The Kenmore Top 4: January 3, 2025
- [注册人]City of Kenmore
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Kenmore, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2025/01/03
- 发布日 : 2025/01/03
- 更改日期 : 2025/01/03
- 总浏览次数 : 15 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 以面团为中心的奶油蛋糕店 ! 季节性菜单变化和重新推出的菜单由顾客投票决定,因此...
我们在面团中使用的酥油是从无盐黄油中剔除杂质后制成的最纯净的油!,我们用这种油精心制作可丽饼,使其既美味又健康。可丽饼内的鲜奶油最多可增加 4 倍 ◎今后有可能增加 5 倍或 6 倍,敬请期待 ✨。
- 考虑购买雷克萨斯?立即联系 Sachi ! Sachi 在南湾雷克萨斯担任日语销...
如果您想购买雷克萨斯,请先联系 Sachi ! Sachi 是您的一站式商店,满足您对雷克萨斯的所有需求,从新车、二手车到租赁和贷款。 Sachi 在南湾雷克萨斯担任日语销售代表近 15 年,是雷克萨斯车迷的最爱。Sachi 在新车、二手车、租赁和贷款方面经验丰富,可以用日语为您处理一切事务。最重要的是,我们还负责售后服务,让所有客户都像家人或朋友一样。
+1 (310) 940-4694South Bay Lexus
- 我们以支持顾客在夏威夷的生活[日常生活问题的咨询 | 汽车的修理和保养的咨询 |...
我们可以处理路上的紧急汽车故障、深夜或清晨的故障以及日常维护。 夏威夷有日本人遇到汽车故障吗? ? 路上遇到紧急汽车故障,出门时汽车无法启动,爆胎,没有人可以帮助您,您希望有日本人帮助您,您希望进行日常保养等。
我想得到日本人的帮助、我不知道如何保养我的汽车、我作为学生买了一辆便宜的汽车,但不知道如何保养它、我要离开日本了,但不知道如何处理我的汽车等。 例如,尾灯熄灭了,但不知道... +1 (808) 824-9011TOKYO STYLE OAHU
- "为什么选择 CLU?" 全面的财务规划。人寿保险、医疗保险、退休储蓄(、私人养...
您准备好退休资金了吗? 以下是一些可靠、有保证本金的个人年金。 《个人保险服务》 人寿保险: 我们可以为您准备各种优质保险公司的报价,这些保险公司拥有雄厚的资产基础。费率、收益率和安全性都很均衡。 医疗保险: 我们可以为多种产品报价。 近年来,由于立法的变化,保险内容和规则发生了根本性的变化。 退休储蓄 ( 私人养老金 ) : 我们提供私人养老金储蓄和节税型 IRA。我们还...
+1 (714) 978-7373Akifumi Yamamoto, CLU, ChFC
- 我们的代表拥有丰富的会计和税务知识,将为您提供支持 100%满意保证 如果您对我...
我们是一家以客户满意度为中心,以与客户共同发展为目标,追求与传统经营不同的经营方式的会计师事务所。 对于考虑设立公司的人 我们从一开始就为您提供支持,从咨询设立什么样的公司开始。 灵活支持公司形式变更程序。 我们可以帮助您办理政府手续、获取许可证等所有细节。 如果您需要会计方面的帮助 我们可以帮助您使用所有税务软件。 财务效率和更正 工资单和工资单服务 会计外包 我们可以根...
+1 (424) 392-4195青浜会計事務所
- 拥有 14 年经验的南湾美容护肤专家。提供全手面部按摩,解决您的皮肤问题。即使您...
我在南湾为顾客解决皮肤问题已有 14 年。我处理过各种各样的皮肤和问题。他们中的许多人来到我们这里,是因为他们觉得自我保健已经达到了极限。如果您有皮肤问题,不妨试试我们多年经验总结出的独特的全手面部按摩 ? 更美丽,更年轻。
+1 (310) 406-4497Cup of Spa
- 在社交网站上一定会大受欢迎的紫藤花咖啡馆在千条台开业 ! 它提供各种菜单,包括用...
la glycine "在仙童台开业,是以手工制作 "warabimochi "而闻名的加藤市原分店的姊妹店。菜单上有咖啡馆特有的咖喱和饭团等各种菜肴,还有使用本店引以为豪的手工制作的 "warabimochi "的菜单,其中包括 "warabita"。还提供外卖 ! 我们真诚地期待您的光临 ✨。
+81-43-497-6635la glycine ラ・グリシーヌ
- ALOHA CAFÉ Pineapple "是一家印有菠萝标志的餐厅,在这里您可...
