Assistant Accountant
- [注册人]King County
- [语言]日本語
- [区]King County, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/14
- 发布日 : 2024/10/14
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/14
- 总浏览次数 : 32 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
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+1 (408) 627-2457Summer Hair Salon
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通过 Seikatsu Club ? 让您的生活更加丰富多彩。我们不仅为您购买生活必需品和食品,还为您提供育儿支持。我们公开生产商和生产方法的信息,让会员可以放心地享用美食。此外,还出售 10 分钟就能做好主菜的套餐。
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市原蜜蜂农场位于千叶县市原市高仓。这里有美丽的坐山风景和广阔的蜜源植物花田。蜜蜂和蝴蝶在这里飞来飞去。 我们与珍贵的蜜蜂伙伴一起,正在推广可持续、循环型农业,以便将其传承给我们的孩子。我们期待着您和您的蜜蜂的到来。门票 : 免费] 市原蜜蜂农场小店 ・ 软奶油 ・ 饮料 ・ 华夫饼三明治 ・ 蜂蜜
- West ・ LA ・ Sawtelle 唯一一家讲日语的牙科诊所。医生和蔼可亲...
用牙齿与牙齿为友。 健康美丽的牙齿,是松村齿科的愿望。 来自拥有30年职业生涯的医生从牙齿健康的现状到如何面对未来,我们将把每位患者的生活质量放在首位,以亲切关怀的态度为您讲解和指导。
+1 (310) 575-8828松村歯科医院
- 11 月 23 日 ( 星期六 ) 了解抵押贷款 ! 上午 11 点深入讲座 !...
11 月 23 日 ( 星期六 ) 了解抵押贷款 ! 上午 11 点 ! 橙岛 ・ 文化沙龙 ( 尔湾 ) 费用 : 免费 ( 包括茶点 ) 120多家金融机构各种贷款产品的经纪人。即使您在其他地方被告知很难获得贷款,也请与我们联系。咨询免费。还提供研讨会。点击此处进行接待。
+1 (949) 266-7761Kana Makino - WEST CAPITAL LENDING
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King County’s Finance and Business Operations Division, Treasury section, is seeking an Assistant Accountant!
Are you a detail-oriented, data-driven individual with a passion for problem-solving and teamwork? The King County Treasury Section’s Cash Management unit is looking for an energetic and results-oriented Assistant Accountant to join our dynamic team!
As an Assistant Accountant, you will work closely with multiple agencies and special districts, playing a crucial role in the proper allocation of funds. Your ability to roll up your sleeves and tackle challenges head-on will be key to success in this role!
*Scope of Job Duties:* "To be considered for this opportunity, you must at a minimum, demonstrate knowledge, skill and ability to:"
* Work independently and as a member of a team, cross-train with others as directed.
* Research, analyze, and troubleshoot transactional errors in the Property Tax System.
* Identify Incoming ACHs and Wires and post the necessary journal entries using Web ADI.
* Collect, retrieve, and tabulate financial information. Create spreadsheets to improve the gathering, reporting, and logging of financial information.
* Accurately enter account payment data, process, and reconcile property tax payments. Perform daily and monthly property tax and cash balancing
* Reconcile tax funds to the general ledger and cash accounts. Prepare, monitor, and maintain statistics and data related to property taxes.
* Troubleshoot and resolve errors (NSF, chargeback, petition refund, overpayment, and payments applied erroneously) that may require extensive research through various systems.
* Research, resolve and respond to customer issues including payment, billing, and collection discrepancies; work with other departments in resolving customer issues and reconciling property tax accounts.
* Create and maintain relevant procedures and processes.
* Use LEAN tools and techniques to develop and complete process improvement projects.
*Minimum Qualifications:*
* Experience with High-Volume Transactions: Proven experience in processing a high volume of financial transactions, including data entry, reconciliation, and maintaining accuracy.
* Customer Service Skills: Demonstrated ability to resolve customer issues effectively while maintaining positive relationships and ensuring fair and respectful treatment.
* Experience with Automated Financial Systems: Familiarity with automated financial systems, such as ORACLE EBS, including experience in performing bank reconciliations and managing financial data;
* Attention to Detail: High attention to detail to ensure accuracy in financial transactions, data entry, and reconciliation processes;
* Strong communication, interpersonal, writing and customer service skills;
* Intermediate level of technology proficiency using MS Office Productivity tools in your daily work;
* Ability to manage your time and adapt to changing priorities, work on multiple priorities and projects simultaneously, meet quick deadlines, and produce timely and quality work products;
* Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds.
*We would love it if you have:*
* Associate Degree in Accounting or Related Field: Educational background in accounting or a related field to provide a solid foundation in accounting principles and practices;
* Experience with ORACLE EBS: Familiarity with ORACLE EBS, particularly with Cash Management or Accounts Receivable Modules, to leverage existing knowledge in managing financial transactions and reporting;
* Experience with Government Accounting: Experience with government accounting practices or working in a government or non-profit treasury function to bring relevant expertise to the role;
* Knowledge of GAAP: Strong understanding of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and ability to apply them in daily accounting tasks and financial reporting;
* Experience with LEAN processes and principles;
* Experience with SharePoint, MS Teams and other collaborative online tools.
The Treasury Section is part of the larger Finance and Business Operations Division [ ] portfolio of countywide services. FBOD’s vision *“Count on Us”* reflects the division’s deep-seated commitment to customer success, equity, employee engagement, resource stewardship, and operational excellence. If these values align with your own, please apply and join FBOD for a rewarding career!
*Position Information:*
* *Work Site Details: *The work associated with this position will primarily be hybrid with 3 days in office.
* *Location Requirement: *Employees must reside in Washington state and within a reasonable distance to their King County worksite to respond to workplace reporting requirements.
* *Work Schedule: *This position is Non-Exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and therefore is overtime eligible. Employees are paid on a bi-weekly schedule, every other Thursday, comprising a 40-hour workweek; normally 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
* *Union Representation:* This position is represented by Teamsters 117
Employees will be provided with a County issued laptop. When working remotely employees must maintain a workspace with an internet connection (access may be supplemented in some situations) where they can reliably perform work, remain available and responsive during scheduled work hours, and follow FBOD’s Hybrid and Remote Guidelines including on-camera participation during virtual video meetings. King County has a robust collection of tools and resources to support working remotely.
*The Application/Selection Process:
*The recruitment for this position is open to all qualified candidates. A completed King County Application is required. Applicants from this recruitment may be used to fill future opportunities in this job classification. *We highly recommend that you also provide a resume and cover letter* addressing how you meet the minimum qualifications and why you are interested in this position.
The selection process typically consists of a phone screen, skills test, video interview, and reference checking. For some positions the process may also include skill testing, writing samples or additional interviews. Candidates will be updated on the status of their application via the email address used to apply.
*Note: Online applications are preferred. However, if you cannot apply online, go to for other options.*
If you have any questions or concerns while applying, please contact:
*Lisa Manasan, Recruiter
*Email: body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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