RapidRide G Line – Wrapping up
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"*RapidRide G Line – Wrapping up*"
*" "* *Here's what is included in this month's email update:*
* *Wrap-up Status*
* *Bus Service Contact Information*
*Final project pieces are almost done*
Construction on the RapidRide G Line - Madison St project is nearly complete. We'll continue working on the “finishing touches,” which usually don’t cause big inconveniences for people walking, rolling, biking, taking the bus, or driving.
The finishing touches are tasks we complete at the end of a project. This checklist helps us catch and fix small issues, which is a normal part of any project. Finishing touches include:
*Landscaping: *Our team will continue working on landscaping throughout the fall. Most of the trees have already been planted, resulting in a total of 108 new trees in the project area, along with landscaping improvements on Madison St over I-5. The planters on I-5 will include a mix of shrubs, grasses, and perennials, such as Glacier Blue spurge, Seascape mat rush, and Autumn Fire stonecrop. Compact trees like the dwarf strawberry tree will also be planted to enhance the area.
Bus on city street with newly planted tree and clear blue sky.
Newly planted tree along E Madison St between 13th and 14th Avenues, enhancing the streetscape.
*Signal Timing: *SDOT monitors and adjusts signal timing for the RapidRide G Line to improve traffic flow and reduce bus delays. During the first weeks of operation, we have closely monitored performance and made adjustments at key intersections, including Madison St and 6th Ave, Madison St and Boren Ave, E Madison St and 12th Ave, E Madison St and 15th Ave, E Madison St and 23rd Ave, and E Madison St and MLK Jr Way E. We’ve also implemented new signal timing along the corridor from 8th to 22nd avenues.
*New Art Coming Soon:* [ https://www.benzamora.com/about?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
A public art installation is underway at the intersection of Madison St, 14th Ave, and Pike St. A sculpture by local artist Ben Zamora [ https://www.benzamora.com/about?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] [ https://www.benzamora.com/about?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] in progress. This vibrant piece consists of multiple-colored frames that intend to echo the surrounding architecture and reflect the diversity of the nearby communities. The artwork installation is expected to be completed by the end of this week, with the surrounding plaza scheduled for completion by the end of this year.
Art installation with orange and blue frames at a construction site.
Vibrant new public art installation featuring orange and blue frames at the intersection of EMadison St, 14th Ave, and Pike St
*10th Ave tunnel**: *Starting this week, we will temporarily close the eastbound lane and south sidewalk on Madison Street near 10th Avenue. During earlier work to install a new foundation for a trolley bus power pole at this intersection, crews found an old, abandoned tunnel beneath Madison Street. To ensure safety and stability, crews will fill in the tunnel and restore the area, including the sidewalk and landscaping. Pedestrian detours will be in place, and westbound vehicle traffic will remain open. Work at this intersection is expected to take one to two weeks.
RapidRide G Line Service
For any questions about G Line service, including bus routes, bus stops, bus shelters or waste management, please reach out to Metro directly:
*Phone: (206) 263-9768
**Email: rapidride@kingcounty.gov*
Please visit King County Metro's Transit Alert page [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/transportation/metro/alerts-updates.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] for the most accurate information about the RRG Line service and sign up for Metro Transit Alerts [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/transportation/metro/alerts-updates.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. Metro Alerts are the best way to stay up-to-date on bus reroutes and impacts to bus stops.
Transit Alerts [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/transportation/metro/alerts-updates.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Family boarding a red RapidRide bus at a modern bus stop with fall foliage in the background.
Passengers board a RapidRide G Line bus at a newly upgraded station
Thank you,
Darrell Bulmer, Outreach Lead
Contact: MadisonBRT@Seattle.gov (206) 484-278
*"This project email and hotline will remain active until December 2024"*
For translation services, please call (206) 900-8728 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/tel:%2520%2B1%2520(206)%2520900-8728/3/0100019235d7d32f-bb8d6983-3b87-425b-96a6-d8e1e747df7c-000000/r3cFnF5NFmSACiJ_k52UFdamnQrVv8-q0Suy189rHks=372 ] and leave a message clearly stating the language you prefer.
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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