Legal Administrative Professional II
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/09/25
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/25
- 変更日 : 2024/09/25
- 総閲覧数 : 44 人
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+1 (347) 644-5968VARTEX EDUCATIONS
The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is seeking to hire a motivated individual as a **Legal Administrative Professional ****II **to join our office. The Legal Administrative Professional II, handles a variety of legal office support tasks performed under general supervision, requiring an ability to exercise sound independent judgment. This position will assist the trial paralegal and DPAs with vertically prosecuted cases. This position will also assist in processing referrals to community diversion programs, prepare and disseminate victim notification packets, and identify victim information and case summary to make referrals to KCSARC when appropriate. If you seek enriching, meaningful work and a chance to serve your community while working as part of a collaborative team, this opportunity may be for you.
**_About the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office_
Our mission is to do Justice:**
* We exercise the power given to us by the people with fairness and humility.
* We serve our diverse community, support victims and families, and hold individuals accountable.
* We develop innovative and collaborative solutions for King County and the State of Washington.
We are guided by our core values of Integrity, Compassion, Professionalism, and Leadership.
Our office is comprised of six divisions that are further organized into specialized units: To learn more about the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (PAO), please visit our website [ http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/prosecutor.aspx ].
We value diversity and strive to hire a workforce that reflects the community that we serve. It is essential to our mission that we create and maintain an office that is diverse and inclusive. All PAO employees are expected to participate in PAO equity work and attend equity trainings and discussions. PAO employees are expected to comply with race, equity, and social justice principles, and to work with PAO colleagues and management to identify opportunities for improvement.
_Who May Apply:__ _This position is open to all qualified applicants.
**_Work Location: _**Patricia Clark Children and Family Justice Center - 1211 East Alder Ave., Seattle, Washington
_Work Schedule:_ This position works a 40-hour work week schedule, normally Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This position is eligible for King County’s generous benefits package.
_Salary:_ **Range 44 -- $30.81 (step one) - $39.05 (step ten) Hourly** *
**_Union Membership:_ **Positions in this classification are represented by Teamsters Local No. 117.
Application Process:
Interested individuals must complete the three application components:
1) Submit a resume
2) Respond to the supplemental questions
3) Fully complete King County application. **
***Applications and/or supplemental questionnaires that state “see my resume” or are blank, are considered incomplete and will not be considered competitive.
Selection Process
Materials will be reviewed for qualifications, and the most competitive candidates may be invited to participate in a panel interview process. Current PAO employees who are represented by Teamsters Local No. 117 will receive priority consideration.
For more information regarding this recruitment, please contact:
Karla Avila Vargas (She/Her)
Human Resource Analyst
Special Requirements
Finalists must successfully submit to a criminal background check, reference check, and be fingerprinted.
* In addition to the benefits listed on the benefits tab, employees with less than 2 years of service will receive .25 per hour less than the hourly salary table due to a mandatory contribution toward the Teamsters Pension Trust that was voted by members of the collective bargaining agreement between our office and Teamsters Local No. 117. This contribution is made by the employee and after two years it is paid by the employer.
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