The latest stories from our local area
- [登録者]City of Sydney
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Sydney, Australia
- 登録日 : 2024/11/25
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/25
- 変更日 : 2024/11/25
- 総閲覧数 : 26 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 住宅や商業物件、物件賃貸まで。ハワイで30年以上の実績。 皆様の夢とハワイ不動産...
信頼できる不動産会社。皆様の夢とハワイ不動産にとことんお付き合い致します。ハワイ別荘をご購入希望の方、資産の投資先をお考えの方、永住権をお持ちでない方々へも 不動産売買にかかわる全ての手続きを日本語にて丁寧にご説明いたします。
+1 (808) 957-0080Plus Seven Realty
- 全米11拠点+東京。アメリカ最大のネットワークを持つ人材紹介・人材派遣会社です。...
+1 (212) 391-9111Interesse International Inc.
- 和歌山城は、虎伏山(とらふすやま)に立つ和歌山市のシンボルです。 その昔天守閣は...
紀州徳川家の居城としての歴史や、復元された御橋廊下等はもちろん、お城の敷地の中には、動物園やお茶室があり、おもてなし忍者が皆様をお待ちしています! ぜひ一度お越しくださいませ。
(073) 435-1044和歌山市和歌山城
- ロサンゼルスの海上輸送の老舗です。小口の貨物から車・バイクまで、ぜひご相談くださ...
日本はもちろん世界へ荷物の受け取りからお届けまで、日本人スタッフが真心こめてお手伝い致します。輸出輸入に関わらず、煩雑な手続きは全て私たちにお任せ下さい。長年にわたり、インターラインはアジアの主要な地域で独自のオフィスやパートナーを構築し、50カ国以上に事業を広げてまいりました。 刻々と変化し続ける運送業界において必要とされる競争力のある料金や柔軟な対応といったハイクオリティなサービスをお客様にご...
+1 (310) 834-5500Interline
- 五感で感じる“癒しのテーマパーク”夢二の世界へぜひお越しくださいませ。
- バンコクにて一緒にゴルフを楽しみませんか?お気軽にご連絡ください!
(086) 797-4121バンコク幸友会
- 北信濃屈指の豪商 信州須坂田中本家
+81-26-248-8008豪商の館 田中本家博物館
- 日本で初めて鉄道が開通した横浜の地に、「原鉄道模型博物館」が2012年7月10日...
- 那覇中央郵便局2階に琉球王朝時代から戦時中、戦後に至る郵政や通信の歴史を紹介し郵...
- 離婚:親権:養育費:扶養費:家庭内暴力 などでお悩みですか?お電話での初回相談(...
離婚:親権:養育費:扶養費:家庭内暴力 お困りでしたら Law Office of Miyuki Nishimuraまでご連絡ください。■ 離婚 (Divorce)■ 親権 (Child Custody)■ 養育費 (Child Support)■ 扶養費 (Spousal Support)■ 財産分与 (Division of Property)■ 家庭内暴力 (Domestic Violenc...
+1 (213) 278-2780Law Office of Miyuki Nishimura
- 【未来学園】お子様の日本語教育と日本文化へのふれあいを、16年の経験をもとに、オ...
+1 (408) 391-3689未来学園 Mirai Gakuen LLC
- ■ 日本製の家具・インテリア専門店 ■ 日本で取り扱いできるもの全てに対応。ダウ...
“Sannaka-WEST”はあらゆるジャンルの日本家具を多数取り揃えております。日本家具分野では多くの実績とノウハウを持ち、皆様に最高の品をご提供するためにきめ細やかなフォローとサービスを展開しております。伝統を重んじつつ、新しい風を取り入れたおしゃれなデザイン。細部まで心配りの行き届いたおもてなし。数々の賞に輝いた美しい本格日本家具からモダン家具まで。Sannaka-WESTは「Made in...
+1 (808) 537-6181サンナカ ウエスト | Sannaka-WEST
- リトル東京に位置する、日本語対応の医院です。多様な保険を受け付けております。急性...
+1 (213) 680-0355藤原メディカルグループ
- アトランタ市周辺を含むジョージア州全域にお住いの方を対象に、精神科・心療内科診療...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- 日本とアメリカ両方の免許を持つ獣医師、そしてスタッフが誠心誠意をもって日本語と英...
+1 (949) 502-5531ソラ動物病院
Each edition will bring you stories of innovation, community and growth, showcasing the people and projects that make Sydney a great place to live, work and explore.
Discover the latest opportunities, get involved in local projects and stay connected.
