Maricopa County, Arizona All Parks & Recreation Events Feed Update
- [登録者]Maricopa County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Morristown, Arizona, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2024/12/23
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/23
- 変更日 : 2024/12/23
- 総閲覧数 : 13 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 素材も作法も考え抜かれた20年後のラーメン 動物性の食材を一切使わず、レンゲだけ...
【食の再考 考え抜かれた20年後の味】当店が目指すのは、「誰もが安心して食べられるラーメン」です。これまでの調理人人生の集大成として、 すべての知識と技術をこのラーメンづくりに注ぎました。今までに食べたことのない、なのに安心して食べられる一品を皆さまにお届けします。当店では小麦粉でグルテン由来の物は使用いたしません。(調味料も同様です。)麺は6種類からお選びいただけます。(黄えんどう豆麺(メイン)...
+81-439-77-9383富津短麺 飯蔵
- 洗練された雰囲気と新鮮素材で作り上げたお料理で最高のひと時をすごしませんか?お店...
OC・サンタアナにて最高級の日本食やお寿司をご提供しております。当店オリジナルのしし唐オイルで仕上げた料理やおまかせメニューもございます。日本から季節ごとに取り寄せている生酒もお楽しみください。すし紫人気のネタ本マグロ(赤身・とろ)自信があるからこそ一番のオススメであり、一番人気のネタです! 鱸 ししとうオイルをかけて頂くのが人気です。 かんぱち クマモトオイスター 当店ならではの新鮮な雲丹!! ...
+1 (714) 241-1000Sushi Murasaki
- 川崎市立日本民家園は、昭和42年に開園した古民家の野外博物館です。日本各地から移...
- 日本でなじみ深い居酒屋メニューや日本のお酒を楽しむなら聚楽へ
+1 (212) 477-0100Izakaya Juraku
- 🎥映像/動画制作ならお任せください!企業PR、商品プロモーション、コマーシャルC...
+1 (424) 290-0637Media Focus, Inc.
- 国際脳教育協会(IBREA ・ 国連公報局公式NGO)、健康、幸せ、および平和を...
+1 (212) 319-0848IBREA Foundation
- 日本人、日系人、日本に興味のある方のためのヒューストンの日本人会。一緒に日本の伝...
- アイブロウ、アイライナー、アートメイクで目もとからイキイキとした素顔を手に入れま...
+1 (808) 386-4914アートメイク ユミ | Artmake Yumi
- 想像力や思考力が豊かになり自信たっぷりの子ども達に成長して欲しい!アメリカ社会の...
+1 (310) 257-8880こぐま幼稚園
- サンライズ九十九里直営『葉武里tassoの森の駅店』は、千葉県産の新鮮な海の幸を...
【地産地消 × 産地直送】新鮮な海の幸を心ゆくまでご堪能いただけます海の駅九十九里で培った、千葉県産海の幸を中心とした新鮮食材からなるメニューの数々を取りそろえております。一番人気の葉武里定食は、食材にこだわった自慢の一品です!獲れたて新鮮な千葉の海の幸をぜひお楽しみください。
- 在外子女教育のエキスパート・塾および日本語補習校で対面授業あり。キンダークラス。...
+1 (657) 212-5377学習塾Pi:k アーバイン日本語補習校
- 朗読を通して読書の喜びをお届けしています。
Voice Library in Japanese
- シリコンバレーで暮らす子供たちのサークル。日本人と、日本に興味を持つ方を会員とす...
日本人と、日本に 興味を持つ方を会員とする お母さんと子供のグループです。 主な活動エリアはサンノゼ、クパチーノ、サニーベール近郊。パークデーやイベントの開催、シリコンバレーの情報を載せたニュースレターを年10回発行しています。さくらクラブは宗教団体や営利団体とは無関係で、会員の有志によって運営しています。友達の輪を広げたい、子供の遊び相手を探している、シリコンバレーでの子育て情報がほしい保護者の...
- アーバインの会計事務所 - アメリカと日本の税務・会計で20年以上の経歴! 税務...
アメリカ・日本で20年の実績を持つHiromi K. Stanfield、CPA。税務の修士号を有し、ビッグ4税務監査法人での経験も活かし、カリフォルニア州公認会計士として個人・中小企業の税務・会計をサポート。オンラインでの細やかなコミュニケーションを通じ、皆様の財務安定とビジネス成長を全力でバックアップします!
