Mayor Ralph's Weekly Update
- [登録者]City of Kent
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Kent, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/06/28
- 掲載日 : 2024/06/28
- 変更日 : 2024/06/28
- 総閲覧数 : 96 人
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Mayor's Update
June 28, 2024
Morrill Meadows Park
morill meadows park
Happy Friday, Kent!
You're invited to join us tomorrow for the Morrill Meadows Park Grand Opening Celebration. Come and celebrate the completion of the renovations with our parks team!
Morrill Meadows Park now boasts an expanded playground with improved ADA access and new swings, a brand-new nature play area, updated park furnishings, improved lawn space, and a permanent stage.
These renovations offer a beautiful, refreshed space for our community to gather and play outdoors. Join us at the stage where there will be some fun Kent Parks swag and sweet treats from Sweet Themes Bakery!
(while supplies last)
?? Tomorrow
?? 10 - 11 a.m.
?? Morrill Meadows Park
*EVENT PARKING: Please park at the shared Kent Parks/Kent YMCA parking lot.*
I hope you enjoy this week's update, find it informative and have a great weekend!
Dana Ralph, Kent Mayor
On Saturday, I attended the Kent Black Action Commission's Juneteenth celebration. Juneteenth is an opportunity to both reflect and celebrate. It was wonderful to see so many people out enjoying the day.
Thank you, Gwen C Allen-Carston, and all the members of KBAC that made the day a huge success!
Earlier this week, we had another Drinks in the Driveway visit with the Kentara neighborhood!
Thanks to Chief Padilla and Public Works Director Chad Bieren for joining me to answer questions on traffic, and public safety. I'm super excited to get out for more neighborhood visits this Summer.
Drinks in the Driveway Kentara
kpd academy
Yesterday afternoon, Chief Padilla and I attended graduation for this year's Kent Police Teen Academy.
25 students participated in the three day program put on by KPD Community Education. They had an opportunity to get hands on experience in many aspects of police work and learn from our officers. It was clear from talking with them they had a great week and learned a lot in the process!
City offices will be closed Thursday in observance of Independence Day. This includes Kent City Hall, the Centennial Center, the Kent Commons, Senior Activity Center and Municipal Court.
City office closed Thursday
4th of July Splash
If you don't yet have plans to celebrate the 4th of July this year, come on down to Lake Meridian Park for our annual SPLASH event, happening from 5-10 p.m.!
This year we'll have an official city-sponsored fireworks display as well as live music, food trucks, and more. It will be tons of fun.
*Be sure to check out the details and share with your family & friends! [ https://www.kentwa.gov/departments/kent-parks/events/fourth-of-july-splash?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
There are so many activities planned this summer, and as always, you can see all the happenings at *KentWA.gov/Events [ https://www.kentwa.gov/events/event-calendar?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*.
With the 4th of July approaching, just a reminder to everyone that all forms of personal fireworks are illegal in Kent. Kent City Code 13.05 prohibits fireworks and was adopted following a voter majority vote on Advisory Proposition 1 in 2015.
You can report fireworks violations by calling the Kent Police Non-Emergency line at 253-852-2121. Please do not use 911 to report unless there is an immediate safety concern.
Salsa in the Streets
salsa in the streets
The Kent Downtown Partnership is bringing Salsa in the Streets! This is set to be an electrifying 1st time event celebrating the vibrant rhythms and passionate dance moves of salsa.
There will be performances by Mambo Cadillac, Flor de Luna, Supersones,
and Elere Salsa. *Get your tickets now! [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/salsa-in-the-streets-tickets-888577999717?aff=oddtdtcreator&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Tantalize your taste buds with mouthwatering food, unique crafts from local vendors, and refreshing drinks at our lively beer and wine garden, featuring 23rd Avenue Brewery, 2 Towns Cider house and Washington wine selections.
?? Saturday, July 13
⌚ 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.
?? Titus Railroad Park (238 1st Avenue South)
KentQuest Event Tomorrow!