Clover Moore AO
Lord Mayor of Sydney
Business Sydney New Year’s Eve visual identity system expression of interest [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/opportunities/sydney-new-years-eve-visual-identity-expression-interest]
Create a unique brand that will be the foundation and inspiration for our communications.
Grow your business and create an inclusive customer experience [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/learn-how-to-grow-your-business-by-creating-an-inclusive-customer-experience]
Making small changes to include people with disability is easy and boosts profitability. Learn more at our free business breakfast event. Register now [https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/good-access-is-good-for-business-tickets-1068690184109?aff=oddtdtcreator?utm_medium=email&utm_source=cosnews&utm_campaign=zero_barriers24].
Share your experience of flooding [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/policy-planning-changes/your-say-flooding-sydney-city-darling-harbour-neighbouring-suburbs]
We’re improving our understanding of flood behaviour by conducting a flood study. The study covers Sydney city, Darling Harbour, Pyrmont, Haymarket, The Rocks, Millers Point, Dawes Point, Barangaroo and parts of Ultimo and Surry Hills.
Find out more and share your thoughts by 10 December [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/policy-planning-changes/your-say-flooding-sydney-city-darling-harbour-neighbouring-suburbs].
Environment How to get the most out of your clothes [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-clothes]
Style shouldn’t cost the earth: 6 sustainable tips to help your wardrobe, wallet and the world.
Meet the locals who rescue items from apartment bin rooms [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/meet-locals-who-rescue-items-apartment-bin-rooms]
Our Ultimo recycling pop-up has opened 100 times, diverting over 32 tonnes of materials from landfill.
Potts Point clothes swap and styling demo [https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/potts-point-clothes-swap-styling-demo-tickets-1075419983119]
If you’re a City of Sydney resident looking to update your wardrobe, we've got you sorted. You’ll save money and help the environment.
Get your free ticket [https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/potts-point-clothes-swap-styling-demo-tickets-1075419983119].
Arts & culture Rare photos shine a light on pride [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/photos/rare-photos-shine-a-light-on-pride]
The people, parties and parades that made LGBTIQA+ Sydney from the disco era to the fight for marriage equality in the 21st century.
Temporary closure on Friday 29 November [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/city-of-sydney-libraries-temporary-closure]
All City of Sydney libraries [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/libraries] as well as Glebe [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/customer-service-centres/glebe] and Kings Cross [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/customer-service-centres/kings-cross] neighbourhood service centres will be closed on Friday 29 November for a staff development day.
You can continue to renew and reserve items, as well as access our extensive online digital collection [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/library-information-services#digital-collection].
City life Meet your new best friend at our animal shelter open day [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/meet-your-new-best-friend-at-our-animal-shelter-open-day]
Animal lovers unite: Mark your diary for half-price adoptions, dog training demos and fun for the whole family.
Sydney Christmas kicks off [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/programs/sydney-christmas]
Hang onto your Santa hats. The big tree in Martin Place is lit this Thursday as we kick off Sydney Christmas!
Celebrate the magic and embrace the joy of the season. Visit our one stop shop for all things Sydney Christmas [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/programs/sydney-christmas].
Aquatics centres open day 7 December [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/aquatic-summer-open-day]
Celebrate the start of summer at our Aquatic and fitness centres open day [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/aquatic-summer-open-day] on Saturday 7 December.
Come with family or friends and enjoy a swim in one of our pools, take part in an exercise class or hit the gym.
There’s an exciting line-up of activities including sunrise yoga, advice from health professionals, plus prizes and giveaways. Best of all, it’s free and open to everyone.
Have your say [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/consultations]
See consultations open for feedback.
Open tenders and expressions of interest [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/opportunities]
Opportunities to work with us.
Careers [https://career10.successfactors.com/career?company=cityofsydn&career_ns=job_listing_summary&navBarLevel=JOB_SEARCH&_s.crb=iiRV0qpmR5dW7SPOA+m0aTUdTwY=]
Our people are our most important asset. See current vacancies.
Events [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/]
New events listed every day. See What’s On.
Your council [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lord-mayor-and-councillors]
Lord Mayor and councillors.
Choose the news that interests you Update your subscription to stay informed. Update my preferences https://cityofsydneynews.updatemyprofile.com/j-gkhoil-D96905F6-hruhjytkjh-v The City of Sydney acknowledges the Gadigal of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of our local area. Privacy [http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/about-us/privacy] View online https://cityofsydneynews.cmail19.com/t/j-e-gkhoil-hruhjytkjh-e/ Unsubscribe https://cityofsydneynews.cmail19.com/t/j-u-gkhoil-hruhjytkjh-s/