Souder Trail, Columbus Boxing Icons, Art Gallery Tours and Support Community Baby Shower
- [注册人]City of Columbus
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Columbus, Ohio
- 注册日期 : 2024/02/15
- 发布日 : 2024/02/15
- 更改日期 : 2024/02/15
- 总浏览次数 : 106 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 该牙医连续多年被《檀香山杂志》评为最佳・牙医。从蛀牙治疗到种植牙。我们专注于咬合...
除了蛀牙等一般治疗外,全面保健也很重要,包括牙齿颜色、牙齿排列、咬合和牙龈状况。我们根据每位患者的不同需求提供量身定制的治疗。 ● 龋齿治疗 ● 牙周疾病 ● 牙齿修复 - 牙冠 - 假牙 - 牙贴面 ( 烤瓷牙 ) - 牙桥 - 种植体 *1 ● 美容
+1 (808) 944-1155よしむら歯科医院 | Jon Y. Yoshimura, DDS
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- <完全予約制・可进行远程调整> 如果您患有肩部僵硬・、背部疼痛、失眠...
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- 坐落在南房总(Minami Boso)荒野中的幽静度假村。在桑拿浴室和厨房里,您...
以美食为主题的全新露营风格"美食・度假村" 在关东最佳的自然景观之一享受与爱犬共度的特别时刻,可过夜、一日游和桑拿。 位于南房总的精致度假空间,这里海水清澈见底,被大自然环抱。
- 我们教你如何买好车 ! 旧金山 ・ 如果你想在洛杉矶地区买车,我们可以帮你 ! ...
我们是 ・ 加利福尼亚州 DMV 授权的汽车经销商,在洛杉矶经营各种品牌和型号的新车和二手车。 * 新车销售 * 二手车销售 * 购买 * 租赁
+1 (310) 527-2071San Francisco Fleet & Leasing
- [未来学园] 以16年的经验为基础,为儿童提供在线日语教育和日本文化体验 ! 您...
未来学园为美国儿童提供日语教育和日本文化体验。 可根据您孩子的日语水平参加课程。 目前提供在线课程和免费试听! ------------------------------------------------------------- \ 我们现在提供 2 岁技能开发课程 ( Mebae 课程 ) ! / ★ 小班授课,额满为止 ★ <開講曜日> 周三 ・ 周五:上午...
+1 (408) 391-3689未来学園 Mirai Gakuen LLC
- ~玻璃之城富山 ~
作为旨在创建 "富山玻璃之城 "的城市规划的高潮,该博物馆将位于富山Kirari综合体,该综合体还包括富山市图书馆的主楼等。由于它位于富山市的市中心,它不仅将成为文化和艺术的基地,还将在该市创造一个新的吸引力。
- JVTA 洛杉矶,2025 年 1 月 ! ] JVTA 洛杉矶,2025 年 ...
JVTA 洛杉磯分校現正招收2025年7月1日開課的學生 ! 我們提供免費個人輔導,以滿足您的需求。 🌸 请随时与我们联系 ! 🌸 试听课程 $ 656 ~ 可用 ✨.
+1 (310) 316-3121Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy / 日本映像翻訳アカデミー
- 在STIX ASIA内,神户豚骨拉面・Kashoken回到了威基基!享受他们的特...
这道汤具有光滑的质地和浓缩的猪骨味道,是在神户县有五家分店的Kasyoken公司特有的瑰宝。 该汤经过三天的精心烹制,使用的热量与夏威夷的气候一样强烈。汤的味道温和而细腻,同时利用了猪骨的独特风味。
而面条的质地结实,有小麦的味道。体验一下快乐的时光,你会想告诉别人你口中那挥之不去的味道。 +1 (808) 518-0740神戸豚骨らーめん・賀正軒
- 学前班/幼儿园/一年级 2 岁 ~ 面向 7 岁儿童 ・ 小班授课,英语授课 !...
Playhouse 在南湾拥有 30 年的历史,致力于与家庭建立联系,为儿童提供良好的基础教育。学校实行小班教学和英语语言学习。 学校全年开放,周一至周五上午 6:30 ~ 下午 6:00。 在暑假期间,学前班提供寓教于乐的特别课程,并为幼儿园儿童提供夏令营课程。 公园配备了一个大型游乐场,供孩子们嬉戏玩耍。公园靠近高速公路,有停车位供上下车使用。 除了点心和午餐,还为忙碌的家长提供...
+1 (310) 371-1231Playhouse
- 本牙科诊所位于千叶县木更津市,最近的车站是内房线的木津站。半私密和完全私密的治疗...
诊所利用 CT 和显微镜提供世界标准的治疗。由于口碑相传,我们的患者远至二津市、小泽浦市、鸭川市、南房总市和胜浦市。
- 这是一个面向国内外研究人员的全球性平台。我们期待您的参与。
UJA ( United Japanese researchers Around the world : Network of Japanese researchers abroad ) 的愿景是 "通过可视化的信任来促进研究人员的福祉,让所有日本研究人员感到安全并活跃在国际舞台上"。其愿景是 "创造科学的未来"。迄今为止,UJA为考虑出国留学的人员提供了①信息和支持,为在国外的日本研究人员提供了...
- 美国的跨国婚姻 ・ 支持婚姻活动 ! 生活在海外的日本女性 ・ 亲爱的男士们,为...