We want to hear from you! Come play KentQuest tomorrow at the Kent Library and share your expertise and feedback on growth in Kent over the next 20 years.
?? Saturday, June 29
?? 3-5 p.m.
?? Kent Library
This will be an interactive activity where participants will break into groups to play a game involving potential growth impacts, trade-offs and more to help us get closer to choosing a preferred growth alternative for the city's future.
Feel free to drop in at any time! This is a family friendly event. Activities and snacks provided.
*CLIMATE SURVEY: We want to hear your feedback on climate resiliency, so make your voice heard! [ https://futurekent.consider.it/?tab=Climate+Resiliency&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* An anonymous version of the survey can be found *here* [ https://bit.ly/4cbSCKR?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
As we keep improving sustainability in Kent, we join cities around the state playing the reverse card on greenhouse gas emissions.
KentQuest [ https://futurekent.consider.it/?tab=Transportation&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Employee of the Month
Employee of the Month May
Congratulations to our May Employee of the Month, Chris Sprague!
Chris started working for the city in 1991 as a Police Officer. In 2008, he moved into his current role as the Police Training Administrator and Range Master. Under the direction of the Training Sergeant this position assists in the development of training programs and activities.
Chris was nominated because over his 32 years of service, Chris has taught, mentored, and inspired many officers and civilians in the region. One of Chris' strengths is his ability to collaborate and network with various stakeholders.
Specifically, the Kent Fire Department, Puget Sound Fire Authority, Kent Facilities, multiple state regulatory agencies, dozens of contractors, and all agencies comprising the Valley SWAT team.
Chris also works with surrounding state and federal law enforcement agencies, municipal and superior courts, and law enforcement vendors to ensure the Training Division provides the best training possible.
He serves in a unique role as the rangemaster in an inward facing role. He has brought the range program significant improvements over the years and Kent’s innovations have been adopted by the agencies surrounding us.
Chris is always moving forward, trying to improve everything we do, while making everyone around him feel important and part of the team. Chris truly loves the City of Kent and our employees, and it shows every day he comes to work.
His most notable traits are his high energy, charisma, and inclusive mentoring. His office is a regular stop for many seeking professional and personal advice.
Chris continuously embraces our values, and we celebrate him as May’s Employee of the Month. Thank you and congratulations, Chris!
National Night Out
National Night Out is August 6!
National Night Out elevates the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Most importantly, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.
It's time to start planning that neighborhood party!
*Kent PD's Community Education Unit will help you with the sign-up process. Let's give crime a going away party! [ https://www.kentwa.gov/departments/police-department/community-education/national-night-out-registration?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Coffee with the Chief
coffee with the chief
Join Chief Padilla and the Kent Police Department for Coffee with the Chief!
?? Thursday, July 18
?? 8 - 10 a.m.
?? Starbucks (22431 84th Ave S.)
The KPD staff will also be on hand to answer any questions.
We look forward to seeing you there!
op boat safety
Operation Dry Water is a year-round boating under the influence and enforcement campaign. This three-day national enforcement campaign focuses on boating under the influence and is held near the Fourth of July holiday.
Officers in waterways across the state will be on heightened enforcement to remove impaired boaters.
Every year, alcohol use is the leading contributing factor in boater deaths in our state and across the nation. Follow the rules, take it seriously and live to enjoy more days on the water. *Learn more here! [ https://www.nasbla.org/operationdrywater/home?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Do you need some help with your garden? Get free gardening advice from the Master Gardners.
The WSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers are local and university-trained. They are providing free research-based information to home gardeners in King County.
?? Saturdays
⌚ 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
?? Kent McLendon's Hardware
master gardner
greater kent historical society
Our friends at the Greater Kent Historical Society are excited to present Experience Historical Kent this August!
