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City Council Meeting Summary: Starts Community Outreach on Former G un Store and Moves Forward on Increasing Council Member Compensation

Read the wrap-up of the latest Culver City City Council meeting

Culver City Press Release
Culver City Seal

September 15, 2024

Dustin Klemann, Public Information Manager dustin.klemann@culvercity.org
(310) 253-5783

City Council Starts Community Outreach on Former Gun Store and Moves Forward on Increasing Council Member Compensation

Seeking Community Input on Future of Former Gun Store Property Needs

The City of Culver City is seeking input from the community on what it should do with the City-owned property at 11029 Washington Boulevard, which it purchased in 2023. On Monday, City Council approved the community outreach plans, as well as the proposed art project led by Artist Laureate Katy Krantz. Mayor Yasmine-Imani McMorrin, Vice Mayor Dan O’Brien, and Council Members Goran Eriksson and Freddy Puza all voted in favor of the motion. Council Member Albert Vera was absent for Monday’s meeting.

The property is a 0.2777-acre parcel containing a 4,660 square foot, one-story building with a former retail and office use built in 1953. The site is a corner lot with 20 parking spaces. The parcel is zoned Mixed-Use Corridor 1 - 35 dwelling units per acre. Between 1953 and 2023, it was used as the Martin B. Retting gun shop. The City has repainted the exterior of the site and installed a fence to secure the parking lot. Krantz installed a temporary mural project on the exterior of the building. Maps and photos of the property are available on the City's website [ https://www.culvercity.org/11029washington ].

The second phase of the art plans, which would build upon the work done earlier this year, focuses on the five trapezoidal frames on the building wall at pedestrian-level. It would be completed in December 2024. Expenses for labor, paint, supplies, and installation for Phase II of the mural project are estimated to be $5,786, which will be paid for with funds from the Cultural Trust Fund, Temporary Art Displays and Exhibits. You can use the online visioning form to share your ideas with the City. [ https://forms.office.com/g/NYzUZWZYB8 ]

City Council Moves Forward on Increasing Council Member Compensation

The City Council discussed increasing Council Member compensation. Currently, the salary for each Council Member is $485.10 per month. All four City Council Members present for the meeting voted in favor of directing staff to return with an ordinance amending the Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC) to increase a Council Member’s salary up to and including $1,261.26 per month. It deferred a decision on a Deferred Compensation Program to a later date. At this time, there has been no Deferred Compensation Program authorized and established for City Council Members.

City Council Takes Stance Against November Ballot Measure

The City Council voted to adopt a position against the Los Angeles County Government Structure, Ethics, and Accountability Charter Amendment ballot measure this November. The measure amends “the Los Angeles County Charter to create an elected County Executive; create an independent Ethics Commission to increase restrictions on lobbying and investigate misconduct; establish a nonpartisan Legislative Analyst to review proposed County policies; increase the Board of Supervisors from five to nine elected members; require County departments to present annual budgets in public meetings; using existing funding sources with no additional taxes to implement, as detailed in the charter amendment ordinance.”

All four Council Members present voted to adopt a position against the ballot measure. On October 10, 2024, Council Member Eriksson, who serves as the City Council’s Delegate and Voting Member on the Westside Cities Council of Governments (WSCCOG) Board, and Vice Mayor O’Brien is the Alternate Voting Member, will inform the City’s position to the WSCCOG Delegates when the item is considered. You can read the ordinance language on the City’s website. [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=13273430&GUID=64C380DA-8889-4D86-9900-2C5C9147B00B ]

Proclamations & Awards

The City Council began Monday’s meeting by proclaiming September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. As of 2022, suicide was the 11th leading cause of death in the United States, the 2nd leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 25 to 34. Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, race, orientation, income level, religion, or background. Over 90% of the people who die by suicide have a diagnosable and treatable mental health condition, although often that condition was not recognized or treated. In Culver City and surrounding areas, those who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide have many resources available to them, including Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services which provides professional counseling services Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, by calling 888-807-7250. If you, or someone you know, needs help in a crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, which is open 24 hours a day at the new 988 number. The City of Culver City and calls upon our citizens, public and private institutions, businesses and schools to recommit our City to increasing awareness and understanding of suicide prevention, and the need for appropriate and accessible services to assist individuals in crisis.

