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Ten Culver City Businesses Achieve Sustainable Certification

A total of 87 businesses have been certified since the Program's inception in 2017

Culver City [ http://www.culvercity.org/ ] Photo of business owners who received Sustainability Certification in Culver City [ https://aca-prod.accela.com/CULVERCITY/Welcome.aspx?TabName=Home&TabList=Home%7C0%7CBuilding%7C1%7CFire%7C2%7CPlanning%7C3%7CCannabis%7C4%7CEngineering%7C5%7CCurrentTabIndex%7C0 ]
*Ten Culver City Businesses Achieve
Sustainable Certification *


Ten newly certified sustainable businesses were recognized as part of the City of Culver City’s Sustainable Business Certification Program (Program) [ https://www.culvercity.org/Services/Business-Resources/Become-a-Certified-Sustainable-Business ]. On September 18, 2024, Culver City Mayor Yasmine-Imani McMorrin presented awards to the business owners and representatives.

The awards ceremony, held at The Culver Hotel, was co-hosted by Program managers Sustainable Works and Balanced Approach. A total of 87 businesses have been certified since the Program's inception in 2017. 

“We are pleased that Culver City businesses are taking advantage of this opportunity to receive hands-on assistance to conserve natural resources, reduce waste, and learn how to operate in a more sustainable manner,” said Mayor McMorrin. "The Sustainable Business Certification Program is helping Culver City meet its climate action goals and improve the wellbeing of our community."

Businesses may choose from two certification tiers, “Certified” or “Certified Innovator.” Certified businesses meet core resource efficiency and community engagement criteria, while Certified Innovator businesses add innovative practices to offset GHG emissions, participate in their communities and adopt socially responsible practices.

*The “Certified”  Program Recipients:*

* Echo Horizon School
* Kirk Douglas Theatre
* The Culver Hotel
* Lillie’s at the Culver Hotel
* Sock Panda
* Wende Museum
* Zooga Yoga Culver City

*The “Certified Innovator”  Recipients:*

* Branches Atelier Preschool
* Primestor Development LLC

Out of the five Black, Indigenous, People of Color/LBGTQ+  owned businesses that registered for the Program this year, four achieved certification. 

Culver City is one of 51 local governments in California that offer a Green Business Program to their business community. On September 9, 2024, a report highlighting the success of the Program was presented at the Culver City Council meeting.

Since its inception in 2017, the businesses have collectively reduced their annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions by more than 250 metric tons, decreased their water use by 4.8 million gallons annually, and saved over 474,000 kWh of electricity.

*About Culver City’s Sustainable Business Certification Program*

Developed under guidelines established by the California Green Business Network [ http://www.greenbusinessca.org ] (CAGBN), participating businesses are guided through a comprehensive on-site sustainability assessment of their building and operations. The assessments include a review of their energy and water use, waste management, sustainable procurement, pollution prevention practices, transportation habits, and community engagement. Upon completion of the assessment, customized Action Plans are created by the hands-on sustainability consultants, which require measures be implemented to increase energy and water efficiencies, establish green purchasing guidelines and create a better working environment for staff. Businesses receive step-by-step guidance through the process to ensure they have the resources they need to implement the measures to meet the certification criteria.

This year, several of the certified businesses received free water-saving retrofits and new high-efficiency water fixtures via the Program's partnership with Golden State Water Company.

In 2017, Sustainable Works and Balanced Approach developed a customized Program on behalf of the City that adheres to the California Green Business Network (CAGBN) guidelines. The Program assists participating businesses with resources for reducing energy and water use, preventing pollution, reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and diverting waste from landfills. Adopting sustainable policies and promoting cleaner modes of transportation are key components of the  Program. These certified businesses acknowledge their achievement and commitment to operating in a sustainable manner by proudly displaying the Certification Program logo and certification seal in their promotional materials and on their websites. They are also included in the statewide CAGBN directory [ https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__lnks.gd_l_eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxMDUsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsImJ1bGxldGluX2lkIjoiMjAyMjA2MjguNjAwMzQyMTEiLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2dyZWVuYnVzaW5lc3NjYS5vcmcvZmluZC1ncmVlbi1idXNpbmVzcy8ifQ.3QOWMN6Cii273uIn7NX0h1SWtis6gfcqFMAgebsB4SA_s_955690318_br_134351493268-2Dl&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=-1hQlOBigL1DBdurpyDA7xQ7puVKo0VMhf5wJMDTI4M&m=U1MLEfNCea0caeDEYMbrXaiv7zvB3Rdr9LzuQmeMcJsCGaqNXGaW38xa3fUT_V4J&s=F8G_0fxwSQYrsVeKsLdIHUi2EthwIq8gfF9VJTy8Jn0&e= ], and are listed on the Shop Green smart phone App, which features certified green businesses across the State of California. Learn more about participating in Culver City’s Sustainable Business Certification Program by visiting the City's website. [ https://www.culvercity.org/Services/Business-Resources/Become-a-Certified-Sustainable-Business ]



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  • [登録者]City of Culver City
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Culver City, CA
  • 登録日 : 2024/09/30
  • 掲載日 : 2024/09/30
  • 変更日 : 2024/09/30
  • 総閲覧数 : 87 人
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