Join them at the Kent Historical Museum August 9-10 to explore the many parts of Kent's history. On Friday, August 9, participate in a historic tour, then pop by Kherson Park for a screening of "The Boys in the Boat" under the stars! Visit the museum again on Saturday for performances, activities, food, and more. More details will be available soon at *KentHistoricalMuseum.org [ https://kenthistoricalmuseum.org/f/experience-historical-kent?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*.
Kent Cornucopia Days are just a few weeks away! It's a weekend of boat races, stage performances and street fair fun for the whole family!
?? Saturday July 13
?? Dragon Boat races
⌚ 8:30 a.m.
?? Lake Meridian
?? Sunday July 14
?? Grand Parade
⌚ 1 p.m.
?? 4th Ave from Willis to James
corn days
Farmers Market
june 15
It's farmers market season!
Living Well Kent and the Kent Lions Club have partnered to bring their Farmers Market downtown! This is a community driven market, increasing access to fresh, healthy, and culturally relevant produce to our community.
?? Every Saturday until September 14
⏰ 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
?? 2nd Ave between Smith and Gowe
Free Summer Programs
Our Parks team kicked off their free summer programs this week!
Both programs run Monday- Friday now through August 9 (no programs on July 4) at various locations throughout the city.
The Summer Playgrounds program is a great way for you and your child to enjoy some free fun at local parks in our community. Plus, Kent School District Food Services provides a free lunch every day for school-aged students.
Lunch is served from 12pm - 12:30pm. Program runs from 11:30am-3:30pm at Chestnut Ridge Park, West Fenwick Park, and Morrill Meadows Park. Stop by for games, sports, arts & crafts, water games, and more!
HERO stands for Health, Experience, Recreation, Outreach. This mobile health and nutrition program stops by numerous locations throughout the city, including parks, apartments, and enrich the experience of our campers in the Camp Walkapala program. HERO offers weekly activities, games, special treats, and more.
Check out the schedule of program locations online at* KentHERO.com. [ https://www.kentwa.gov/departments/kent-parks/programs-activities/youth-teen-programs?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
We’re excited to announce that more movie nights are coming to Kherson Park this summer! Grab some blankets, pack up the family, and come on down for a movie under the stars. Sprawl out on the lawn and enjoy a FREE showing of new blockbuster hits! All movies will begin at dusk.
*2024 Summer Movie Series:*
*Friday, August 9*: The Boys in The Boat"
"Shown in partnership with the Greater Kent Historical Society.
*Friday, September 6*: IF
Summer movies
Our Parks team is in the early planning stages for the upcoming renovations at Uplands Playfields and is looking for community feedback on the future of this downtown park. As part of these renovations, we are planning for an extra special addition: a spray park!
Tell us what you want to see in your park as part of these renovations.
*Voice your thoughts by filling out this survey,* [ https://engage.kentwa.gov/uplands-playfield-and-splash-pad?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Parks & Recreation Commission
Parks & Rec Commission Graphic
In case you missed it, we’re looking for City of Kent Parks and Recreation Commissioners!
Beginning this month, changes are being implemented to the operation of the Parks Commission to ensure that our commissioners are engaged and enjoy serving their term with us.
Moving forward, during each year of their term, Commissioners will be required to join us for an annual Parks tour, attend quarterly meetings to provide critical feedback and insight on our parks and recreation system, and immerse themselves in the Parks department at volunteerism activities.
Learn more and apply online at *KentWA.gov/BoardsAndCommissions. [ https://www.kentwa.gov/government/boards-commissions?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Kent Summer Concerts
summer concerts
*Kent Summer Concerts* are back starting July 10! Super excited for this annual series of musical performances presented throughout the summer. *Learn more about specific performers and dates on our website. [ https://www.kentwa.gov/departments/kent-parks/arts/summer-concert-series?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
*Wednesday Picnic Performances
*12-1 p.m. at West Fenwick Park
*Wednesday Family Date Night
*6-8 p.m. at Kent Station
*Thursdays at the Lake
*7-8:30 p.m. at Lake Meridian Park
*Registration is open [ https://www.kentwa.gov/departments/kent-parks/events/kent-cornucopia-days-5k?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* for the Cornucopia Days 5k!