早上在我们的餐厅用餐如何?在这里,您可以在海滩附近享用夏威夷美食?马拉沙达(Malasadas)、巴西莓碗(acai bowls)等。我们还提供外卖服务,建议您在海滩用餐或在公园野餐。
+1 (808) 739-1630ALOHA CAFE PINEAPPLE
- 学校周六在新泽西州帕拉默斯(帕拉默斯)上课。学校为居住在纽约和新泽西郊区的日本和...
目标 : 培养孩子们开拓未来社会的素质和能力 政策 : 星期六的日语教育--用日语学习和思考 目标明确的教师 : 关注和培养每个孩子的教师 请随时拨打我们的电话 +81(201)585-0555了解更多信息! 本校提供从幼儿班到高中二年级的广泛教育。 我们还开设了国际班,从小学到高中,学生可以不受年龄限制,在一个班级里学习日语和日本文化。学校以 "星期六的日语教育 "为基本前提,致力...
+1 (201) 585-0555ニュージャージー補習授業校
- 致力于 "空间和能源 "的科学博物馆。
在展厅里,儿童和成人都可以体验到科学的奥妙,展品以亲身参与的方式为中心,让参观者在观看和触摸展品的过程中获得学习的乐趣。由专业人员进行的科学表演也很受欢迎! 博物馆里有很多东西可以欣赏,包括一个天文馆,它在世界最大的圆顶屏幕上尽可能地再现了星空的真实面貌!。
- 莫斯科第一家有日本造型师的!发廊。
它不仅受到日本人的欢迎,而且也受到俄罗斯和其他许多国家的欢迎。 我们期待着欢迎你的到来。
+7 (985) 194-4207kirameki MOSCOW
- 处理对日本的快递服务,空运和海运进口和出口,仓储物流业务和搬运。与墨西哥的跨境业...
我们处理对日本的快递服务,空运进出口,海运进出口,仓库物流业务和搬迁。 与墨西哥的跨境业务。 请联系我们,以满足您所有的行李和物流需求! (安全的日语服务)。
+1 (713) 984-8930米国 ヤマト運輸 ヒューストン支店
- 顶级海鲜和其他奢侈食品 ( 鱼子酱及其他 ) ・ 我们将最优质的日本食品送到您的...
来自日本,来自世界。 金枪鱼鲣鱼、红肉、鰤鱼和鲑鱼。 Yama Seafood 的鱼还被星级餐厅采用。 美味的家常菜,美味的鱼!。
+1 (201) 433-3888YAMA SEAFOOD
- 在精致的氛围中品尝新鲜食材制作的菜肴,享受美好时光。顾名思义,我们拥有寿司柜台和...
OC ・ 我们在圣安娜提供最好的日本料理和寿司。我们还提供用我们独创的 Shishito 油烹制的菜肴和御膳菜单。您还可以品尝我们从日本精选的季节性新鲜清酒。 Sushi Murasaki(村崎寿司)最受欢迎的菜品 本金枪鱼(红肉) ・ Tororo(山药) ) 我们最推荐也是最受欢迎的菜品,因为我们对它很有信心 ! 鲈鱼--用 Shishito 油烹制,很受欢迎。 Kanpachi 熊...
+1 (714) 241-1000Sushi Murasaki
- \ 御好烧(Okonomiyaki) ・ 梦佳(Monja) ・ 铁板烧(Tep...
靠近海边的 "KONAYA 鸭川 "开业 ・ 大阪特产 ! 在鸭川可以品尝到珍贵的日本牛油蛋糕
其他特色食材包括 "Hayashi SPF "牌猪肉。也提供外卖 ! 御好烧 ・ Monja ・ 如需铁板烧,请访问 KONAYA 鸭川 ✨。 +81-4-7007-5732KONAYA kamogawa
Top 4 banner
In an effort to bring you the most up-to-date news, here is a short format newsletter highlighting the City of Kenmore’s top four news items of the week.
*"Read the Top Four and enjoy your new year in Kenmore!"*
1 [ ]
*Kenmore City Council Looks Ahead to 2025 Priorities
*The Kenmore City Council extends warm wishes for a happy and prosperous new year! As we step into 2025, your city councilmembers and city staff remain dedicated to working together and addressing key priorities that will help shape a sustainable and thriving Kenmore. Here's a look at the City Council's top priorities [ ] for the year:
1. Continue to implement the adopted Climate Action Plan [ ] and promote environmental stewardship, including water, air, forest, and habitat restoration and preservation.
