News Release - Save your appetite! Reservations now open for Summerlicious, returning July 5 to 21
- [登録者]City of Toronto
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Toronto, Canada
- 登録日 : 2024/06/20
- 掲載日 : 2024/06/20
- 変更日 : 2024/06/20
- 総閲覧数 : 293 人
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News Release
June 20, 2024
Save your appetite! Reservations now open for Summerlicious, returning July 5 to 21
The City of Toronto and its partners are thrilled to announce the return of Summerlicious, one of Toronto’s most beloved summer experiences that provides residents and visitors an opportunity to explore the city’s diverse culinary landscape.
Earlier today, Mayor Olivia Chow and Councillor Nick Mantas (Scarborough-Agincourt) celebrated the return of the popular program at Ye Skewers Hot Pot in Scarborough.
From Friday, July 5 to Sunday, July 21, the City is encouraging residents to get together with friends and family to enjoy a three-course prix fixe menu at more than 200 restaurants across the city. Menus are available at price points ranging from $20 to $55 for lunch and $55 to $75 for dinner.
Reservations are now open for the prix fixe menu at participating restaurants. While not required, reservations are strongly encouraged and can be made by contacting the restaurants directly.
This year’s Summerlicious program continues to support Toronto’s hospitality industry while providing the enticing experiences and delectable food that restaurant-goers have come to love and expect from the popular program. Since 2003, participating restaurants have served more than eight million meals, generating more than $353 million in economic activity for the local restaurant industry.
Summerlicious 2024 is sponsored by Hong Kong Tourism Board with support from media partners CP24, Newstalk 1010 and Toronto Star.
More information about Summerlicious including a list of participating restaurants and menus is available on the City’s Festivals & Events webpage: https://www.toronto.ca/explore-enjoy/festivals-events/summerlicious/.
“Summerlicious has a long legacy of driving investment and economic activity for Toronto’s vibrant culinary industry and I’m thrilled that this popular program is back for another summer. From July 5 to 21, I encourage Torontonians to take advantage of this program and dine at the many diverse restaurants in communities across the city.”
– Mayor Olivia Chow
“I’m proud to launch another incredible year of Summerlicious here in Scarborough-Agincourt. This program is an opportunity to explore the renowned and diverse culinary experiences available to residents and visitors in all areas of the city, including those outside of the downtown core. I encourage everyone to step outside of their own neighbourhoods and explore a new area of the city while enjoying some delicious food.”
– Councillor Nick Mantas (Scarborough-Agincourt)
“I’m thrilled that Summerlicious is back to showcase Toronto’s thriving restaurant industry. Every year, this program uplifts our local restaurants and helps strengthen our local economy. It also provides a wonderful opportunity for friends and family to enjoy the vibrant and diverse culinary scene that Toronto is known for worldwide.”
– Councillor Shelley Carroll (Don Valley North), Mayor’s Economic Development & Culture Champion
Toronto is home to more than three million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, innovation and climate action and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit www.toronto.ca or follow us on X at x.com/cityoftoronto, on Instagram at www.instagram.com/cityofto or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofto.
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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca
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