This year's event will take place on Saturday, July 13 at Three Friends Fishing Hole with the race kicking off at 9 a.m.
corn days run
*Registration is now open for our Youth Fall Soccer program! [ https://web2.myvscloud.com/wbwsc/wakentwt.wsc/splash.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] *
Sign your child up to learn the game, hone their skills, make friends, and have FUN! Program is open to all students in Pre-K to Grade 8. Pre-K participants must be 3 years of age by August 31, 2024. Teams are formed by grade. Deadline to register is August 6!
Kent Library Summer Reading Events
Kent Library Events [ https://kcls.bibliocommons.com/v2/events?locations=1520&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Next Tuesday, the Kent Library is hosting a Summer Resource Fair to provide free vaccinations and information about activities and programs for families while kids are out of school.
The next day, Jeff Evans will be there with a fabulous Magic Show, with many more free programs coming during their *Summer Reading Program [ https://kcls.bibliocommons.com/v2/events?locations=1520&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* through August 31.
I wanted to give a shout-out to Matthew, who was the winner of the bike raffle during the 2024 Kent Bike Rodeo!
The city purchased him a new bike from the local REI and you can just see how excited he is to try it out and get moving.
The King County Wastemobile is coming to Kent! It offers residents and eligible businesses a safe, convenient opportunity to dispose of household hazardous waste at no cost.
*You can see the full schedule on their website. [ https://kingcountyhazwastewa.gov/en/news-articles/2024-wastemobile-schedule-and-announcement?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
blood drive
Blood banks across the United States are reporting critical shortages, with donor levels lower now than they were before. Let's help patients in our community by making an appointment at the *pop-up blood drive happening at Kent Station. [ https://www.kentstation.com/promotions/bloodworks?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Summer Parks Guide
Registration Open
Registration for Summer programming through Kent Parks is open!
From preschool classes and free summer concerts to youth sports and programs for adults aged 50 and older, there is something for everyone in the family to enjoy.
*If you haven’t received a guide, browse a digital copy to check out upcoming events and all available programs. [ https://online.flipbuilder.com/ixcy/mstl/mobile/index.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Kent Parks is partnering with Soos Creek Studio to offer a parent and youth pottery experience, which will be held at the Kent Memorial Park Building.
The programs start in August! *Learn more and register online! [ https://web2.myvscloud.com/wbwsc/wakentwt.wsc/search.html?_csrf_token=cl0N1D72731C2O281S392U3X71415B50025J4V6R5V0B5X57594X0C59625W551E5S5U6O586O5S3M5U4Z1D72496Q4G1G5S4M53520C584O485R706X63676F6H714S5D&category=YO&display=detail&module=AR&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
We're hiring! Check out our featured jobs and find great opportunities on our hiring page at *jobs.kentwa.gov [ https://jobs.kentwa.gov/jobs?page_number=2&page_size=10&sort_by=headline&sort_order=ASC&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
jobs of the month
Get your furry friends licensed with *Regional Animal Services of King County [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/regional-animal-services.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* to help get them back to you if they're ever lost!
Your license also helps fund RASKC's life-saving animal shelter work. They reunite lost pets 24/7 and provide shelter pet care 365 days a year.
Don't forget to check out the KentNOW podcast! Tracy, Josh and Kyle talk to Tony Donati about water conservation and hear more about the amazing events happening in Kent.
Listen to new and previous episodes on:
?? Apple Podcasts *apple.co/3J2UMkd [ https://t.co/kiMUAwAMdU?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
?? Spotify *spoti.fi/3GNCeli [ https://t.co/MccBJhOIlp?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
?? Amazon Music *amzn.to/3jjaOvU [ https://amzn.to/3jjaOvU?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
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City of Kent, Washington
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