2. Preserve and increase availability of all types of housing at all income levels, including the needs of people experiencing homelessness.
3. Finalize, adopt, and implement the Human Services Strategic Plan.
4. Promote sustainable economic development strategies that enhance downtown and attract residents, small businesses, and visitors.
5. Enhance multimodal transportation, including pedestrian and bicycle safety.
6. Continue to seek opportunities to activate the Lakepointe property.
7. Broaden community engagement and foster fun.
8. Continue to implement the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA [ ]) Strategic Plan [ ], including social justice reform.
9. Explore opportunities to expand Parks and Recreation.
2 [ ]
*Kenmore Automated Photo Enforcement Warning Period for 24-Hour School Zone Speeding Violations Extended to January 12
*Due to required additional systems testing with the King County District Court, the warning period for new 24/7 enforcement of regular speed limit violations in the Kenmore Elementary School Zone on 73rd Avenue and the Arrowhead Elementary school zone on Juanita Drive will be extended to January 12.
*Fines for speeding violations in these school zones will begin on January 13, 2025. Beginning on January 13, drivers can receive a ticket "anytime" they are exceeding the regular speed limit of 30 mph, even when school zones are inactive. The existing 20 mph limit will still be enforced when school zone hours are active.*
Preliminary numbers for warnings issued during the warning period show that roughly 5% of vehicles received a warning for exceeding the 30 mph speed limit in November, and by the end of December that rate had roughly cut in half to about 2.8% of drivers receiving warnings. This represents a nearly 50% reduced risk in fatal crashes at all hours of the day.
"In 2024, the City Council voted to expand the Kenmore Automated Photo Enforcement (KAPE [ ]) program. This expansion introduces several key changes [ ] aimed at enhancing traffic safety. Learn more about KAPE [ ]."
3 [ ]
*Federal Disaster Assistance Available to King County Residents and Businesses Affected by November Bomb Cyclone*"
"King County renters, homeowners, nonprofits, and businesses affected by the November bomb cyclone may be eligible for low-interest federal disaster loans. Disaster assistance through the U.S. Small Business Administration, SBA, is available to help King County residents and businesses recover from the storm. For more information and to apply online, visit [ ].
Applicants can also receive in-person application assistance at an SBA Disaster Loan Outreach Center, starting Monday, January 6. The centers are located at Bellevue Library and King County Elections in Renton. The deadline to apply for property damage is February 21, 2025, and the deadline to apply for economic injury is September 23, 2025.
4 [ ]
*Volunteer in the New Year with the Swamp Creek Habitat Restoration Project
*You're invited to volunteer and join in on habitat restoration with Sno-King Watershed Council! Start the new year off right and make a difference on these upcoming Saturdays:
* January 11, 11 am – 2 pm, 175th St/Swamp Creek South
* January 20 ("Monday - Martin Luther King Jr. Day"), 11 am – 2 pm, Wallace Swamp Creek Park
* January 25, 11 am – 2 pm, 175th St/Swamp Creek South
* February 8, 11 am – 2 pm, Wallace Swamp Creek Park
* February 15, 11 am – 2 pm, 175th St/Swamp Creek South
* February 22, 11 am – 2 pm, Wallace Swamp Creek Park
* March 8, 11 am – 2 pm, 175th St/Swamp Creek South
* March 15, 11 am – 2 pm, Wallace Swamp Creek Park
* March 22, 11 am – 2 pm, 175th St/Swamp Creek South
Find more information and learn how to get involved on the project website [ ].*
*More Kenmore News* [ ]
"*What's next on the agenda?*"
* The next Coffee with Council [ ] is on Monday, January 6 at 7:30 a.m.
* The next City Council meeting is on Monday, January 13 [ ].*
*"To speak virtually at a City Council meeting, please sign up ahead of time using this form [ ]. ""
* Find more meetings and events on the City's calendar [ ].
*"Want to share the news?"
*Please forward this to a friend! New followers can sign up to receive news updates here [ ]. We welcome your feedback on this news format - tell us what you think <>.
"Si gusta communicarse con la ciudad de Kenmore o revisar un documento en otro idioma, ""envíe" su solicitud con su información de "contacto" "a """ <>" o llame al 425-398-8900."
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