Special Duty Asylum Seeker Coordination Program Manager
- [注册人]King County
- [语言]日本語
- [区]King County, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/04
- 发布日 : 2024/11/04
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/04
- 总浏览次数 : 38 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 我们以合理的价格提供最好的接送和包车服务。我们还提供机场接送服务。我们的价格包含...
感谢您阅读我们的城镇指南。 我们很高兴将小费包含在我们的价格中 ! 因此您可以放心使用我们的服务。 另外,您可能会认为豪华轿车价格昂贵,让人望而生畏,但我们的价格低廉!,而且我们提供的是最豪华的服务。请让我们试一试。 请随时与我们联系,获取报价和服务信息。 也请访问我们的网站。
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这道汤具有光滑的质地和浓缩的猪骨味道,是在神户县有五家分店的Kasyoken公司特有的瑰宝。 该汤经过三天的精心烹制,使用的热量与夏威夷的气候一样强烈。汤的味道温和而细腻,同时利用了猪骨的独特风味。
而面条的质地结实,有小麦的味道。体验一下快乐的时光,你会想告诉别人你口中那挥之不去的味道。 +1 (808) 518-0740神戸豚骨らーめん・賀正軒
- Bistro trattoria IMAMURA 提供来自博索的海鲜和时令食材,...
视觉 ・ 听觉 ・ 嗅觉 ・ 味觉 ・ 用五种感官的触觉享受美食 ? 用特殊的配料和芬芳的新鲜罗勒制作的独特菜肴。 在二楼的露台上,您可以一边烧烤,一边欣赏阳光和星空。请与我们共度美好时光。
+81-4-7093-0086trattoria IMAMURA(トラットリア イマムラ)
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网络 ・ 我们是一家综合性的数字营销咨询公司。从规划、商业战略、网站创建、SEO措施、广告运营改进、UI/UX设计改进,以及整体数字营销业务制作,把与网站战略有关的一切都交给DIGINEX。我们也可以作为所有数字业务的代理!有经验的和经过验证的专业人员将带领你稳固地增加销售,其建议注重基于真正的专业知识的结果。
+1 (310) 584-7300DIGINEX.
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Kimitsu 窗帘店 Isegen 提供定制被褥改造服务。我们可以重新制作您喜欢的被褥,使其可以长期使用。此外,我们还提供校服 ・ 哺乳服 ・ 女装、节日用品等各种优质产品,敬请光临。
- 促进冒险游乐场的创建!
当我们成年人接触到孩子们有时前所未有却又自发的游戏时,我们自己可能会想起被遗忘的 "游戏精神",并意识到这个社会正变得越来越拥挤。丰富的游戏环境是社会的财富。我们决定成立非营利组织 "日本冒险游乐场创建协会",以实现这样一个社会,即支持更多的儿童在他们不可替代的童年时代自担风险地自由玩耍和发展。
- 位于木更津市亚那的隐蔽式家庭沙龙。包括全油护理・传统泰式按摩、时下热门话题的草药...
位于木更津市亚那的隐蔽式家庭沙龙。全油护理 ・ 我们提供包括传统泰式按摩、备受关注的草药脱皮、TOUKAMI ( 和 PEAKIN ) 护理在内的各种身体护理。毛孔张开和粉刺、干燥・、暗淡・、松弛、慢性疲劳和对寒冷的敏感性、肩膀僵硬・、浮肿、橘皮组织、姿势・、身体变形…等。 根据每个人的问题和理想的 "美 "进行护理。我们将引导您实现理想的 "美"。我们还可以提供现场治疗。
+81-70-3355-5512Naturalist room honey.m
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除了妇科服务,我们还开展了 "减肥计划"、"面部护理 "和 "医疗水疗"。我们的女医生与女性同甘共苦,通过敏锐和适当的诊断,帮助您摆脱疾病和烦恼,过上幸福的生活。所有工作人员均为女性。 妇科检查 ● 宫颈癌筛查 ● 更年期等荷尔蒙 ・ 失调 ● 乳房肿块 ● 超声波检查 ● 月经不调 ● 各种性病检查 ● 节育咨询 ( 我们还提供避孕药咨询。 ) 如果您有其他妇科症状或疑虑,请立即与我...
+1 (323) 828-4152Dr Loraine V. Diego, M.D.
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餐厅还可承办宴会和团体旅游用餐。无论您是游客还是本地人・ ・,都请在轻松愉快的氛围中享用 "休闲、"愉悦的时令美食"。 让人联想到老房子的开放式炉灶和蒲团。它们营造出的独特氛围。 最引以为豪的是当天早上从港口直接运来的新鲜食材。 对日本料理了如指掌的厨师和其他知道什么是美味的员工提供食物。 我们对作为日本料理基石的 "海中食材 "情有独钟,我们的菜单丰富多彩,既有房总...
+81-439-57-7011和食処 季楽里
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邮政博物馆是一个展示・和介绍与邮政和通信有关的收藏品的博物馆。博物馆包括一个永久展览区,将与邮政服务有关的历史和故事分为七个世界,并通过展览和视频进行介绍;一个特别展览区、一个信件休息室、一个活动空间和一个博物馆商店。除了约33万枚邮票的展览,这是日本最大的此类展览,博物馆还展示了约400件与日本和国外的邮政服务有关的材料。 此外,在 "连接心灵,连接世界 "的理念下,邮政博物馆充分利用数字技术,...
- 日美协会 (JASG ) 是一个 501(c)(3)} 非营利组织,通过文化、习...
