U.S. DOL Fall Events and Career Opportunities!
- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Washington, DC
- 登録日 : 2024/11/15
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/15
- 変更日 : 2024/11/15
- 総閲覧数 : 29 人
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DOL Logo [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs ]
Jobs Open to the Public
Opportunities are open at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and are waiting for you! As we face the new challenges of the 21st-century, we need your talent, imagination, and dedication to public service to continue our tradition of excellence in serving the American people.
We’re seeking applicants to join our team from all backgrounds! DOL is committed to hiring a highly talented and diverse workforce to include veterans, individuals with disabilities, students and recent graduates, retirees, and those from the corporate world. Our positions offer valuable experience, training opportunities, excellent benefits, and opportunities for advancement.
To begin, visit usajobs.gov, the official website for searching for and applying to the federal government.
View All DOL's Open Jobs Opportunities [ https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?d=DL&p=1 ]
Update Your Information! [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDOL/signup/11347 ]
In order to better share opportunities with individuals interested in U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) careers we developed a new *subscriber form* [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDOL/signup/11347 ]. Update your information in our system to receive opportunities specific to you!
Bureau of Labor Statistics
**Economic Assistant (Part-time) [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817522200/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=BLS25 ]**
Closes: 11/19/2024
GS-5; Series 0119; $18.96 - $24.65 per hour
Location: Lincoln, NE**
*Open to the Public***
***Economic Assistant (Part-Time) [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817478700/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=BLS25 ]***
Closes: 11/19/2024
GS-5; Series 0119; $19.79 - $25.72 per hour
Location: Raleigh, NC
***Open to the Public***
*Economic Assistant (Part-time) [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817746200/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=BLS25 ]*
Closes: 11/19/2024
GS-5; Series 0119; $21.60 - $28.08 per hour
Location: San Diego, CA
*Open to the Public*
**Economic Assistant (Spanish) - Part-time [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/818337100/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=BLS25 ]*
*Closes: 11/18/2024
GS-5; Series 0119; $22.05 - $28.66 per hour
Location: Los Angeles, CA*
*Open to the Public**
Bureau of International Labor Affairs
*Lead International Relations Officer [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/816033400/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=ILAB24 ]*
Closes: 11/18/2024
GS-14; Series 0131; $139,395 - $181,216 per year
Location: Washington, DC**
*Open to the Public***
*Employment and Training Administration*
*Deputy Administrator - Office of Job Corps [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817359400/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=ETA25 ]*
Closes: 12/04/2024
GS-11/12; Series 0142; $147,649 - $221,900 per year
Locations: Washington, DC*
Open to the Public*
*Unemployment Insurance Program Specialist [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817142500/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=ETA25 ]*
Closes: 11/22/2024 or 200 applications
GS-11/12; Series 0106; $76,671 - $119,463 per year
Locations: Washington, DC*
Open to the Public*
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
*Supervisory Fiscal Operations Specialist [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/818566900/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=OASAM25 ]*
Closes: 11/21/2024
GS-15; Series 0501; $151,894 - $191,900 per year
Location: Location Negotiable after Selection*
Open to the Public*
*Deputy Assistant Secretary - Operations and Management [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/818520300/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=OASAM25 ]*
Closes: 12/12/2024
ES-00; Series 0340; $147,649 - $221,900 per year
Location: Washington, DC*
Open to the Public*
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy
*Social Scientist [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/819021100/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=OASP25 ]*
Closes: 11/29/2024
GS-13-14; Series 0101; $117,962 - $181,216 per year
Location: Washington, DC*
Open to the Public*
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
*Supervisory Electronics Engineer [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817045300/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=OSHA35 ]*
Closes: 11/21/2024
GS-14; Series 0855; $122,198 - $158,860 per year
Location: Sandy, UT
*Open to the Public*
*Electronics Engineer [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/819160900/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=OSHA25 ]
*Closes: 12/09/2024
GS-9-11; Series 0855; $66,731 - $94,317 per year
Location: Sandy, UT*
*Open to the Public**
*Regional Administrator [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/819058900/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=OSHA25 ]*
Closes: 12/13/2024
ES-00; Series 0018; $147,649 - $221,900 per year
Location: Boston, MA*
Open to the Public*
*Industrial Hygienist [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817949000/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=OSHA25 ]*
Closes: 11/20/2024
GS-9/12; Series 0855; $59,966 - $113,047 per year
Location: Little Rock, AR*
Open to the Public*
*Government Information Specialist [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817378900/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=OSHA25 ]*
Closes: 11/18/2024
GS-9; Series 0306; $59,966 - $77,955 per year
Location: Birmingham, AL OR Mobile, AL OR Little Rock, AR OR Baton Rouge, LA*
Open to the Public*
Mine Safety and Health Administration
*Mine Safety and Health Inspector [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817193800/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=MSHA25 ]*
Closes: 11/18/2024
GS-7-11; Series 1822; $49,793 - $95,794 per year
GS-7 $49,025-$63,733; GS-9 $59,966-$77,955; GS-11 $72,553-$94,317
Location: Marion, IL*
Open to the Public*
*Mine Safety and Health Inspector [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/816246400/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=MSHA25 ]*
Closes: 11/19/2024
GS-7-11; Series 1822; $49,541 - $95,310 per year
GS-7 $49,541-$64,405; GS-9 $60,597-$78,776; GS-11 $73,317-$95,310
