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IDR Response to CrowdStrike


No Surprises Act Independent Dispute Resolution

On 7/19/2024, the Departments announced that they will grant disputing parties impacted by the CrowdStrike Windows outage a *one business day extension* for any activity in the federal Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) process that has a due date on 7/19/2024.   Below is a list of the specific extensions and how they will be implemented.    


*Notice of Initiation*

Initiating Parties that* started* *open negotiation for a qualified item or service on 5/31/2024* can select the extension reason of “I received an extension approval from the federal IDR mailbox and will upload evidence of this extension in the Supporting Documentation section of this webform” on page 2 of the Notice of Initiation webform and attach this email as evidence.   


*Resubmission - Notice of Initiation*

Disputing Parties with a resubmission due date of *7/19/2024* will automatically be granted a one business day extension and can *submit their webform by end of day* *7/22/2024*.


*Certified IDR Entity Selection *

Disputing Parties with a selection response due date of *7/19/2024* will automatically be granted a one business day extension and can *submit their response by end of day* *7/22/2024*.


*Notice of Offer *

Disputing Parties with a notice of offer due date of *7/19/2024* will automatically be granted a one business day extension and can *submit their Notice of Offer webform by end of day 7/22/2024*.


*Admin and Entity Fees*

Disputing Parties with a fee submission due date of *7/19/2024* will be granted a one business day extension and can *submit the fee to their selected certified IDR entity by end of day 7/22/2024.*


The Departments will continue to monitor impacts from the CrowdStrike Windows outage to determine if any additional actions are necessary.  



Questions can be directed to the Federal IDR Questions mailbox at



As the Departments continue to make guidance-related and system enhancement updates to the IDR web forms, we ask that you clear your computer’s cache or open the IDR web forms in a private or incognito window to view all the new features. Failure to clear your cache or open the web forms in private/incognito mode could result in system errors or additional follow-up from certified IDR entities. 


The Federal IDR Team




Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO)
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight


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body .abe-column-block {min-height: 5px;}
  • [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
  • [ภาษา]日本語
  • [แอเรีย]Baltimore, MD
  • วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/07/19
  • วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/07/19
  • วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/07/19
  • จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 51  คน
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