [ ] *| *July 29-August 2 | 9:30-11:30 AM
*This camp is for our youngest trail shredders! Daily games and activities will be offered on the trails at Cedar Lanes Bike Park to teach next level mountain bike skills like braking, control, shifting and more. Riders will tackle skinnies, drops, flow trails and the pump track. Campers must be able to pedal proficiently. Balance Bikes are not an option in this camp. Bikes and helmets are provided.
Indoor Playground
*Indoor Playground*
*Pre-school drop in program in the gymnasium at Les Gove Park!!
*Monday, Wednesday, Friday | through June 14 | 9:30-11am | $3 per child.
*Kids Playtime*
*Ages 2-10 | $10 for 2 hours of care | Auburn Community & Event Center
*Do you need a couple of hours to yourself, have an appointment, or want to meet up with a friend and do not have a sitter? We can help! Bring your child, ages 2-10 to our drop-in childcare program and we will keep them entertained and safe. All staff have undergone a National Background Check. Call the Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Office at 253-931-3043 for specific times and days. Times and days coordinate with fitness classes [ ] and may change quarterly. Staff are unable to change children’s clothing.
Fall Youth 2020 Heading
* *Private Piano Lessons* [ ] | Ages 6-18 | Wednesdays, June 12 - July 17| 3:45-6:45 PM | 20 Minute Lessons
* *Private Piano Lessons* [ ] | Ages 6-18 | Thursdays, June 13 - July 18 | 3:45-6:5 PM | 20 Minute Lessons
*Trail Shredders [ ] Camp *| July 29-August 2 | 9:30-11:30 AM
This camp is for our youngest trail shredders! Daily games and activities will be offered on the trails at Cedar Lanes Bike Park to teach next level mountain bike skills like braking, control, shifting and more. Riders will tackle skinnies, drops, flow trails and the pump track. Campers must be able to pedal proficiently. Balance Bikes are not an option in this camp. Bikes and helmets are provided.
Trail Shredders Camp 2
Party Packages 2023
Schedule your party package [ ] with us - you bring the party and we’ll provide the fun! Our party crew will facilitate an action-packed party for your child, sport team, art enthusiasts and more. We will do all the work! Packages available in the gymnasium, on the rock climbing wall, and in the Maker Space
Family Climb
*Rock Wall Now Booking Private Groups for Spring/Summer Dates!
*Packages are designed for groups and families wanting to develop teambuilding skills and have fun in the bargain. This program will be customized to meet your groups' or families' individual needs. Perfect for teams, clubs, workplace training, youth groups, and especially families. The program will be customized at time of registration. All equipment, instruction and facilitation are provided. The following time blocks are available. Please call for available times.
Teen Fall 2020 Heading
The Rec
The REC Teen Center [ ]
Auburn's REC Teen Center [ ] is located at 910 9th Street SE in Les Gove Park. The REC is open during the school year, Monday through Friday from 2pm-5pm. Transportation is provided from the Auburn middle schools and high schools courtesy of the Auburn School District.
The REC Teen Center offers great fun for grades 6-12 and features:
* Ping Pong, foosball, air hockey, teen lounge & video games
* A Gymnasium for drop-in basketball & volleyball
Last day is June 14th! Come by after school for a BBQ and wish the senior’s farewell!
Summer Camp
*Summer Camps *
*Tweens Camp [ ]: *Tweens are youth entering fifth and sixth grades! Each week will offer a new theme with activities to match in the morning. Then, in the afternoon it's special events and activities that are sure to be a blast!
*Teens Camp [ ]: *Get ready to MOVE! This fast-paced camp will take teens to new heights, check out local hot spots and embark on epic adventures and competitions! Get ready to meet new people, travel all around the Puget Sound and have a summer you'll never forget! The teens will end each week with a BBQ. All trip admissions are included in camp fee.
Check our camp guide for additional information and register online Auburn@Play [ ].
