Coverage to Care: News and Updates - Volume 4: December 2024
- [注册人]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Baltimore, MD
- 注册日期 : 2024/12/10
- 发布日 : 2024/12/10
- 更改日期 : 2024/12/10
- 总浏览次数 : 0 人
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太平洋航空博物馆珍珠港位于历史悠久的福特岛,1941 年 12 月 7 日珍珠港遭受袭击时,炸弹就是在这里投掷的。 博物馆标志性的158英尺高的红白相间的福特岛控制塔、37号机库(主楼)和79号机库(2号展厅)、以及79号机库的玻璃窗内都再现了当天发生的事件,79号机库内至今仍保留着当天的子弹。37 号机库拥有第二个世界级的子弹展厅。37 号机库陈列着第二次世界大战期间的飞机,而 79 号机库则停...
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夏威夷的正宗炸猪排 ! 还提供外卖 ☆ 从现在起,您可以享用新鲜制作的炸猪排,无需等待 ! Tonkatsu Tamato 在北海道札幌市开始营业。今年是该公司在北海道札幌市成立 66 周年。 我们希望海外顾客也能体验到我们的工匠多年来培育出的'悠久味道'。 ・ ・ ・ 为此,我们于 2017 年 2 月在夏威夷檀香山开设了第一家海外分店 "Tamato Kapahulu"。 我们从...
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- 致力于 "空间和能源 "的科学博物馆。
在展厅里,儿童和成人都可以体验到科学的奥妙,展品以亲身参与的方式为中心,让参观者在观看和触摸展品的过程中获得学习的乐趣。由专业人员进行的科学表演也很受欢迎! 博物馆里有很多东西可以欣赏,包括一个天文馆,它在世界最大的圆顶屏幕上尽可能地再现了星空的真实面貌!。
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寻找正宗的日本料理 ? 来托兰斯的稻叶餐厅。 新鲜生鱼片 ・ 寿司和许多其他日式菜肴。 天妇罗油由不含胆固醇的纯植物油和芝麻油制成。 例如,虾直接从日本运来 ! 我们对配料也很讲究。 鱼是用正宗的江户前工艺锯成的。 不使用鱼片,只使用最好的部分,少用为佳。米饭质量上乘。
+1 (310) 371-6675稲葉(I-NABA)Japanese Restaurant
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感谢您阅读我们的城镇指南。 我们以合理的价格提供最好的服务。 我们的价格体系因季节而异,请发送电子邮件或致电询价。 另请参见网站。 我们很乐意将小费包含在我们的价格中 ! 请放心,我们会为您提供安全的服务。
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您是否正在寻找一个可以让您的爱车放心的地方? 在 M's Factory,拥有 30 多年经验、爱车胜过一日三餐的机械师松冈清成将为您的爱车进行检查 ・ 和维修 ! 。
+1 (310) 533-4897M's Factory
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J&H移民服务公司是一家专门从事[婚姻绿卡申请] 的公司,我们不断收到更多的申请。 请将您重要的永住申请交给 ! 我们的专业公司 J&H ‼︎ ㊙ ️比其他地方更快的文件 🉐 更合理的费用 💮J&H独特、易懂的日语&英语详情 非常清楚地解释申请程序 客户满意度 💯💮🈵 其他服务 绿卡申请&续期、美国公民身份 & 永久居留权 取消2年有条件永久居留条件, 重新申请入境许可, ...
+1 (310) 327-3030J&H Immigration Services
- JAGB是大波士顿地区日本人协会的首字母缩写。
波士顿日本人协会成立于1965年,旨在为生活在该地区的日本人 "开展教育、文化、福利、慈善和其他活动,并鼓励相互友谊",并在2015年庆祝其成立50周年。1908年,一个名为 "波士顿日本人学会"(ボストン日本人学生会)的日本组织成立。据报道,一个名为 "留学生之会"(Rugakusei no Kai)的日本组织成立于1908年,这个组织后来被继承并发展成为我们的协会。
+1 (781) 643-1061ボストン日本人会 (JAGB)
- 眼镜 ・ 巴黎三木太阳镜。提供种类繁多的日本制造镜框,特别注重设计和舒适度,以及...
这是一家经营了近 90 年的老牌眼镜连锁店在夏威夷的分店,在日本・和海外拥有 740 家店铺。
+1 (808) 943-6454OPTIQUE PARIS MIKI / メガネ パリミキ
- 将洛杉矶技术带到夏威夷",体验在日本和美国拥有超过 25 年经验的聚变技术 ?。
将洛杉矶技术带到夏威夷",体验在日本和美国拥有超过 25 年经验的聚变技术 ?。
+1 (310) 997-8330TAKUJI HAIR | Hi-Lites Salon
- Fusuma ・ Tatami ・ Amido ・ 有关和室空间的咨询和维护,请...
