Deputy Director - Finance & Business Operations Division
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/09/30
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/30
- 変更日 : 2024/09/30
- 総閲覧数 : 30 人
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The Finance & Business Operation’s Division is searching for an innovative leader and change agent with a keen focus on Equity and Social Justice, LEAN continuous improvement, and delivering great value to internal and external customers. To be successful, you need to be a confident, collaborative, and mature leader who excels at coaching and developing others so that they can perform at their best. The position also requires strong communication skills combined with excellent interpersonal, political, and people management skills. You must also be able to lead others with purpose and vision and be a driver for results.
Reporting to the Director of the Finance and Business Operations Division, the *Deputy Director* is responsible for overseeing division-level budget preparation and financial management, human resource administration, continuous improvement initiatives and operating systems, performance metrics, and Equity and Social Justice programs. The Deputy Director serves as the back-up for the Director and is as a member of the Division’s management team.
*Scope of Job Duties:* "To be considered for this opportunity, you must at a minimum, demonstrate the following knowledge, skill and ability to:"
* Champion a work culture of learning and respect that has a dual emphasis on continuous improvement (LEAN) and Equity & Social Justice.
* Oversee and manages the Director’s Office team responsible for the following areas: Finance, Human Resources, Continuous Improvement, Equity and Social Justice, and special projects.
* In partnership with the Director, direct the development and implementation of the division’s vision for the future, strategic goals and objectives, workforce management, performance measures, operational strategies, policies, best practices, and initiatives.
* Foster collaboration with other agencies on a wide range of financial issues and is a change agent for communicating and implementing countywide policies and standards that promote consistency and equity across the enterprise.
* Focus on performance metrics at the division and county level that drive actions and influence decision-making; also conducts analyses and develops recommendations on key financial policy issues for senior leaders.
* Take the lead in initiating actions to sustain employee engagement, including the development and/or oversight of action plans involving annual employee engagement surveys.
* Manage special projects that are complex and challenging and often involve multiple agencies or interdepartmental teams.
* Model the way for others, especially involving everyday actions and behaviors that are consistent with King County’s values.
*Minimum Qualifications:*
* Have experience as a people leader, including management level experience leading operations and/or analytical teams.
* Be a champion for Equity & Social Justice, which includes understanding systemic racism and being comfortable having candid and sincere conversations with employees, customers and stakeholders about race and equity in our work.
* Be a champion of LEAN processes and standard work, with an emphasis on visible performance measures and customer-focused results.
* Have an exceptional record of successfully managing, developing, and/or implementing strategic initiatives, policies, and systems to achieve stated outcomes. Also, understand how to manage complex projects including scoping and organizing resources, developing work programs, and facilitating multi-disciplinary teams.
* Have strategies and ideas to continue reinforcing a culture of employee engagement which supports the development, learning, coaching, and team-building necessary for the workforce of the future.
* Have excellent communication skills, verbal and written, with the ability to tailor messages to a wide range of audiences. Be comfortable advising and partnering with senior and executive-level management about complex initiatives, polices, and issues.
* Be adept at managing conflict by using collaboration and influencing skills that drive others to consensus and achieve shared interests. Also demonstrate managerial courage by asking the tough questions or making difficult decisions when needed.
* Exhibit emotional intelligence by being humble and carefully listening to others. Also promote a vibrant and fun work environment that recognizes individuals and teams for their contributions and accomplishments.
The Director’s Office Section is part of the larger Finance and Business Operations Division [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/finance-business-operations.aspx ] portfolio of countywide services. FBOD’s vision *“Count on Us”* reflects the division’s deep-seated commitment to customer success, equity, employee engagement, resource stewardship, and operational excellence. Our Leadership team is committed to creating and fostering a workplace where empathy, self-awareness and effective communication thrive.
*Position Information:*
* *Work Site Details: *The work associated with this position will hybrid/remote as business requires.
* *Location Requirement: *Employees must reside in Washington state and within a reasonable distance to their King County worksite to respond to workplace reporting requirements.
* *Work Schedule: *This position is Exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and therefore is not overtime eligible. Employees are paid on a bi-weekly schedule, every other Thursday, comprising a 40-hour workweek; normally 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
* *Union Representation:* This position is not represented.
Employees will be provided with a County issued laptop. When working remotely employees must maintain a workspace with an internet connection (access may be supplemented in some situations) where they can reliably perform work, remain available and responsive during scheduled work hours, and follow FBOD’s Hybrid and Remote Guidelines including on-camera participation during virtual video meetings. King County has a robust collection of tools and resources to support working remotely.
*The Application/Selection Process:*
The recruitment for this position is open to all qualified candidates. A completed King County Application is required. Applicants from this recruitment may be used to fill future opportunities in this job classification. *We highly recommend that you also provide a resume and cover letter* addressing how you meet the minimum qualifications and why you are interested in this position.
The selection process typically consists of a phone screen, video interview, and reference checking. For some positions the process may also include skill testing, writing samples or additional interviews. Candidates will be updated on the status of their application via the email address used to apply.
*Note: Online applications are preferred. However, if you cannot apply online, go to www.kingcounty.gov/jobs for other options.*
If you have any questions or concerns while applying, please contact:
*Liz Callahan, Senior Recruiter*
Email: liz.callahan@kingcounty.gov body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
[ https://www.kingcounty.gov/ ]
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