Conservation Work Completed on Culver City Public Artworks
- [登録者]City of Culver City
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Culver City, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/10/25
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/25
- 変更日 : 2024/10/25
- 総閲覧数 : 70 人
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Two photos of City-owned public artwork
La Ballona on the left, Hanging Garden on the right
Conservation Work Completed on Culver City Public Artworks
The Cultural Affairs Division of the City of Culver City is pleased to announce the conservation of *La Ballona* by artist May Sun and *Hanging Garden* by artist Ed Carpenter has been completed. These two major City-owned, public artworks are currently installed at City Hall. La Ballona received a complete conservation treatment that included the fiberglass repairs of the effigies (pictured), removal of calcium/lime efflorescence buildup from brick surfaces, and cleaning and replacing of missing metal hooks in the pool floor. Hanging Garden was given a full cleaning and polishing of the individual stained-glass pieces by chemical and soft abrasive means; the removal of rust oxidation throughout the monumental, stainless-steel frame was executed.
Earlier this year, *The Lion's Fountain* and *A Moment in Time* statues near the Culver Steps, as well as the City Seal located in front of the Mike Balkman City Council Chambers, received much-needed treatment to ensure longevity.
*Why is conservation important? *
One of the primary responsibilities of the Cultural Affairs Division is to manage the routine maintenance of the city’s own permanent, public art collection, which consists of over 100 artworks to date. Public artworks help to beautify public spaces and enrich many lives. The COVID-19 pandemic and other factors had delayed the much-needed preservation of the artworks in our beloved city. We are delighted to rekindle this conservation priority by assessing all artworks and providing the treatments needed.
Photo of La Ballona before restoration
Photo of La Ballona before restoration.
Photo of Hanging Garden before restoration.
Photo of Hanging Garden before restoration.
Work being done on the Hanging Garden
Photo of work being done on the Hanging Garden.
Photos of completed work on The Lion's Fountain (left) and A Moment in Time (right)
Photos of completed work on The Lion's Fountain (left) and A Moment in Time (right).
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