Later this month, from September 21st through 27th, “United Against Hate” week will highlight the importance of standing against hate in all forms. The United States is a nation of immigrants, whose strength comes from its diversity and the Constitution enshrines equality on all individuals, regardless of race, gender, orientation, religion, or political views. Increased uncivil behavior, such as the visibility of hate crimes, violent acts, and hate speech are now being more openly displayed in California communities and across the United States has increased. United Against Hate Week is a call for local civic action to stop the hate and implicit biases that are a dangerous threat to the safety and civility of our neighborhoods, towns, and cities. Joining the United Against Hate Week campaign is an important step in bridging divisions and healing communities. The City of Culver City, a City of Kindness since 2017, is dedicated to preventing and opposing hate and intolerance in our community and advocates for and supports education, compassion, and cooperation as key components to unlocking understanding and embracing differences between people. The City of Culver City stands United Against Hate and sends a resounding message that we are united in our resolve to promote kindness, combat hate, and support the importance of promoting social justice, inclusion and safety for all to foster an environment where every resident can live, work and flourish without fear of hatred. The City Council of the City of Culver City, California, stands in solidarity with “LA vs Hate” and the “California vs. Hate” coalition, joining over 200 communities to hereby, enthusiastically, proclaim September 21 through 27, 2024 “United Against Hate Week” in Culver City and encourages all residents to stand United Against Hate.

In a presentation from ​Shea Cunningham of Balanced Approach, 10 businesses and organizations were recognized with a certification from the Culver City Sustainable Business Certification Program. The program, which is in its sixth year, is a partnership between the City of Culver City, Balanced Approach, and Sustainable Works that is endorsed by the Culver City Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Business Association. The City of Culver City is part of the California Green Business Network that leads the state and nation in working with businesses to grow an environmentally sustainable, equitable, diverse, and resilient community. The program was created based on the need to acknowledge the many sustainable measures and practices that businesses incorporate into their operations, and to provide customers a means to identify those businesses that meet Culver City’s “Sustainable Business” criteria. The City celebrates the successful completion of its sixth year of the Sustainable Business Certification Program with City businesses attaining one of California’s most rigorous, impactful, and respected certifications. The City acknowledges that an environmentally sustainable, equitable and resilient local economy relies on attracting and supporting a diverse group of businesses who are committed to implementing sustainable practices that provide financial, social, and environmental benefits to the community.

These 10 businesses implemented the measures necessary to become Certified as Sustainable, and being an active member of Culver City’s Sustainable Business community dedicated to reducing waste, clean energy, saving water, preventing pollution, sustainable procurement, zero-emission transportation, employee well-being, and community engagement:

* Zooga Yoga Culver City
* Primestore Development LLC
* Blankspaces Culver City
* Sock Panda
* Kirk Douglas Theatre
* The Culver Hotel
* Lille’s at The Culver Hotel
* Wende Museum
* Echo Horizon School
* Branches Atelier