Sports Fall 2020 Heading
Check out [ ] for all the details, including dates, times & registration links
*Youth Options [ ]:*
*Skyhawks Sports Classes (Ages 5-12)*
* Soccer [ ]| Ages 8-12 | Tue | Jul 9-30 | 6-6:45 pm
* Football [ ]| Ages 8-12 | Thu | Jul 11-Aug 1 | 6-6:45 pm
*Youth Tennis Lessons:*
* Tennis [ ] | Ages 5-7 | Thu | Jun 13-Jul 11 | 4:30-5:15 pm
* Tennis [ ] | Ages 5-7 | Tue | Jun 18-Jul 9 | 4:30-5:15 pm
* Tennis [ ] | Ages 8-13 | M/W | Jun 5-Jul 1 | 5:30-6:30 pm
* Tennis [ ] | Ages 8-13 | M/W | Jul 8-29 | 5:30-6:30 pm
*Youth Summer Sport League:*
* Baseball [ ] | K | Coed | M-Th | Jun 4 - Aug 8
* Baseball [ ] | 1st & 2nd | Coed | M-Th | Jun 3 - Aug 7
* Track [ ] | 1st - 8th | Coed | M or T or W & Th | Jun 3 - Jul 11
Kid Crawlers
*Fall Sport Leagues:* [ ]
* Fall Youth Soccer leagues [ ] for K-8th grade
*Rock Climbing*
* Family Open Climb [ ] | Ages 4 and up | Wed | June 12 | 5:30-7:30 PM Equipment & instruction is provided.
Family Snoqualmie Tunnel Bike Ride [ ]
Ages 9 and up | Saturday, June 8 | 8 AM- 4 PM
Hop on your bike for this 22-mile Bike Adventure! Don't be daunted by the distance because it's all downhill! We'll start at Hyak on Snoqualmie Pass and bike through the Snoqualmie Tunnel before continuing down the Pass to Rattlesnake Lake where we'll re-fuel with a BBQ lunch. We'll provide the bikes, helmets, lights, and lunch; you'll just need comfortable shoes and clothing for biking, layered clothing for the tunnel, a headlamp if you have one, and a water bottle.
*FREE: Summer Ride [ ]* | Ages 2 and up | Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 9-August 15 | 5-8 PM
Get moving this summer at the Cedar Lanes Bike Park at this free-summer program co-sponsored by Cycle Therapy Racing! Drop in for a 30-minute ride skills clinic each session, then hit the trails, skills zones and the Pump Track. Don't know how to ride? We've got you covered! Instructors will be on hand and bikes and helmets of all sizes are available to borrow. Waiver required.
*Adult Options [ ]:*
* *Summer League [ ]* - Adult 4-on-4 full court. Each team plays 10 games. No officials, standings or playoffs. Team Fee is $225, $25 discount if paid by June 12. Games start July 2.
* *Summer League [ ]* - Adult 2-on-2 league. Each team plays 8 weeks, 3 games per night. Team Fee is $80, Games start June 12.
* *Sunday Men’s League [ ]*
* *Thursday Men’s League [ ]*
* *Friday Coed League [ ]*
Adult Softball league - This is an adult softball league; player must be a minimum of 18 years old. Each team will play 12 games (double headers). Fee $1000, if paid in full by June 5 receive a $50 discount.
*Tennis Lessons:*
* Tennis [ ] Intermediate | Ages 14+ | M/W | Jun 5-Jul 1 | 6:30-8 pm
* Tennis [ ] Beginner | Ages 14+ | T/Th | Jun 20-Jul 18 | 7:45-9:15 pm
* Tennis [ ] Intermediate | Ages 14+ | M/W | Jul 3-29 | 6:30-8 pm
* Tennis [ ] Intermediate | Ages 14+ | T/Th | Jun 20-Jul 18 | 7:45-9:15 pm
*Open Gym* [ ] (Please note: if nothing is listed on the calendar, there is no open gym)
*Open gym volleyball ends on June 18. These will restart in September.*
* Open Gym *Volleyball *| Ages 50 & over | Tuesday and Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 am
art fall heading
*Postmark Center for the Arts [ ] *
*Gallery and Gift Shop Hours:
*Wednesdays & Fridays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm
Location: 20 Auburn Ave, Auburn, WA 98002
*Exhibition: SISTAHS*
The Postmark Center for the Arts is proud to present "SISTAHS", an exhibit curated by Marita Dingus featuring four Pacific Northwest artists of African descent. Brenetta Ward is a fabric artist, third-generation quilter, and oral historian. Jite Agbro is known for her colorful figurative artwork featuring layered patterns, sharp contrast, and fabric and paper collage. Debra Harris-Branham conjures the energy of her storytelling into artistic imagery. Marita Dingus is an environmental feminist and mixed-media sculptor focused on using recoverable materials. The exhibition is on view from May 8 – July 18, 2024.
