News Release - City of Toronto New Year’s Eve celebrations return to the waterfront with fireworks and pop-up performances
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]City of Toronto
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Toronto, Canada
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/12/18
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/12/18
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/12/18
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 22 คน
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News Release
December 18, 2024
City of Toronto New Year’s Eve celebrations return to the waterfront with fireworks and pop-up performances
Ring in the new year with the City of Toronto at a spectacular celebration on the waterfront, featuring high-altitude fireworks, music and pop-up performances.
On Tuesday, December 31, the City will host a 10-minute fireworks display synchronized to music, lighting up Toronto’s inner harbour at midnight. As one of the largest shows in Canada, it will offer stunning views for residents and visitors alike. The event will be livestreamed for those celebrating remotely.
Residents and visitors can catch the show from designated viewing areas:
- Toronto Music Garden, 476 Queens Quay W.
- Sherbourne Common, 61 Dockside Dr.
- Sugar Beach Park, 11 Dockside Dr.
- HTO Park, 339 Queens Quay W.
- HTO Park West, 375 Queens Quay W.
- Harbour Square Park, 25 Queens Quay W.
- Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay W.
Pedestrians are encouraged to use York Street, Jarvis Street, Spadina Avenue and Bay Street to access any of the seven waterfront viewing areas for spectacular views of the fireworks display.
New Year’s Eve programming
The City’s New Year’s Eve celebrations will also feature pop-up performances from 10 p.m. onwards at various locations across Toronto’s waterfront including:
- Sherbourne Common, 61 Dockside Dr.
- Toronto Music Garden, 476 Queens Quay W.
Performances include DJ sets by Traxx & Feels collective at Bathurst Quay Common and participatory dance sessions at Sherbourne Common, co-produced with The Dance Together Festival, where the public is invited to join in and dance. INCIRQUE performers will entertain audiences at various waterfront locations, while a curated selection of short films from the National Film Board of Canada will be projected on the east side of the Canada Malting Silos, visible from the Toronto Music Garden. The festivities will culminate in a countdown celebration at 11:45 p.m., led by Mayor Olivia Chow and renowned drag entertainer Sanjina DaBish Queen.
For those celebrating from home, the live webcast begins at 11:45 p.m. and features discussions and short performances leading up to the countdown. The webcast includes ASL interpretation and closed captioning and is available on the City’s CultureTO YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Culture_TO.
Travel and road closures
Riding public transit is strongly recommended for New Year’s Eve celebrations. Free service is available on the TTC, GO Transit and UP Express from 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 31, 2024, to 8 a.m. on Wednesday, January 1, 2025. All customers should tap at fare kiosks as usual but will not be charged during the free service period.
Learn more about what to expect when taking public transit:
- TTC: Subway services will run until 3 a.m., with the last trains leaving Union Station at approximately 2:30 a.m. Overnight buses and streetcar service continue until 8 a.m. For schedules and departures, visit the TTC webpage: https://www.ttc.ca/riding-the-ttc/Updates/Ride-the-TTC-for-free-on-New-Years-Eve.
- GO Transit & UP Express: Free service is offered. Details and schedules are available on the GO Transit website: https://www.gotransit.com/en/partners-and-promotions/free-go-and-up-express-service-on-new-years-eve.
To prevent overcrowding at Union Station following the fireworks, starting at midnight, all TTC customers will be redirected to the east side exterior entrance. Accessible entry will be maintained on Bay Street and through the Bay Promenade inside the station. TTC riders are encouraged to consider using alternate stations, such as King, Queen, St. Andrew and Osgoode, to avoid crowds at Union Station.
The following road closures are in effect on New Year’s Eve:
- Eastbound traffic on Queens Quay West from 10 p.m. on Tuesday, December 31 to 1 a.m. on Wednesday, January 1, 2025
- Bay Street from Front Street to Queens Quay West from 10 p.m. on Tuesday, December 31 to 1 a.m. on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
- York Street from Front Street to Queens Quay West from 10 p.m. on Tuesday, December 31 to 1 a.m. on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
Additional road closures may be added at any time if deemed necessary by Toronto Police Services. More information on road closures is available on the City’s website: www.toronto.ca/RoadRestrictions.
Additional reminders
- The full list of viewing areas for the fireworks and performances as well as transit and safety information can be found on the City’s New Year’s Eve event webpage: www.toronto.ca/NYE.
- Residents are reminded that fireworks cannot be set off without a permit. More information is available on the City’s fireworks regulations and bylaws webpage: www.toronto.ca/fireworks.
The City is thankful for the generous support of New Year’s Eve sponsor Waterfront BIA and media partners Toronto Star and Now Toronto.
“New Year’s Eve is a time to come together as a community and celebrate the hope and possibilities of the year ahead. Whether you’re joining us in person at the waterfront or watching the spectacular fireworks from home, I invite everyone to experience the magic of this unforgettable night as we welcome 2025 together.”
– Mayor Olivia Chow
“As we ring in 2025, it's a moment together to celebrate the vibrant spirit and creativity that define our city. Toronto’s waterfront comes alive with excitement and energy - and I look forward to seeing everyone join in, either in person or virtually, to mark the hope of a new year.”
– Deputy Mayor Ausma Malik (Spadina-Fort York)
Toronto is home to more than three million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation and climate action, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit www.toronto.ca or follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, on Instagram at www.instagram.com/cityofto or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofto.
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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca
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