Additional Council Decisions 

*Additional items approved by the City Council include:*

* Approved cash disbursements [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/gateway.aspx?M=F&ID=de71cf3a-4124-4691-8ef0-40fca5c9b675.pdf ] from August 17th to August 30th, 2024.
* Approved minutes [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/gateway.aspx?M=F&ID=1d8ec01e-0dbb-4204-a449-e17aea350d7a.pdf ] of the City Council Meeting held on August 26th, 2024.
* Approved an amendment to the existing agreement with Commline, Inc. [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/ViewReport.ashx?M=R&N=Master&GID=535&ID=6819308&GUID=930E4F3C-5E6A-4125-AAB4-F8D97D5259E6&Extra=WithText&Title=Staff+Report+Details+(With+Text) ] for support and maintenance services for the Mobile Data Computers, Body Worn Cameras, and the Panasonic Arbitrator 360 HD In-Car Mobile Audio/Video Systems in the police vehicles in an additional amount not-to-exceed $120,677.61 and extending the term through August 31, 2025.
* Awarded a $1,000 Off-Cycle Special Events Grant for in-kind marketing and designate of the Center Theater Group’s Cat Kid Comic Club: The Musical [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/ViewReport.ashx?M=R&N=Master&GID=535&ID=6848238&GUID=11046A5B-63D8-49F7-AE45-A604C619231A&Extra=WithText&Title=Staff+Report+Details+(With+Text) ] as a City Sponsored Event.
* Approved a purchase order with Econolite Control Products [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/ViewReport.ashx?M=R&N=Master&GID=535&ID=6848444&GUID=044E01D1-1265-4426-9A45-E5DDB0040650&Extra=WithText&Title=Staff+Report+Details+(With+Text) ] for ten traffic signal battery backup systems in an amount not-to-exceed $148,790.54.
* Approved a budget amendment appropriating $200,000 from the General Fund Unassigned Balance for feasibility and cost studies [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/ViewReport.ashx?M=R&N=Master&GID=535&ID=6848445&GUID=13E87F0B-4E19-42FD-9869-F7F4AC6B2870&Extra=WithText&Title=Staff+Report+Details+(With+Text) ] for a potential new bicycle and pedestrian ramp and pathway connecting Ince Boulevard to Ballona Creek; and a potential new bicycle and pedestrian bridge across Ballona Creek connecting Jefferson Boulevard to Ince Boulevard.
* Approved the final plans and specifications and authorize the publication of a notice inviting bids [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/ViewReport.ashx?M=R&N=Master&GID=535&ID=6848446&GUID=941626E4-4932-4E76-83B0-ECA88C951C7E&Extra=WithText&Title=Staff+Report+Details+(With+Text) ] for the construction of the Transfer Station West Push Wall Project.
* Approved delegating the policy and program ideas gathered by the 2028 Summer Olympics Preparation Subcommittee [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/ViewReport.ashx?M=R&N=Master&GID=535&ID=6848317&GUID=26FC4BB6-ACB5-49A9-8D87-CF8B04419DB5&Extra=WithText&Title=Staff+Report+Details+(With+Text) ] to relevant City Council Subcommittees, Commissions, Committees, City Departments, the Historical Society and Sister City Committee for further consideration and recommendations. You can view the ideas on the City’s website. [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=13273260&GUID=29E42532-1E53-4CB9-B8A6-BDFC0E85643D ]
* Adopted an Ordinance approving Zoning Code Amendment and Zoning Code Map Amendment [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/ViewReport.ashx?M=R&N=Master&GID=535&ID=6848976&GUID=07E2D317-AAE6-4BB4-A2D6-C23861F5DB7B&Extra=WithText&Title=Staff+Report+Details+(With+Text) ], together known as the Zoning Code Update, to implement General Plan 2045. Vice Mayor Dan O’Brien, Council Members Goran Eriksson and Freddy Puza voted in favor. Mayor Yasmine-Imani McMorrin abstained. Council Member Albert Vera Jr. was absent from the meeting.

Additional information about each of the topics heard at the City Council meeting can be found in the staff reports and backup attachments for the items [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/DepartmentDetail.aspx?ID=27970&GUID=450C9CD7-F159-4D90-BDF7-64A912D9D355&Search= ], which are posted along with the agenda to the City’s website. The video of the City Council meeting [ https://culver-city.legistar.com/DepartmentDetail.aspx?ID=27970&GUID=450C9CD7-F159-4D90-BDF7-64A912D9D355&Search= ] will be made available on the City’s website for viewing.

The City Council’s next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 23rd.

About Culver City

Culver City [ http://www.culvercity.org/ ] is a five-square-mile, urban community of 40,779 residents surrounded mostly by the City of Los Angeles but also shares a border with unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. It is centrally located on the Westside near Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and Los Angeles International Airport.  Culver City is particularly known for its well-run public school system, "small town" charm, growing high-tech and creative economies, and a dynamic downtown that is regionally known as a destination for restaurants, live theater, and art galleries. 


Photo of City Council proclaiming September as Suicide Prevention Month

The City Council proclaimed September as Suicide Prevention Month.


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  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Culver City, CA
  • 登録日 : 2024/09/15
  • 掲載日 : 2024/09/15
  • 変更日 : 2024/09/15
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