Mayor Ralph's Weekly Update
- [登録者]City of Kent
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Kent, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/10/11
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/11
- 変更日 : 2024/10/11
- 総閲覧数 : 47 人
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- 机场接送、检查 ・ 观光旅游和其他出租接送服务。该豪华轿车公司已有 30 年的历...
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嫁接睫毛 ! 嫁接睫毛最近越来越流行
学习不仅在日本人中而且在美国人中也开始流行的技术,成为睫毛嫁接技师。 嫁接睫毛是一个细致的过程,但如果您接受了适当的培训,掌握了相关知识・和技能,将来一定可以在美容行业工作。 嫁接睫毛使用的胶水比较特殊,粘合力强,即使粘贴不到位,也会有一定的粘性。 但是,如果粘贴不当,就会出现凹凸不平的现象,容易脱落,导致眼部问题。 ... +1 (714) 708-2329beauteous Eyelash Extensions Academy
- 销售在Kururi著名的水中饲养的健康而有活力的鳉鱼 ! 我们总是有大约30种不...
充满活力的青鳉鱼在Kururi的名水中长大! 我们出售的是在没有过度拥挤的情况下自发饲养的健康青鳉。 我们提供任何关于如何饲养鳉鱼、如何增加鳉鱼数量和关于疾病的建议。 我们可以通过电话・或电子邮件!回答你的问题,因为我们的许多客户离得很远・或在其他县。
- 我们自己的芭蕾舞工作室🩰新成员招募 !&日本足球俱乐部F.C.KATANA 20...
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我们的目标是将在日本开发的建筑知识、技能和理念提供给美国。 我们提供以客户为中心的服务,由具有日本经验的工作人员负责听证、初步检查、估算、提案、施工设置协调和施工管理。 我们还积极推荐日本产品,如果您希望使用这些产品,请与我们联系。
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- 日资房地产中介公司,提供独具夏威夷特色的房产。您的住房合作伙伴。我们还提供购房后...
Lei Hawaii Real Estate 位于威基基中心地带,是一家提供独具夏威夷特色房产的房地产中介公司。作为一家隶属于日本的房地产公司,我们确保我们的房产得到良好的清洁和管理,同时又不失夏威夷风情。我们提供别人所不具备的服务,但却能满足世界各地人们对夏威夷的需求。我们是一家日本房地产管理公司,销售有趣的 ! 我们不仅提供长期租赁,还为只在夏威夷短期度假的人提供度假租赁 ( ) !
+1 (808) 922-3008レイハワイ不動産 | Lei Hawaii Realty
- 机场接送,检查・观光旅游和其他租车和小型巴士接送服务。这家豪华轿车公司已经经营了...
有多种车型可供选择,包括轿车、流行的 SUV、Sprinter 面包车和团体用小型客车。您可以根据乘客人数和使用目的选择最合适的车型。 \ 可提供周末旅游 ! / 机场接送 出差和旅行时的机场接送 医院接送 需要麻醉的检查或手术时的医院接送 包车( 包车 ) 观光和郊游等。
+1 (310) 534-7614AM World Express
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Mayor's Update
October 11, 2024
Recycling Event
recycling event
Happy Friday, Kent!
Our residential recycling event is tomorrow!
Each year the City of Kent hosts several FREE recycling collection events that allow residents to dispose of recyclable items not typically accepted at the curb.
Instead of going to the landfill as trash, all collected items will be reused or recycled! Bring your items to Hogan Park from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Learn more about accepted items at ** [ ].
We have some great opportunities to get involved in this week's update, and plugs for a couple programs you may want to participate in. I hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!
Dana Ralph, Kent Mayor
yom kippur
Wishing a thoughtful Yom Kippur יוֹם כִּפּוּר to our Jewish neighbors during this time of reflection!
indigenous peoples day
Today is Indigenous Peoples Day, a day to celebrate and honor Indigenous and Native American peoples and tribal communities and commemorate their cultures.
The City of Kent is on the traditional land of the Duwamish and Muckleshoot people, and we honor the land as well as the Native people past and present that inhabit it.
We celebrate the people who first called this land home, remember the struggles and tragedies they endured, and honor their place in the shared story of our nation.
picc walk
Last weekend, our community came together to Walk for the Babies in support of Pediatric Interim Care Center. $28,000 was raised for the incredible work PICC does.
Thank you to everyone that walked and donated. Thank you to the amazing dancers from Allegro Performing Arts Academy, Puget Sound Fire and Kent Police Department for being there and thank you to all the sponsors.
Retail theft impacts us all - from the retailers to the consumers. Last week, Challenge Seattle convened a group of federal and local law enforcement, prosecutors, retailers and electeds to discuss what's working, what's not and how we all work together.
retail theft
school supply
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to drop off supplies at Kent Meridian High School gathered by the City of Kent Employee Charity Committee as a part of our annual Back to School Supply Drive!