+1 (949) 281-1219Hiromi K. Stanfield, CPA Inc.
- 千葉駅前・西千葉駅前にて基礎から振袖・花嫁までやさしく身につく着付教室です。
+81-120-198-323東京着物学院 中央校
You are subscribed to All Parks & Recreation Events Feed for Maricopa County, Arizona. This information has recently been updated and is now available.
Discovery Station: Junior Ranger Winter Break Program [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/discovery-station-junior-ranger-winter-break-program/010425/?F_d=01-04-2025 ] 01/04/2025 12:30 PM MST
Estrella Mountain Regional Park Need an activity to keep the kids busy this winter break? See Ranger Kevin to get started in the County Park system?s Junior Ranger program. Click program title for more details. Quiet Walk [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/quiet-walk/010425/?F_d=01-04-2025 ] 01/04/2025 11:30 AM MST
Hassayampa River Preserve Feel inner peace outside on this easy walk featuring a guided 4-step outdoor meditation led by Ranger Jacque. Click program title for more details. Desert 101 Hike (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/desert-101-hike-registration-required-limit-20-participants-/0104251/?F_d=01-04-2025 ] 01/04/2025 10:30 AM MST
McDowell Mountain Regional Park Learn all about the Sonoran Desert ecosystem on this guided walk with Ranger Eric! Click on program title for more details. Welcome to the Sonoran Desert (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants)? [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/welcome-to-the-sonoran-desert-registration-required-limit-20-participants/0104251/?F_d=01-04-2025 ] 01/04/2025 10:00 AM MST
Estrella Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Kevin for an invigorating morning hike and learn more about the amazing Sonoran Desert. Click program title for more details. All Abilities Nature Walk [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/all-abilities-nature-walk/010425/?F_d=01-04-2025 ] 01/04/2025 09:30 AM MST
Hassayampa River Preserve Enjoy a beautiful morning while on this barrier-free nature walk with Ranger Jacque. Click program title for more details. Maricopa Trail Walk: Sonoqui Wash to Mansel Carter Oasis Park (Registration Required. Limit 25) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/maricopa-trail-walk-sonoqui-wash-to-mansel-carter-oasis-park-registration-required-limit-25/?F_d=01-04-2025 ] 01/04/2025 09:00 AM MST
Maricopa Trail Join Ranger Nikki for a walk along the Maricopa Trail in Queen Creek to enjoy the sights and learn about local history. Click program title for more details. Guided Bird Walk (Registration required, limit 10) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/guided-bird-walk-registration-required-limit-10/090223111-1-4-2025/?F_d=01-04-2025 ] 01/04/2025 08:15 AM MST
Hassayampa River Preserve Learn about the resident and migrant birds of desert riparian areas on this guided walk with Anne Leight. Click on program title for more details. Guided Bird Walk (Registration required, limit 10) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/guided-bird-walk-registration-required-limit-10/090223111-11-2-2024/?F_d=01-04-2025 ] 01/04/2025 08:15 AM MST
Hassayampa River Preserve Learn about the resident and migrant birds of desert riparian areas on this guided walk with Anne Leight. Click on program title for more details. Guided Bird Hike (Registration Required, Limit 10 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/guided-bird-hike-registration-required-limit-10-participants-/0104241/?F_d=01-04-2025 ] 01/04/2025 08:00 AM MST
McDowell Mountain Regional Park Learn about the resident and migrant birds of the Sonoran Desert on this guided walk with Ranger Eric. Click on program title for more details. Yavapai Point at Sunset (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/yavapai-point-at-sunset-registration-required-limit-15-participants/?F_d=01-03-2025 ] 01/03/2025 04:30 PM MST
Lake Pleasant Regional Park Join Ranger Olivia in starting off the New Year with a beautiful hike up to Yavapai Point lookout to see the sunset. Click program title for more details. Fitness Hike: 100 Miles in 100 Days (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/fitness-hike-100-miles-in-100-days-registration-required-limit-15-participants/010325/?F_d=01-03-2025 ] 01/03/2025 03:00 PM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Kevin in the fresh air and sunshine for a late afternoon fitness hike surrounded by the spectacular scenery of San Tan Mountain Park. Click program title for more details. Connecting with Nature Class [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/connecting-with-nature-class/010325/?F_d=01-03-2025 ] 01/03/2025 01:00 PM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park Did you make it your New Year?s Resolution to spend more time in nature? Join Ranger Kevin for an introduction to the skills needed to enhance your connection with the natural world. Click program title for more details. Estrella - Invasive Species Removal [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/estrella---invasive-species-removal01032025/?F_d=01-03-2025 ] 01/03/2025 08:00 AM MST