我们希望尽可能多的夫妇拥有幸福的婚姻。我们将尽最大努力帮助您实现这一目标。美国跨国婚姻 ・ 我们支持您的婚姻活动。您正在寻找婚姻伴侣或长期关系,但由于某些原因,您无法找到合适的人...我住在美国或日本以外的地方,却很难遇到合适的人...我想在各种交友网站上注册,但又担心隐私...Glow 会帮您找到您的理想对象。
+1 (510) 316-7918glow MATCH MAKERS
- Sharakukan 是日本最大的摄影工作室之一,位于千叶县木更津市。我们提供现...
婚纱摄影 ・ 成年照 ・ 七五三三照片 ・ 大宫照片请访问如月写真馆 有各种服装和众多的照片布景可供选择。 我们以资深摄影师的高超摄影技术而闻名,其中包括获得通商产业大臣奖的一流婚礼摄影师野口吉信,他还是日本婚礼摄影协会的讲师 ! 这就是舍乐馆的与众不同之处 !
服装种类繁多 ! 我们有各种庆典服装。成人有 1,600 多种,儿童有 1,000 多种 ! 您... +81-438-23-2525写楽館
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This Week
Summer Camp [ ]
Explore Nature [ ]
Bridging Communities: Milestones Reached on Souder Trail Pedestrian Bridge
If you use the Scioto Trail [ ], you will be excited to hear that construction on the 420-foot pedestrian bridge along the Souder Trail in Franklinton is advancing! The Franklinton/Souder Avenue project is shaping a transformative landscape, introducing a new pedestrian bridge over the Scioto River and an adjoining trail along Souder Avenue to West Broad Street. The bridge will allow residents and professionals to reach downtown and the Arena District within minutes. It will improve the experience for people attending events and participating in races and walks in the area, ensuring a safe crossing of the Scioto River. The new beams for the bridge were set at the end of 2023, and the bridge is expected to open this July.
Focus on Wellness [ ]
Unveiling the Legends: Columbus Boxing Icons Take Center Stage
Prepare for an electrifying evening at "Legends," a celebration of Columbus boxing legends! In 2024, we honor the remarkable contributions of Wayne Pruitt, Donald Dowdy and Tommy Walker. This unforgettable evening kicks off with an exclusive meet-and-greet, followed by a night of exhilarating amateur boxing bouts - you might even see a future Legend! The event takes place at Barack Community Center on Saturday, Feb. 24, starting at 5 p.m.
Witness the legacy unfold in the ring - get your ticket for just $10. VIP tables are $250 and can be purchased by calling 614-645-3610. Learn more about boxing programs and events happening at your local community centers [ ].
Discover Your Creativity [ ]
Discover the Rich Heritage of the Priscilla R. Tyson Cultural Arts Center
Embark on a captivating journey through the corridors of history with a tour of the Priscilla R. Tyson Cultural Arts Center [ ]! One of the oldest buildings in the area, the center has a rich history waiting to be unveiled. Learn about the building’s role as an armory during the Civil War and explore its transformation into a cultural haven complete with gallery exhibitions, expansive studio spaces and more. All are welcome, from schools and scout troops to civic organizations, young professionals and active older adults. Your tour can be customized to meet the interests and curiosities of your group.
To book your personalized tour, email or call 614-645-7514.
Connect with your Community [ ]
Support CelebrateOne’s Community Baby Showers
Are you looking to give back and invest in growing Columbus families this year? CelebrateOne [ ] is a Mayor’s initiative to reduce infant mortality and improve health equity so more babies reach their first birthday. CelebrateOne is dedicated to supporting pregnant women and families in Franklin County by providing essential baby items like diapers, onesies and diaper bags. Your donations will go directly to pregnant women and families attending the 2024 community baby showers.
Here’s how you can donate:
* View the wishlist [ ]
* Explore the list, and choose the items you'd like to donate.
* Once you've made your selections, add them to your cart.
* Proceed to checkout and select the CelebrateOne shipping address. Amazon will handle the rest!
Every contribution, big or small, makes a significant difference.
Mark Your Calendar [ ]
Check out next week's events below, and explore the events calendar [ ]!
"On Her Shoulders: A Celebration of Women" Exhibition [ ]
*Jan. 19-Feb. 24 | Priscilla R. Tyson Cultural Arts Center*
"Pattern, Play" Exhibition [ ]
*Jan. 19-Feb. 27 | Priscilla R. Tyson Cultural Arts Center*
Youth Flag Football Registration [ ]
*Feb. 13 - March 9*
Black History Month Celebration [ ]
*Feb. 22 | 12-1 p.m. | Gillie Community Center*
Outdoor Recreation Summer Camp Registration [ ]
*Feb. 22 | 12 p.m. - Residents | Online*
*Feb. 22 | 7 p.m. - General Public | Online*
Birding on the Green [ ]
*Feb. 24 | 9-11 a.m. | Champions Golf Course*
Summer Camp Registration: All Other Camps [ ]
*Feb. 27 | Noon - Columbus residents | Online*
*Feb. 27 | 7 p.m. - General public | Online
Feb. 27 | 7-7:45 p.m. | Your local community center [ ]*
Black History Ceremony [ ]
*Feb. 27 | 6-8 p.m. | Woodward Park Community Center*
Seasonal Hiring Fair [ ]
*March 9 | 10 a.m.-1 p.m. | Wolfe Park Shelterhouse*
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