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https://www.facebook.com/janecastorfl https://twitter.com/janecastor https://www.instagram.com/janecastor
Mayor Jane Castor https://www.tampagov.net/emergency-management/LiftUpLocal
The City of Tampa proudly partners with Current Initiatives on the Laundry Project to assist families in-need with meeting the basic need of washing clothes and linens. Mayor Jane Castor visited a site whose volunteers washed a total of 220 loads of clothes for 19 families in one day.
Tampa Weekly Some cities consider street shutdowns to help struggling restaurants, retailers (https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/some-cities-consider-street-shutdowns-to-help-struggling-restaurants-retailers-83525701535)
NBC News
Some of America’s biggest cities closed streets to car traffic to help with social distancing. Now you can expect to see more roads, sidewalks and parking lots transform into places for outdoor shopping and dining.
Tampa Weekly Tampa to open all parks (https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2020/05/14/tampa-opens-up-all-its-parks/)
Tampa Bay Times
The city urges all park-goers to practice social distancing and keep groups to fewer than 10.
Tampa Weekly Whit Remer named Tampa’s Sustainability officer (https://www.tampabay.com/news/tampa/2020/05/12/whit-remer-named-tampas-sustainability-officer/)
Tampa Bay Times
Whit Remer, a South Tampa resident who has been visible in recent years in efforts to make Tampa’s sidewalks and streets safer, was named as the city’s Sustainability and Resiliency officer.
Tampa Weekly Tampa Nonprofit Helping Minority Businesses Rebound Amid Pandemic (https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/rebuilding-florida/2020/05/11/tampa-nonprofit-helping-minority-businesses-rebound)
Spectrum Bay News 9
The city of Tampa is partnering with a local nonprofit to help minority and women-owned restaurants suffering because of the pandemic.
Tampa Weekly As states reopen, cities rush to help restaurants -- by turning over streets and sidewalks (https://thecounter.org/reopening-cities-street-seating-restaurants-social-distancing-covid-19-coronavirus/)
The Counter
Tampa, Florida, has fast-tracked applications for sidewalk cafés and parklets and set up two-week street closures in “business recovery zones.”
Tampa Weekly Health of Hillsborough River in Tampa is improving (https://www.wmnf.org/health-hillsborough-river-tampa-is-improving/)
88.5 WMNF
Compton said Tampa Mayor Jane Castor has demonstrated strong support for the river since taking office a little over a year ago, and hopes she will agree that full recovery requires more fresh water.
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City of Tampa . 306 East Jackson Street . Tampa, Florida 33602 . USA