CMS Cloud Weekly change newsletter 08/22/2024
- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
- 登録日 : 2024/08/22
- 掲載日 : 2024/08/22
- 変更日 : 2024/08/22
- 総閲覧数 : 53 人
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Weekly change newsletter 08/22/2024 -Update
Each week, the CMS Cloud program provides a list of upcoming changes, maintenance windows, and updates to help customers build awareness and plan effectively and summarizes changes from the previous week.
This newsletter includes:
* Completed change summary for the week of 08/15/2024 [ #CC ]
* NOTICE: CMS Cloud Amazon Linux 2023 Gold Image Release Issue! [ #GI ]
* 08/22/2024 - DevOps Services Maintenance [ https://cloud.cms.gov/News ]
08/28/2024 - Marketplace SSM Patching - IMPL [ #MSSM ]
08/28/2024 - Non-Marketplace SSM patching - PROD [ #NMSSM ]
08/29/2024 - batCAVE Infrastructure Maintenance - PROD [ #Bat ]
Completed change summary for the week of 08/15/2024
* 08/16/2024 - CMS Cloud Monthly Gold Image Release [ https://cloud.cms.gov/News ]
* 08/16/2024 - Splunk Prod - Increase Indexer Instances for OE12 [ https://cloud.cms.gov/News ]
To learn details about previous changes please go to the News and Updates [ https://cloud.cms.gov/News ] section on cloud.cms.gov. (Secure Access required)
NOTICE: CMS Cloud Amazon Linux 2023 Gold Image Release Issue!
The CMS Hybrid Cloud team has identified an issue with the boot file of the *July Amazon Linux 2023 Gold Image [ https://cloud.cms.gov/gold-image-amazon-linux-2023-release-notes ] *released on *July 12th, 2024. *If your system is rebooted after patching the Kernel, it will fail to boot and requires a rebuild.
*Note: *This issue likely affects the August release as well, but does not have a kernel update available to perform and contains the latest kernel available at the time of release.
*Actions we are taking*
The CMS Hybrid Cloud patching team has disabled all kernel updates from monthly patching until AWS has provided a fix. If any security vulnerabilities are reported, rebuilding with the latest Gold Image will continue to remediate risks, and is recommended.
*When is this happening?*
The CMS Hybrid Cloud Gold Image team is working to provide a hotfix and will communicate a status in next week's change newsletter.
*Who will be impacted?*
Any customers using an Amazon Linux 2023 Gold Image from July or August 2024 who have performed a kernel update.
*What is the impact? *
* If you perform a kernel update with the July or August Amazon Linux 2023 Gold Image and reboot your system, you will likely have to rebuild the instance.
* Release notes have been published regarding this issue here: https://cloud.cms.gov/gold-image-amazon-linux-2023-release-notes. It contains a workaround that addresses the problem after performing a kernel update and prior to rebooting.
08/22/2024 - DevOps Services Maintenance
CMS Cloud will be performing maintenance updates on its DevOps tools.
*Actions we are taking*
* Update helm charts (artifactory, insight, xray, datadog)
* Add token expiry notification config
* Add API Key creation disabled config
* Update EKS AMI
* Update EKS add-ons
* Datadog Dashboard Integration
* Cloudbees
* Upgrade product and support software versions. ( EKS add-on plugins upgrade)
* Upgrade CB Jenkins version
* Update EKS nodes with the latest Amazon Linux 2 Gold Image from CMS Cloud
*When is this happening?*
Start time: Friday, 08/22/2024 at 9:00 p.m. ET
End time: Saturday, 08/23/2024 at 1:00 a.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
All AWS Commercial and GovCloud customers of CloudBees and JFrog.
*What is the impact?*
Customers should expect a short downtime for each service as instances are restarted within the maintenance window.
08/28/2024 - Marketplace SSM Patching - IMPL
* Marketplace IMPL
* SSM Linux & Windows Vulnerability Patching
*Actions we are taking:*
As part of our normal patching, the CMS Cloud team will apply the latest Windows and Linux patches on Wednesday, 08/28/2024 at 9:00 p.m. ET. The week's patches will impact the IMPL environment for the affected Marketplace applications noted below.