Join us at Postmark Center for the Arts for the closing reception of "SISTAHS" on Thursday, July 18th, from 5-6:30PM. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided.
*Art Classes*
*One Day Art Experiences *"(""check out all the class details and images online" [ ]")" [ ]
* *Introduction to Embroidery [ ]* | Ages: 15 + | June 6 | 5-7pm
* *Zine Making Workshop [ ]* | Ages: 15 + | June 13 | 5:30-7pm
*FREE Drop-In Art Opportunities at the Postmark*
* *June Second Saturdays [ ]* | Ages: All | June 6 | 5-7pm
* *Bits and Bobs Workshop* [ ] | Ages: 13+ | June 27 | 2-4pm
* **P**oetry at the Postmark* [ ]* *| Ages: All | First Wednesdays of each month | 6:30-8:30pm*
* *Make & Mingle [ ]* | Suggested Ages: 18+ | Wednesdays | 10am-12pm
* *Drop-In Gongbi Painting* [ ] | Ages: 18+ | Fridays | 10am-12pm
* *Drop-In Drawing [ ]* | Suggested Ages: 18+ | Fridays | 10am-12pm
Makerspace Project
*T**ake & Make Art Kits- *Choose your kit, pick up your kit at the Community Center and get crafting! OR check out the Postmark Center for the Arts and get your kits on the spot and browse the other great gifts available in their giftshop!
* *My Weekend is Booked Sign [ ]*
* *Howdy Door Sign [ ]*
* *Teacher Sticky Note Holder [ ]*
Makerspace Craft
*Make & Take Art Classes **"(""check out all the class details and images online" [ ]")"*
* *_Adult Open Craft Night [ ]_* | Ages 14+ | Thursday, June 13 | 5:30-8:00 PM
* YOUTH: *Learn to Crotchet* [ ] | Ages 8-14 | Thursday, June 6 | 5:30-8pm
*Open Make*
* *Daytime* | Ages 16+ | Wednesdays | 10am-1pm
* *Daytime* | Ages 16+ | Fridays |11am-2pm
* *Evening* | Ages 16+ | Second Monday each month | 5pm-8pm
*Laser Cutting Intensive [ ] *Learn to cut and etch with beams of light! In this course you will be guided through the basics of designing your projects in Corel Draw and then cutting and etching them with a laser. Successful completion of this course will allow you to use the laser independently during open times in the Makerspace. Email the Maker Space-, to schedule a class. Classes will be held for small groups as dates are
*Private Parties*
Celebrate the season with a private craft class for just your family and friends! Party packages are available for youth and adults and custom projects are available. Party goers will enjoy private space to complete their project in the cozy holiday vibe of the Maker Space. Email for sample projects and availability. Maker Space parties are a great option for office parties, a girls’ night out, kids birthday party, end of season team party and more! All instruction and supplies are provided. Parties are welcome to bring their own refreshments.
Senior Eblast Heading
Auburn Senior Activity Center
The Auburn Senior Activity Center enhances the quality of life of senior adults 50+ in the Auburn community through social, recreational, health and wellness, educational, and nutritional programs. The Center is located at 808 9th Street SE, Auburn. Center hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 am-5pm.
Check out the *current Senior Brochure [,%20Arts,%20&%20Recreation/Senior%20Center/Senior%20Center%20Brochure.pdf ]* &* current Activity Calendar [,%20Arts,%20&%20Recreation/Senior%20Center/senior%20center%20event%20calendar.pdf ]* for all the class and program options and offerings this session. All programs below held at the Auburn Senior Activity Center.
Spotlighted classes and programs upcoming at the Auburn Senior Activity Center include (*Registration Required*)
* *Update: Hot Lunches are back on Fridays! *We have partnered with the Auburn School District’s Child Nutrition Program to offer hot lunch for Seniors. $4.50 suggested donation. Drop in *No registration required. Doors open at 11:30a and lunch served at 12p.