Thank you to all of the staff that participated in helping make sure students and teachers have what they need for a successful school year!
"Autumn mornings: sunshine and crisp air, birds and calmness, year's end, day's beginnings." We've had some amazing sunrises earlier this week!
Yesterday, I had the absolute pleasure of having lunch with one of our Kent students. I met Aarav at the Kent-Auburn-Tamba sister city dinner a few months back.
We talked about Legos, martial arts, his favorite subjects at school (history and math) and that he has a goal of becoming a police officer. Getting to know great kids like Aarav is one of the best parts of my job!
Cider and Ale Trail
cider and ale trail
The Kent Cider & Ale Trail promises delicious brews and new discoveries! Explore historic downtown Kent with a map of tasting locations. Each local business is hosting a brewery, cidery, or distillery offering tastes of their best brews.
Buy your ticket soon! The first 100 people to buy tickets will be entered to win a gift card for a downtown business.
*Get your tickets here! [ ]*
The Friends of the Kent Libraries are holding their annual book sale.
You can purchase used books, DVDs, and CDs from Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children's, and Young Adult, Cookbooks, and more.
All proceeds support library programs and events in Kent Libraries.
?? Saturday, November 2
?? 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
??Kent Library (212 2nd Avenue N)
Neighborhood Block Watch
block watch
The Kent Police Department is holding a Neighborhood Block Watch 101 class for neighborhoods looking to start or revitalize a block watch!
You will learn about why every neighborhood should have one and how to get it started. There will be information on current crime trends and prevention tips. Grab some neighbors to attend with you!
Please RSVP or direct questions to: West Hill/Valley
East Hill
?? Thursday, October 24
⌚ 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
?? City Hall Council Chambers (220 4th Ave S)
hops and cops
A big thank you to everyone attended Hops & Cops last week.
There was great food, awesome atmosphere, and excellent company.
*Medicine Take Back Day*
medicine take back day
The Kent Police Department is participating in a nationwide program to take unwanted or expired prescription drug medications tomorrow!
?? Saturday, October 26
⌚ 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
?? Kent Police Department, 232 4th Ave S
If you have unnecessary medication at home and are looking for a safe way to dispose of it, this is it! For more information on what is accepted and what we cannot accept, click here [ ].
Please contact Stacy Judd at or 253-856-5883 if you have any additional questions.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, so here's another reminder with some *best practices [ ]* to stay safe.
* Enabling multi-factor authentication
* Using strong passwords
* Updating software
* Recognizing and reporting phishing
cyber security
street of treats
Grab your most creative costumes and head to downtown Kent for Street of Treats Autumn Fest!
?? Saturday, October 26
⌚ 2 - 5 p.m.
?? Kherson Park (307 W Gowe St)
*RSVP here! [ ]*
Participating businesses will be welcoming visitors to stop in for Spooktacular treats. This is a rain or shine event.
Haunted Boo-levard
Put on your best costume and join us for a free spook-tacular trick or treating event! Kids can trick or treat around Kent Station at participating businesses, then stroll down Ramsay Way for a trunk or treat!
Be sure to vote for your favorite decorated trunk and stick around for dinner! If you want to sign up or learn how you can volunteer visit * [ ]*
?? Thursday, October 31
⏱ 4:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m.
?? Kent Station
Apply WInterfest
Mark your calendar for the 2024 Winterfest Tree Lighting Festival! We're currently looking for businesses, clubs, and community organizations to walk (or drive!) in the 2024 Kent Winterfest parade on Saturday, December 7 at Town Square Plaza.
We would love to have your business or organization join in on the fun! Completed applications should be returned to the Kent Lions Club by email, mail, or fax. Applications must be received by November 27.
*MAIL: *2024 Kent Winterfest Parade Committee, PO Box 5094, Kent, WA 98064
Ballots are headed your way! Check your mailbox for the next few days to see if your ballot has arrived. If you don't receive it, give King County Elections a call at 206-296-8683. You can also go to * [ ]* to check your registration status.
ballots mailed
LUPB2 [ ]
Applications are now being accepted for the Land Use and Planning Board! This board holds public hearings on city codes and ordinances, comprehensive plan updates, and matters typically associated with long range planning.
They advise the mayor and council on policy relating to land use decisions. *Learn more and apply online. [ ]*
Holiday Craft Market
holiday cr
The 2024 Kent Parks Holiday Craft Market will take place at the Kent Senior Activity Center in just a few weeks.
I cannot wait for this annual event! It’s such a great way to kick off the holiday season and support local artists and craftspeople. Plus, I love all of the amazing things you can find.
?? Friday, November 1
⌚ 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
?? Saturday, November 2
⌚ 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
*Event is FREE and open to everyone! [ ]*
The Kent Parks ShoWalk program returns to the *accesso ShoWare Center* next month and we need your help!