Estrella Mountain Regional Park Meet at the park’s Nature Center. Join us in removing invasive species and reducing wildfire risk in our parks. Participants will learn to identify several invasive species, their phenology and characteristics, and how to effectively remove these invasive plants. The initiative [...] Mid-Day Meander (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/mid-day-meander-registration-required-limit-15-participants/?F_d=01-02-2025 ] 01/02/2025 12:00 PM MST
Lake Pleasant Regional Park Enjoy a mid-day hike with Ranger Olivia to see what wildlife and plants we can spot. Click on program title for more details. Lake Pleasant Christmas Bird Count (Registration Required) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/lake-pleasant-christmas-bird-count-registration-required/0102251/?F_d=01-02-2025 ] 01/02/2025 12:00 AM MST
Lake Pleasant Regional Park Help count birds for the Lake Pleasant Christmas Bird Count on Jan. 2! Click on event title for more details. Caminata Nocturna (Bilingue; requiere registracion)/ Night Hike (Bilingual, registration required) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/caminata-nocturna-bilingue-requiere-registracion-night-hike-bilingual-registration-required/?F_d=01-02-2025 ] 01/01/2025 06:30 PM MST
Usery Mountain Regional Park La guardaparque Jacque lidera este sendero nocturno, que seguramente complacer? tus sentidos mientras disfrutas de la sombra de la oscuridad, los sonidos misteriosos y las criaturas de la noche. Haz clic en el t?tulo del programa para m?s detalles. Ranger Jacque leads the way on this night hike, sure [...] Stargazing (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/stargazing-registration-required-limit-20-participants/010125/?F_d=01-02-2025 ] 01/01/2025 05:30 PM MST
White Tank Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Kevin for an evening of winter stargazing! Click program title for more details. All Abilities Sunset Stroll (Registration required; Limit 25) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/all-abilities-sunset-stroll-registration-required-limit-25/010125/?F_d=01-02-2025 ] 01/01/2025 05:15 PM MST
Usery Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Jacque on this barrier-free nature walk. Click program title for more details. Hiking with Dogs (Registration Required, Limit 10 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/hiking-with-dogs-registration-required-limit-10-participants/?F_d=01-01-2025 ] 01/01/2025 02:00 PM MST
Usery Mountain Regional Park Get those tails on the trails on this family friendly & pet friendly approachable, yet beautiful first day hike led by ranger Jacque! Fitness Hike: 100 Miles in 100 Days (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/fitness-hike-100-miles-in-100-days-registration-required-limit-15-participants/010125/?F_d=01-01-2025 ] 01/01/2025 01:00 PM MST
White Tank Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Kevin in the fresh air and sunshine for an afternoon fitness hike surrounded by the spectacular scenery of White Tank Mountain Park. Click program title for more details. Geology, Gold, and Streams Walk [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/geology-gold-and-streams-walk/111211/?F_d=01-01-2025 ] 01/01/2025 09:00 AM MST
Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area Learn about the geology and streams of the Spur Cross region on an easy two-mile walk with nationally known earth science author and park docent Thomas McGuire. Visit an abandoned gold mine, Nutcracker Rock, and a Hohokam rock art site along Cottonwood Wash. Bring plenty of water and your [...] New Years Eve Scorpion Safari (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/new-years-eve-scorpion-safari-registration-required-limit-20-participants/1231241/?F_d=01-01-2025 ] 12/31/2024 06:00 PM MST
Cave Creek Regional Park Look for scorpions and nocturnal animals during this guided hike with Ranger Eric. Click on program title for more details. Guided Bird Hike (Registration Required, Limit 10 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/guided-bird-hike-registration-required-limit-10-participants/0101251/?F_d=12-30-2024 ] 12/30/2024 07:30 AM MST
Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area Help with the Christmas Bird Count during this guided bird hike with Ranger Eric. Click on program title for more details. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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