* *Diabetes Screening *I June 10 I 11a-12p I Drop in *No registration required
* *Special Event**: Father’s Day Lunch I June 13 I 11:30a-1p I *$4.50/$6.50 *Must register in-person
* *Lecture: Back to Basics with Trish* I June 13 I 10am I Free I Drop in *No registration required
* *CLOSED June 19th in observation for Juneteenth Holiday*
* *Birthday Lunch* I June 20 I 11:30am-12pm I $4.50/$6.50 *Must register in-person
* *Art Class:** Gouche and Ink Wash Off I June 21 I 12pm-4:00pm I $52/$65 I Registration Required I 58702 [ ] *
* *Art Class:** Painting with Coffee I June 26 I 12pm-4pm I $52/$65 I Registration Required I 58511 [ ]*
* *Lecture:* *Understanding Powers of Attorney* I June 27 I 10a I Free I *No registration required
* *Art Class: **Acrylics (5 weeks) I June 14- July 12 I 9am- 11:30am I Registration Required I** 58669 [ ]*
Fitness Heading Fall 2020
Winter Barre
*Membership | $25 Regular; $20 Seniors/Teens
**Daily Drop In | $5 Regular; $4 Seniors/Teens*
Fitness Membership gets you moving with all the perks! Full details and class schedule at [ ]:
* Unlimited access to fitness classes
* Unlimited use of the fitness center
* Open gym programs
* Unlimited access to the full virtual fitness class library
* Drop-in childcare
Membership Fees with unlimited childcare:
Adult + 1 child $40/month
Adult + 2 children $55/month
Adult + 3 children $70/month
Run Auburn
*Run Auburn | **April 6-June 22 [ ] | Saturdays, 8:30-9:30am
*NEW! Want to run a 5k? Or maybe you're just looking for a supportive community to get moving with. Whether you're looking to walk, jog or run we've got just the group for you! Join the Auburn Community Fitness team for a Saturday morning meet up at Les Gove Park for a 5k (3.1 miles) around the path. Keep coming back and find a community of runners looking to increase their endurance, improve their run and have fun! Running experience is not required; walkers are welcome. 5k Training program is available upon request. Registration not required. Check-in on the back patio of the Community Center. No meetup 6/15. FREE MEETUP!
*Fitness Fanatics: Summer Mixer [ ]* | Saturday, June 15 | 8:30-9:30 AM Calling all fitness fanatics! Have a FAN-tastic time with this special edition fitness event- Summer Mixer! Join us for an hour-long fitness challenge that will test your limits, leave you laughing and motivate you for more. This event is free, brought to you by Auburn Community Fitness. All activities will occur outdoors, in Les Gove Park- rain or shine.
*Free Fitness in the Park [ ]* | Tuesdays & Wednesdays, July 9-31 Join the Auburn Community Fitness team for free fitness in the park this July! Join our instructors for QiGong & Tai Chi on Tuesdays at 11am and Yoga on Wednesdays at 7pm. Check out local public spaces and enjoy a workout in the fresh summer air.
*Open gym pickleball ends on May 30 & Open gym volleyball ends on June 18. These will restart in September.*
* Open Gym *Pickleball* | Ages 18 & over | Fridays, 6-8 pm (exception dates May 17, 24, 31)
* Open Gym *Pickleball *| Ages 18 & over | Tuesday and Thursdays, 7:15-8:45 am; Monday-Thursday 12:00-1:45pm
* Open Gym *Volleyball *| Ages 50 & over | Tuesday and Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 am
*(Please note: if nothing is listed on the calendar [ ], there is no open gym)*
Drop in Childcare
New hours for Drop-in Childcare are available now! Bring the kids to play while you use the Community Center Facilities. $4/session for drop in up to 2 hours of play or add on unlimited sessions to your fitness membership for $15/month/child. Ages 4 months-10 years; parents must remain onsite. Need to run errands or meet a friend for lunch? Drop off the kids for Kidz Playtime and enjoy up to 2 hours of free time. $10/child up to 2 hours. Children must be potty trained.
*Childcare Hours:*
* Mondays-Fridays: 9am-1:30pm
* Mondays-Thursdays: 4:15-8pm
special events fall heading
Auburn Farmers Market [ ]
Sundays, June 2-September 15
Les Gove Park | 10am - 3pm
The Auburn Farmers Market is a forum for the purchase of a variety of healthy and locally grown products to the area residents. The Market serves as a convenient marketplace for local farmers, artisans, food processors and is a vibrant gathering place for the community to enjoy AUBURN!
