Invitation to Seattle Resilience Project Focus Group Discussion
- [登録者]City of Seattle
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/10/11
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/11
- 変更日 : 2024/10/11
- 総閲覧数 : 27 人
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"You’re receiving this email because you’ve signed up for Pedestrian Access Advisory Committee updates or reached out to our ""team to share support or concerns about the PAAC. If you would like to opt-out of these messages, ""you can click unsubscribe below."
The Pedestrian Access Advisory Committee (PAAC) was established to discuss Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access needs in the public right-of-way (ROW) for those living with disabilities in the City of Seattle.
Hello PAAC Members,
We are sharing the following information on behalf of researchers at the University of North Carolina who were interested in the potential for bikes & other micromobility to be used as a tool for resilience in disasters or other incidents. They’re now recruiting community members for hour-long focus group sessions on this topic. Please see the contact information below for any additional questions.
Oklahoma State University and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte are conducting a study about the use of micromobility (light, low-speed transportation modes) and resilience hubs in disasters. This study is funded by the National Science Foundation [ https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2242719&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] and is being conducted in partnership with local disaster preparedness organizations in Seattle to enhance community resilience.
The research team is seeking focus group participants (see below for date/time options) to learn more about how community spaces and transportation networks can better support Seattle communities during times of disaster or other kinds of disruption. *We hope that you will consider joining a focus group to share your ideas!*
Individuals must be 18 years of age or older to participate. *Each participant will receive a $50 Amazon gift card in appreciation of their time. *Limit one focus group per participant.
Please visit this link [ https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?e=96b4fce8-09f6-484a-a5bc-58853d7d2fc8&k=31323334-50bba2bf-31321b84-4544474f5631-673c8c3e0d1ceb9e&q=1&u=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fforms%2Fd%2Fe%2F1FAIpQLSeMM2QvszermEOs6KP9kh9_32v6NbDcGCIUxfK_OQg0FPe3CQ%2Fviewform%3Fusp%3Dsf_link%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dgovdelivery&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMM2QvszermEOs6KP9kh9_32v6NbDcGCIUxfK_OQg0FPe3CQ/viewform [ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMM2QvszermEOs6KP9kh9_32v6NbDcGCIUxfK_OQg0FPe3CQ/viewform?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]] (Choose any ONE of the date/time/location options below):
*Tuesday, October 29 (6:00 – 7:00 PM)*
West Seattle Branch - Seattle Public Library (2306 42nd Ave SW)
*Wednesday, October 30 (6:00 – 7:00 PM)*
Lake City Branch - Seattle Public Library (12501 28th Ave NE)
*Saturday, November 2 (1:30PM – 2:30PM)*
Beacon Hill Branch - Seattle Public Library (2821 Beacon Ave S #5813)
Participation in the focus groups is voluntary. We expect that there will be minimal psychological or physical risks or discomfort as a result of your participation in this research. The personal benefits for your participation include learning more about local hazards and disaster preparedness. The societal benefits will be a better understanding of the transportation and resource needs of different communities in disaster scenarios. In turn, this will allow researchers and emergency planners to more effectively prepare for the transportation and resource distribution needs of individual communities in the event of a disaster.
We want to thank you for your cooperation and invite you to contact us by email or phone if you have any questions about the purpose of the research, what we are asking you to do, the possible risks and benefits, your rights as a study participant, or any other questions you might have. Please feel free to reach out to the study leaders below at any time.
Thank you for your consideration,
Dr. Katherine Idziorek, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
_kidziorek@charlotte.edu_, (980) 729-5722
Dr. Chen Chen, Oklahoma State University
_chen.chen10@okstate.edu_, (405) 744-5710
Let's stay connected!
* Visit us on the web [ https://seattle.gov/transportation/permits-and-services/make-an-ada-request?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* Email us at DOT_ADAProgram@seattle.gov
*Sign up for the SDOT Newsletter*:
Stay up to speed on all the latest game-changing Seattle transportation news! Our monthly update highlights major projects and initiatives, showcases the best of the SDOT Blog, and dives into a featured topic each month.
Subscribe Here! [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WASEATTLE/subscriber/new?topic_id=WASEATTLE_353 ]
Thank you,
ADA Program Team
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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