佐治亚州日美协会致力于使佐治亚州成为北美最适合日本人居住和旅游的地方,并使佐治亚州成为北美最具国际性的州。 佐治亚州日美协会 ( JASG ) 是一个 501(c)(3)} 非营利组织,其使命是促进日本和佐治亚州之间的文化交流和相互理解。我们与各种国际组织和机构合作,每天努力加深格鲁吉亚对国际文化和国际商务的理解。它在日本人与格鲁吉亚当地人、格鲁吉亚公司与日本公司、在格鲁吉亚的日本家庭与美国日...
+1 (404) 842-1400JASG ジョージア日米協会
- 米尔皮塔斯 Great Mall 附近的烤肉店,供应信州和牛。! 我们还提供美味...
这家日式烧肉餐厅的经营宗旨是将信州和牛的美味传播到世界各地。我们希望您在家庭聚会、聚餐、约会等各种场合都能品尝到本餐厅的美味,因为这里不仅是一家烤肉餐厅,还是一个可以品尝到各种菜肴和饮料的地方。我们期待着您的光临。 我们的特色菜是直接来自日本长野的信州特级和牛。这种优质牛肉以其美味和鲜嫩而闻名,是烧烤菜肴的理想选择。 我们还为外出就餐者提供美味的外带便当,是方便快捷的理想选择。便当盒里有多种风...
+1 (669) 263-6152Meat Time
- Kisarazu Stone Co.销售墓碑・石制品・,并提供公墓销售和公墓信息...
Kisarazu Stone Co.是千叶县的石材经销商,主要在Kisarazu ・ Kimitsu ・ Sodegaura ・ Ichihara和 Tokyo ・ 神奈川县的Aqua-line附近,销售墓碑・石材工程・墓地销售和墓地。一家 "专业墓园 "的石头店,提供有关公墓和墓地的信息。
- ◀ ︎ 美国签证 ・ 永久居留权 ・ 离婚 ▶ ︎
为什么推荐US VISA PLUS ★ 到目前为止,我们已经处理了超过3250个案件。 ★ 我们所有的员工都是在律师事务所接受过 7 年以上培训的专业人士 。 ★ 他们也是加州合格的移民顾问。 ★ 尽管他们的收费比律师事务所低得多,但他们彬彬有礼。 ★ 100%客户满意 如果需要出庭,我们将与合作的专业律师协商处理案件。
+1 (310) 928-1968US VISA PLUS
Public Health – Seattle and King County is seeking a TLT or Special Duty Program Manager to lead in the role of assurance regarding health for individuals seeking asylum, with a focus on the health and well-being of pregnant persons, infants, and families.
Beginning in early 2023, King County experienced an influx of people, primarily from the countries of Venezuela, Congo, and Angola.
This position will serve as the primary coordinator role within Public Health around the response and resources provided to this population. Additionally, this position will serve a coordinating role among community partners, shelters, internal partners to ease the work of Community Based Organizations and ensure that services are coordinated. This position will work closely with the Advance Practice Nurse Specialist with Healthcare for the Homeless, Parent Child Health Programs, Environmental Health, as well as with community leaders, and those providing prenatal and post-partum services within the community for asylum seekers. Assessing the healthcare needs and coordinating across all the locations is extremely time consuming. There are many challenges posed by multiple sites where asylum seekers are housed and the landscape of the situation is constantly changing. The person that serves this position needs to be adept at reevaluating needs and updating the program’s approach to meet those needs as they unfold.
This position is situated in the Community Health Services Division in the Parent Child Health Program. The primary work location will be on the 10th floor of the Chinook County Building, 401 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104. During COVID-19 precautions, this position will primarily telecommute. This position is FLSA-exempt. The employee will generally work a 40-hour work week. Workdays and hours may vary depending on community events and staff support. Some weekday evenings and weekend work will be required, as well as regular travel to multiple locations throughout King County to work directly with people seeking asylum and partners providing services to this population.
*For Special Duty Assignment interest, you must be a Career Service, Career Service Exempt or other regular (non-temporary) employee in King County who has completed their initial County probation. You must have supervisor approval prior to taking a Special Duty Assignment.*
*Commitment To Equity and Social Justice*
Named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most influential civil rights leaders in our nation's history, King County is a vibrant international community with residents that represent countries from around the world. It is a region with increasing diversity that cherishes the traditions of many cultures.
The county government has a deep commitment to equity and social justice and advancing practices, strategies, and policies that promote fairness, justice, and opportunity for all – in our workplaces and our communities. With this commitment, King County has adopted a pro-equity agenda to advance regional change and ensure that residents from all communities are incorporated into our emergency planning and public outreach efforts.
We recognize that structural racism consists of principles and practices that cause and justify an inequitable distribution of rights, opportunities, and experiences across racial groups. Since declaring Racism is a Public Health Crisis in June 2020, King County and Public Health committed to being intentionally anti-racist and accountable to Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities.
To learn more, please visit
*Work Schedule*
Monday - Friday - Hours between 8-6pm
*Work Location*
Chinook Building
401 5th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98104
(Some of the work associated with this position will be performed through teleworking, and will report to office location and to meetings as needed. Travel to other work locations may be necessary. Employees will have access to shared workspaces at various King County facilities. Employees must reside in Washington state and within a reasonable distance to their King County worksite to respond to workplace reporting requirements.
Employees will be provided with a County issued laptop and must maintain a workspace with an internet connection where they can reliably perform work and remain available and responsive during scheduled work hours. To support employees during this time King County has a robust collection of tools and resources to support working remotely. The individual selected for this opportunity will be joining an innovative and progressive team.) body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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