The Kent Parks team is looking for volunteers to help run the program on Monday & Wednesday mornings from 8:30-11:15am starting November 4. Training is provided!
Email or call the Kent Commons at 253-856-5100 if interested.
509 online open house
WSDOT is hosting an online open house, giving an in-depth look at the State Route 509 construction projects that will transform the roadways in SeaTac, Burien, Kent, and Des Moines.
*This resource is available until October 25 and provides comprehensive plans, visuals, and the opportunity to share feedback or ask questions. [ ] *
The open house is designed to highlight the impacts on each community, so Kent residents can easily find the information that matters most to them.
We all know how quickly pets can escape through an open door or gate no matter how hard we try to keep them safe.
A RASKC pet license helps by providing identification protecting pets 24/7 should they get lost. It also helps fund our pet adoption center and field services in your community. *Get your pet license here! [ ]*
*Volunteer Conservation Event *
Orca Recovery
Come join our conservation efforts and volunteer to help keep our parks and natural areas healthy and thriving!
Community members of all ages are welcome to volunteer and work alongside Kent Parks staff to help clear invasive species, mulch, and plant native shrubs.
Our volunteer events are also a great way for students to get valuable experience and complete community service hours! You can sign up to help at * [ ]*
?? Saturday, October 19
⌚ 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
?? Riverview Park
kent lodging
*Kent’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee is pleased to announce that its grant application window is now open through midnight on October 31. [ ] *
Nonprofits that attract out-of-town, overnight visitors from more than 50 miles away are encouraged to apply.
This funding is available for a wide range of activities, including business events, conferences, and leisure activities that draw visitors and boost our local economy. We strongly encourage eligible nonprofits to take advantage of this opportunity.
disability retirement position
Interested in serving the Kent community? Applications for a Fire Department member position is available for the city's Disability Retirement Board.
*The board reviews medical and disability claims made by police officers and firefighters. [ ] *
The 2024 Fall Recreation Guides are out now!
Registration for Fall programs are now open. From preschool classes and FREE after school programming, to clubs and outdoor adventures for adults age 50+ and everything in between, our Parks team offers something for everyone in the family!
Browse a digital guide and register online at * [ ]*
parks guide
Don't forget to check out this week's KentNOW podcast!
This week, Josh, Kyle and Tracy talk to Gaila Haas about the Cider and Ale Trail in downtown Kent this weekend.
Listen to new and previous episodes on:
?? Apple Podcasts * [ ]*
?? Spotify * [ ]*
?? Amazon Music * [ ]*
2024-25 Spotlight Series
spotlight series
Our incredible Spotlight Series is underway!
The Boulding Family’s musical celebration of the holiday season is a treasured tradition in Kent. Once again, Pam and Philip Boulding are joined by their children, grandchildren, and guests for an afternoon of enchanting Yuletide music.
The Bouldings perform on Celtic harps, hammered dulcimers, whistles, strings, percussion, and harp-like instruments from around the world. Guests add Irish step dancing, drumming, and storytelling for a festive and memorable performance.
The Spotlight Series brings the best entertainment to local stages here in Kent. Tickets are now on sale for all shows. Read more about the performers, see ticket prices, and purchase tickets online at * [ ]*
parks commission
If you are looking to get more involved with the community, apply to join the City of Kent Parks & Recreation Commission! Learn more and apply online at * [ ]*.
The Drop-in Beginner Pickleball class has been such a great hit, our Parks team is extending the program through the end of October!
The class is open to all ages. Drop by the Kent Commons Community Center on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8-9 a.m. through October 30 and learn how to play the game that’s taking the nation by storm!
king county
King County, and counties across the country, are facing behavioral health challenges including growing need for mental health and substance use care, a workforce shortage, and an overdose crisis, impacting residents all across the county, especially children and youth.
King County recently released a new online survey to learn how the behavioral health system can better serve communities.* Learn more and take the survey here. [ ]*
King County is also hosting in-person listening sessions all across King County. What community members share at these listening sessions will help King County to prioritize how we invest in a system for mental health and substance use care that serves our communities.
Light snacks will be served, and gift cards will be provided as compensation to those who attend. Spanish and ASL interpretation will be available.
*_See dates and locations for the listening sessions, sign up and more here. [ ]_*
Be sure to check out the *Carpinito Brothers Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze [ ]* with friends and family this October!
Last year it was named *one of the best [ ]* pumpkin patches in the country by Yelp. The farm has been operating in the Kent valley for more than 50 years!
resident question
""Hello Mayor,"
"How do you become a Kent recognized neighborhood?"
Thanks for your question!
We have a fantastic neighborhood program where we want to strengthen our partnership between your neighborhood and city leadership. [ ]
It's a simple process by having your neighborhood council leader or HOA President or *fill out the registration form* [ ]and when received, staff will reach out to you!
Kent recognized neighborhoods have access to matching, mini and communications grants and so much more. We hope you'll sign up!
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