*When is this happening? *
Start Time: Wednesday, 08/28/2024 at 9:00 p.m. ET
End Time: Thursday, 08/29/2023 at 2:00 a.m ET
*Who will be impacted?*
FFM_Opera, FFM MLMS, FFM SERTS-SERVIS, FFM_TWS, VAMS, CRMS, XES - CyberArk, XES - Service Virtualization, MCIM, zONE
*What is the impact? *
Patches will be transmitted to the affected areas. For some ADOs, reboots may occur depending upon the tags applied.
08/28/2024 - Non-Marketplace SSM patching - PROD
* Non-Marketplace PROD
* SSM Linux & Windows Vulnerability Patching
*Actions we are taking: *
As part of our normal patching, the CMS Cloud team will apply the latest Windows and Linux patches on Wednesday, 08/28/2024 at 9:00 p.m. ET. The week's patches will impact the PROD environment for the affected Non-Marketplace applications noted below.
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Wednesday, 08/28/2024 at 9:00 p.m. ET
End Time: Thursday, 08/29/2024 at 2:00 a.m ET
*Who will be impacted? *
Reboot - CEDAR, Million Hearts, FFSDCS, RASS, OC Base- eLDAP, SC CLIA, NTP LMS, Spott MACBIS, MDP, OC Base- WNMG, NEIL/HRES, OC Base- EWST, MacFin, eAPD Hi-C, OC Base- CMS Cloud Legacy, OC Base- DevSecOps SecDevOps, iServ, MDP, PECOS2.0, SEI, NDW, OC Base- PWSS, TRA, CMS ARTS, MCIM, RAD Analysis Tools, MCIM, Perm, CMS Cloud - CRE, CMS Cloud - Enterprise Agile Tools, CMS Cloud tamer, CMS Cloud - CARD, CMS Cloud - ECS Fargate, CMS Cloud - Direct Connect, CMS Cloud - Jfrog SonarCube, CMS Cloud - DNS Prod, CMS Cloud - SRE, CMS Cloud - Governance 2.0, MEOWx, CMS Cloud - CloudBees Jenkins, CMS Cloud - CET, CMS Cloud - DevSecOps, CMS Cloud - Utilities, CMS Cloud - Testrail, CMS Cloud - CircleCI, CMS Cloud - Sam GSS Security GovCloud, SWIFT
No reboot - MEPBS, EACMS, MacPro, PS&R, RDS, OC Base- APIM GEO, 1115 PMDA, CMS Cloud - Governance 2.0, CMS Cloud - QuickDNS, CMS Cloud - CMSNet, CMS Cloud - CCG Web Content, CMS Cloud - Network Arch, CMS Cloud - VPC Automation, CMS Cloud - Security Team, CMS Cloud - CCG Web Content, CMS Cloud Temporal, CMS Cloud - Splunk, CMS Cloud - CET, AWS GSS Security GC, CMS Cloud - Splunk GovCloud Dev
*What is the impact? *
Patches will be transmitted to the affected areas. For some customers, reboots may occur depending upon the tags applied.
08/29/2024 - batCAVE Infrastructure Maintenance - PROD
In order to keep up to date with the latest versions and security advisories, the batCAVE PROD Infrastructure will be upgraded to the latest Gold Image and the nodes will be rotated.
*Actions we are taking*
Update the AWS AMI Gold Image to the August 2024 image release by performing node rotations.
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Thursday, 08/29/2024 at 9:00 p.m. ET.
End Time: Friday, 08/30/2024 at 2:59 a.m. ET.
*Who will be impacted?*
batCAVE ADO development teams and their users: FFSDCS, QMMS, SDL, DACS, CyberGeek, EPPE, eRPT, SIGNAL.
*What is the impact?*
Customers should expect a short downtime as instances are restarted within the maintenance window.
*Questions or issues*
If you have any questions about this change, or issues, please get in touch with your batCAVE Technical Advisor for assistance. You can also file a cloud support ticket [ https://jiraent.cms.gov/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/22 ].
Need help? We are here to support you.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your assigned IUSG Advisor. CMS IT Support can be reached via cloudsupport@cms.hhs.gov, <cloudsupport@cms.hhs.gov> or call (800) 562-1963, and is documented here at Support Page [ https://cloud.cms.gov/cms-cloud-get-help ] on cloud.cms.gov [ http://cloud.cms.gov/ ].
Office of Information Technology
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