Plant Engineer IV (Mechanical) - West Offsite
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/09/23
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/23
- 変更日 : 2024/09/23
- 総閲覧数 : 48 人
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*_This recruitment is open to all qualified candidates._*
*_First consideration will be given to qualified Teamsters Local 117 WTD (PT&A) bargaining unit members who are interested and are eligible to transfer._*
*About the Role:*
The Department of Natural Resources and Parks – Wastewater Treatment Division is recruiting for a Plant Engineer IV (Mechanical) to join the West Section Operations Engineering group. This position will serve as the technical liaison and project coordinator, emphasizing on plant mechanical engineering support of the West Section’s offsite pump stations, regulator stations, combined sewage overflow stations (CSO’s), and the West Point Treatment Plant (WPTP). These facilities pose unique challenges due to the various mechanical equipment and operational strategies commonly deployed. The successful candidate will also serve as an in-house expert on equipment / system troubleshooting and Root Cause Analysis efforts.
This is a temporary mission-critical position designed to provide direct Operations & Maintenance (O&M) engineering support and operational coordination for the offsite level controls facility upgrade project. This multi-year project encompasses over 100 regional conveyance facilities with the objective of standardizing both technical and operational elements in nearly all aspects of conveyance facility monitoring and control. The successful candidate will act as the primary O&M engineering representative on this project, representing O&M’s interests concerning engineering decisions and serving as a communication bridge between the project teams and key internal stakeholders to ensure standards, specifications and project sequencing meet O&M’s needs from design through commissioning.
The successful candidate may be expected to monitor and provide engineering coverage on other related offsite capital projects across the region, providing critical input throughout the design.
This role is crucial in ensuring that O&M’s perspectives and engineering needs are considered throughout the lifecycle of applicable capital projects, fostering a strong collaborative relationship between O&M and capital project teams.
**About the Team:* *
This Plant Engineer position serves as a crucial link between Operations & Maintenance (O&M) and capital projects, ensuring that O&M's needs are integrated into project planning and execution. By aligning the engineering design and project outcomes with O&M's operational requirements, the Plant Engineer contributes to more efficient and effective plant operations.
By ensuring that capital projects result in operational efficiencies, this role supports the broader vision of sustainable and livable communities. Efficient plant operations contribute to a clean and healthy environment, which in turn bolsters a prosperous and resilient economy.
The Plant Engineer helps protect water, air, land, and natural habitats by incorporating O&M needs into capital projects, which enhances the ability to reduce waste, safely dispose of materials, and create resources from wastewater and solid waste.*
*Join our team dedicated to ensuring clean water for generations to come! With over 700 employees engaged in planning, designing, building, and operating treatment facilities, our agency is at the forefront of environmental stewardship. Success for us means upholding our legacy while promising future generations a pristine environment.
We enforce regulations to reduce harmful waste discharge and actively educate the public and businesses on water quality protection. We prioritize accountability to our ratepayers and operate a well-managed agency _that services over 2.3 million King County residents_. Our regional wastewater treatment system not only sustains a healthy environment but also fuels economic development, fostering prosperity in our region. If you're passionate about making a difference and thrive in a collaborative environment, join us in our mission to safeguard our precious water resources.*
Commitment to Equity, Racial, and Social Justice:*
King County, named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is a diverse and vibrant community that represents cultures from around the world. Our True North is to create a welcoming community where everyone can thrive. We prioritize equity, racial, and social justice, making it a foundational and daily expectation for all employees. As a Plant Engineer IV, you will actively apply these principles in all aspects of your work. Learn more about our commitment at http://www.kingcounty.gov/equity.
Apply now for a rewarding career at the [ https://www.kingcounty.gov/parks ]_Wastewater Treatment Division_ [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dnrp/waste-services/wastewater-treatment/about ] of King County Department of Natural Resources & Parks (DNRP). Join our talented workforce in protecting and restoring the natural environment and promoting more resilient, sustainable, and equitable communities. Enjoy training, comprehensive benefits [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/audience/employees/careers/why-work-here.aspx ], and growth opportunities.
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