Market Site a 2022
Story Club at WRVM: The Peace Bell [ ]
Thursday, June 13| 4:00-5:00 PM
White River Valley Museum, 918 H St SE | Ages 6-12
Join us as we prepare for our upcoming exhibit "Dancing with Our Ancestors". Auburn Children’s Librarian Ms. Robbin will be reading “The Peace Bell” by Margi Preus.
Free Program!
Story Club
New Exhibit: Dancing with Our Ancestors
White River Valley Museum
On Exhibit June 18-October 13, 2024
Dance, food, taiko drums, and remembering those who have passed makes Bon Odori a beloved celebration in Japan and across the U.S. Learn more about the traditions of Bon Odori wight here in Auburn at our newest exhibit.
Free Exhibit Events:Exhibit Opening Reception and Short Film Screening | June 27 | 5 -7 PM
Blinkey Ring Bingo | July 13 | 12-4 PM
Visit [ ] for more information
Dancing with our ancestors
Juneteenth Celebration [ ]
Sunday, June 23 | 10am-3pm
Les Gove Park
Juneteenth, an annual holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. The celebration will feature live music, food trucks, inflatable rides for the kids to enjoy and opportunities to support Black businesses.
Mary Olson Farm [ ] Summer Open Hours
Saturdays & Sundays, June 22- August 17 | 11am-4pm
Mary Olson Farm, 28728 Green River Road
It’s a park and a landmark! Take your family to the Mary Olson Farm this summer. It’s the perfect location to take in a little history, have a picnic, and feel far away from the modern world.
Admission is *FREE* | [ ]
Mary Olson Farm
KidsDay [¤tDate=2024-05-04&view=event ]
Tuesday, June 25 | 11am - 4pm
Les Gove Park
An event to celebrate Auburn's youngest citizens! This FREE, fun-filled, one-day event includes inflatable rides, live entertainment, arts and craft opportunities, mini golf, loads of vendors, a touch-a-truck display, food concessions and so much more! ! A special thanks to Auburn Prevention Coalition and Coordinated Care for sponsoring the event!
4th of july
4th of July Festival [ ]
Thursday, July 4 | 11am - 4pm
Les Gove Park
Celebrate our country’s birthday at Les Gove Park. The event includes entertainment on two stages, a variety of craft artists, a car show, bocce, food trucks and so much more. TONS for children including 10+ inflatable rides, train rides, bungie trampolines, rock wall, pony rides, laser tag and more. Purchase a wristband for $10 for unlimited activities all event long. Wristband sales begin at 10am.
Airport Day
Airport Day [ ]
Saturday, July 13 | 10am - 4pm
Auburn Municipal Airport - 2143 E Street NE Suite 1
Come learn more about aviation and the Auburn Airport at this free event while enjoying great food, great company and the chance to be up close and personal with the people, planes and helicopters that make flight possible. Register for a Young Eagles flight online in advance to be one of 200 kids (ages 8 – 17) to fly for free. We look forward to seeing you!
Please visit [ ] for full details.
Barnyard Dance Logo
Barnyard Dance [ ]
Friday, July 26 | 5 – 7 PM
Mary Olson Farm, 28728 Green River Road | Free Family Event!
Bluegrass & BBQ in the Barnyard
Join us for a fun family evening on the farm with live country music, great food, animal encounters, and tons of fun activities!
Register Here [ ]
Hops and Crops
Saturday, September 14 | 12-6pm
Mary Olson Farm, 28728 Green River Road
Fun, sun, music, and brews! This 21 and up event is a South Sound favorite with live bands, dozens of beers to taste, and the most ‘chill’ beer festival experience in the region. Tickets go on sale in June – buy yours early for a discount! Details at [ ]
Registration Info - Fall 2020
On-line:* Auburn @Play online registration
[ ]*Phone:* 253-931-3043; VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express
*Check out the Spring & Summer 2024 Recreation Guide
**PDF Version [,%20Arts,%20&%20Recreation/Recreation/Current%20Recreation%20Guide.pdf ]
*Online Recreation Registration [ ]*
* [ ] | 253-931-3043*
Auburn WA Logo [ ]
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