Location: Albuquerque, NM*
Open to the Public*
*Mine Safety and Health Inspector [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/819000200/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=MSHA25 ]*
Closes: 11/19/2024
GS-7-11; Series 1822; $49,726 - $95,665 per year
GS-7 $49,726-$64,645; GS-9 $60,823-$79,070; GS-11 $73,591-$95,665
Location: San Antonio, TX*
Open to the Public*
*Mine Safety and Health Inspector [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/818968900/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=MSHA25 ]*
Closes: 11/29/2024
GS-7-11; Series 1822; $54,505 - $104,861 per year
Location: Denver, CO*
Open to the Public*
*Mine Safety and Health Assistant (OA) [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/818659600/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=MSHA25 ]*
Closes: 11/26/2024
GS-5-6; Series 1802; $39,576 - $57,354 per year
Location: Wise, VA*
Open to the Public*
*Student Trainee (Engineering [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817931400/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=MSHA25 ]) *
Closes: 11/21/2024
GS-4; Series 0899; $36,572 - $47,540 per year
Location: South Park, PA and Triadelphia, WV (4 vacancies total)*
Open to the Public*
*Mine Safety and Health Specialist [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/818332700/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=MSHA25 ] *
Closes: 11/21/2024
GS-11-12; Series 1822; $72,553 - $113,047 per year
GS-11 range: $72,553 to $94,317; GS-12 range: $86,962 to $113,047
Location: Norman, OK*
Open to the Public*
*Mine Safety and Health Specialist (Alternate Case Resolution Program Manager) [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/818380900/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=MSHA25 ] *
Closes: 11/25/2024
GS-11-12; Series 1822; $72,553 - $113,047 per year
GS-11 range: $72,553 to $94,317; GS-12 range: $86,962 to $113,047
Location: Arlington, VA*
Open to the Public*
Office of Public Affairs
*Public Affairs Specialist [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/818044400/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=OPA25 ]*
Closes: 11/20/2024
GS-13; Series 1035; $117,962 - $153,354 per year
Location: Washington, DC
*Open to the Public*
Office of Inspector General
*Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/816916500/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=OIG25 ]*
Closes: 12/03/2024
ES-00; Series 0511; $147,649 - $221,900 per year
Location: Washington, DC
*Open to the Public *
*Attorney Advisor (Assistant Counsel) [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817261500/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=OIG25 ]
*Closes: 11/25/2024
GS-14-15; Series 0905; $139,395 - $191,900 per year
Location: Washington, DC*
*Open to the Public **
Veterans' Employment and Training Service
*Veterans Employment Specialist [ https://www.usajobs.gov/job/817541700/?utm_source=Govdelivery&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=VETS25 ]*
Closes: 11/18/2024
GS-13; Series 0301; $108,012 - $140,149 per year
Location: Phoenix, AZ
*Open to the Public*
You are Invited to the U.S. Department of Labor's Town Hall on National Apprenticeship Week 2024!
This year marks the 10th anniversary of *National Apprenticeship Week [ https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flinks-2.govdelivery.com%2FCL0%2Fhttps%3A%252F%252Fwww.apprenticeship.gov%252Fnational-apprenticeship-week%2F1%2F0101019295e12400-09eb8181-ac7a-49b6-b471-826a5d9bd236-000000%2FGO1-q-So8k83NOHo29O1ZPR9YcTfrxGQ1X41xkXAw-U%3D375&data=05%7C02%7CSmith.Monique.C%40dol.gov%7Cd73056cb4764412a02ac08dceea3d062%7C75a6305472044e0c9126adab971d4aca%7C0%7C0%7C638647634554622086%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=NbYLm04SrkW%2BPdaqOFZ6S9x%2BcplhNdw7TwlpqDcL5eU%3D&reserved=0 ]* (NAW), to be celebrated *November 17-23, 2024*. This year the theme for NAW 2024 is "“Celebrating 10 Years of Engagement, Expansion, and Innovation.”" This theme reflects the transformative power of Registered Apprenticeship and its ability to bring together key national, regional, state, and local stakeholders across the country to meet critical workforce needs and give career seekers a jumpstart to their career.
We look forward to celebrating with you!
Here are some tips for getting started [ https://www.usajobs.gov/Help/Get-Started/ ] with USAJOBS as well as tips for writing a federal resume [ https://www.usajobs.gov/Help/faq/application/documents/resume/what-to-include/ ]! As we continue to grow our DOL team and promote job opportunities, please reach out to us at any time to guide you through your federal application journey.
* *
Career opportunities feature competitive starting salaries and the potential for performance-based increases, flexible hours, and the ability to achieve and maintain a balanced lifestyle. View our comprehensive and competitive employment benefits on our website at *DOL.GOV* [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs ].
Visit our site [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs ] to learn more about:
* DOL Agencies [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs/dol-sub-agencies ]
* Major Occupations [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs/major-occupation-categories ]
* How to Apply [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs/how-to-apply ]
* Benefits [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs/benefits ]
* Veterans’ and Military Spouse Employment [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs/veterans ]
* Persons with Disabilities [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs/individuals-with-disability-accommodations ]
* Students and Recent Graduates [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs/students-and-recent-grads ]
* Executive Employment [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs/senior-executive-service ]
Thank you again for your interest in a career with the Department of Labor. We look forward to networking with you.
Best regards,
Diversity Recruitment and Outreach Branch
Office of Human Resources
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
U.S. Department of Labor | www.dol.gov/Careers [ http://www.dol.gov/Careers ]
Email questions to: *DOL-Recruitment@dol.gov*
DOL Seal [ https://www.dol.gov ]
Questions? Contact Us [ https://www.dol.gov/general/contact ]
STAY CONNECTED: Visit Us on Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/DepartmentOfLabor ] Visit Us on Twitter [ https://twitter.com/usdol ] Visit Us on YouTube [ https://www.youtube.com/user/USDepartmentofLabor ] Sign up for email updates [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDOL/subscriber/new ] RSS Feeds [ http://www.dol.gov/rss/ ] Blog [ https://blog.dol.gov/ ]
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