Upcoming Construction Reminder: Trash Capture Project to Improve Beach Water Quality 🌊
- [注册人]City of Manhattan Beach
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Manhattan Beach, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/22
- 发布日 : 2024/09/22
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/22
- 总浏览次数 : 85 人
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City of Manhattan Beach, California
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Upcoming Construction Reminder: Trash Capture Project to Improve Beach Water Quality
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*Dear Neighbor, *
We want to inform you about an upcoming project that will improve water quality at our beaches and in the ocean. Starting in September 2024, the City of Manhattan Beach will begin the Santa Monica Bay Trash Capture Project [ ], which will install stormwater treatment devices and underground systems at key locations throughout the city and is expected to last six months.
In addition to the installation of stormwater treatment devices in catch basins throughout the city, there will be four impacted intersections. Three larger end-of-pipe stormwater treatment systems will be installed underground near 14th St. & Ocean Drive, 24th St. & Ocean Drive, and 39th St. & the El Porto beach parking lot.
* Construction will take place Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.* During this time, traffic lanes on Ocean Drive near 14th St. and 24th St. will be restricted, with possible temporary limitations to driveway access within the work zone. Detours may be required, but access for residents, services, and emergency vehicles will be maintained throughout the project.
*Additionally, at the intersection of 24th St. and Ocean Drive, work will begin the week of September 23, 2024, and will last approximately two months.* This phase includes the installation of a hydrodynamic separator—an underground concrete structure—on 24th St. (walk street), just west of Ocean Drive. Excavation will take place in the street and sidewalk areas adjacent to 2320 and 2400 The Strand.
Similar to other locations, construction will occur Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Traffic lanes on Ocean Drive near 24th St. will be restricted, and pedestrian access on 24th St. will be limited in the work area. Detours may be necessary, but access for residents, services, and emergency vehicles will be maintained.
While we understand construction can be disruptive, we will make every effort to minimize inconvenience. Residents and emergency vehicles will always have access, though driveway access may be temporarily limited. Please observe all posted traffic controls to help expedite the process.
*For more information or concerns, please contact: *
*Lisa Naslund* "(Contract Project Manager, MB Public Works)"
* (310) 802-5368
*Kevin Higgins*" (KOA Corp., Construction Manager) "
* (310) 701-9475
*Mark Cuneo, P.E.*" (Clarke Contracting Corp., Estimator/Project Manager) "
* (310) 266-6070
We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work on this important project. For more information about the Santa Monica Bay Trash Capture Project and other ocean protection initiatives, please visit [ ]. Together, we can ensure a cleaner, healthier ocean for our community.
Thank you,
Manhattan Beach Public Works Department
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Ocean Protection Video Header [ ]
The *City of Manhattan Beach* is dedicated to preserving our oceans through innovative stormwater and urban runoff initiatives. By targeting pollutants such as bacteria and trash, and implementing sustainable stormwater management practices, we intercept and manage runoff and debris to protect the Santa Monica Bay.
Our proactive measures ensure a pristine ocean environment, safeguard human health, reinforce coastal infrastructure against the impacts of climate change, and preserve our city as an international destination for all to enjoy.
*Join us in our mission to keep our ocean clean and vibrant!*
*Watch Introduction* [ ]
*Visit Website* [ ]
Seven-Part Video Series
"Journey with the City of Manhattan Beach through this seven-part educational video series on the importance of ocean protection."
Ocean Protection Video Header [ ]
Ocean Protection what is watershed [ ]
*What is Watershed?*
santa monica bay [ ]
*The Santa Monica Bay Watershed*
Manhattan Beach's Watershed [ ]
*Manhattan Beach's Watershed*
Coming Soon
*What is the Beach Cities Green Streets Project?*
Coming Soon
*Human Impact, Empathy & Investment*
Coming Soon
*Climate Change and Climate Resiliency*
*Watch Series* [ ]
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