如果您想在木更津地区重新装饰或维护和室,我们将是您的最佳选择。 在木更津地区,我们为您提供重新装潢的工艺。 我们为考虑更换家中和室空间的榻榻米・推拉门・屏风门・的客户提供可靠、成熟的工艺。 我们可以帮助您营造舒适的生活空间,同时提出适合您房间形象的设计和纹理建议。 我们很乐意帮助您解决房间里的任何问题,比如孩子的恶作剧、宠物的污渍或污点。 我们在倾听您的预算和房间形象的同时,提出满足每...
+81-80-7018-4970金沢屋 木更津店
- 爱娜海纳(Aina Haina)开设了一家全科诊所,由一名持有美国和日本医疗执照...
家庭医学科是一家全科诊所,涵盖从婴儿到老人和孕妇的所有科室的一般护理。从夏威夷凯(Hawaii Kai)、卡哈拉(Kahala)、凯木基(Kaimuki)、阿拉莫阿纳(Ala Moana)和威基基(Waikiki)出发,交通十分便利。 普通内科 ・ 请咨询养老院的老年人住宿护理。 普通儿科 ・ 新生儿护理 ・ 各学校入学前体检 ・ 免疫接种 外科
小手术 ・ 乳... +1 (808) 377-3193Ohana Clinic
- 纽约 ・ 新泽西家庭医生。请随时用日语与我们联系。本诊所位于新泽西州,提供全方位...
(201) 581-8553ひばりファミリーメディカル
- 汽车维修・喷漆・二手车销售以及其他一切有关汽车的问题,南湾的 Pitline 都...
在 Pitline,我们拥有维修、钣金和喷漆设施,全部在公司内部进行 ! 我们保证价格和质量都会让您满意。如需了解更多信息,请随时与我们联系。 ☆ 一般修理 ☆ 更换机油 ☆ 烟雾检查 ☆ 免费检查 ・ 估价 ☆ 玻璃修理 ・ 更换、着色 ☆更换轮胎 ☆ 在维修期间安排替换车辆 ☆ 空调维修 ☆ 免费检查 ・ 估价 ☆ 事故维修 ☆ 安排拖车 ☆ 油漆、车架改装
+1 (310) 532-0270pit line international, inc.
Coverage to Care: News and Updates
Volume #4; December 2024
The Coverage to Care (C2C) initiative, developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, helps individuals understand their health coverage and access the primary care and preventive services right for them. Stay informed with the latest news and updates on how C2C continues to connect people to important resources and information.
In addition to regular C2C updates we want to use this edition to highlight how to use C2C after Open Enrollment (OE). C2C resources provide critical information to assist consumers with the next steps after enrolling or changing their plan. Some key materials to review after the enrollment period include the Enrollment Toolkit [ ], Roadmap to Better Care [ ], 5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Health Coverage [ ], My Health Coverage at-a-Glance [ ], and Manage Your Health Care Costs [ ].
*New C2C Resources*
Check out the latest C2C resources helping consumers understand their coverage and the preventive services available. These resources also help partners and providers serve individuals in their community:
* Telehealth: What to Know for Your Family [ ] – Learn about the types of care available through telehealth and how you and your family can use this technology for quality care. This resource was updated in September to include broader and more concise language.
* Telehealth for Providers: What You Need to Know [ ] – Discover useful information for health care providers about telehealth including how to get started, billing considerations for Medicare and Medicaid, when to use telehealth, and more. This resource was also revised in September to be more evergreen following the end of the COVID-19 PHE and conclusion of Medicaid Unwinding in most states.
* College Students Preventive Services Flyer [ ] and View Your Path to Better Student Health Poster [ ] now available in eight additional languages (Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese) on the C2C site. Download the translations from the Get Preventive Care [ ], Resources for Partners and Providers [ ], and View All Resources [ ] webpages.
*More CMS OMH Updates*
* *2024 MRGP awardees *– For the first time CMS awarded six researchers at minority-serving institutions funding to support their health equity research projects that examine and address public health disparities in underserved populations. You can learn more about each awardee and their respective projects on the MRGP site [ ].
* *Palo Alto College*
* *Research Foundation CUNY on behalf of Lehman College*
* *San Diego State University Foundation*
* *North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University*
* *Research Foundation of the State University of New York*
* *Fayetteville State University*
* The *Health Equity Data Access Program* (HEDAP) grant gives researchers three years of funding to access restricted data from the CMS Virtual Research Data Center to support their health research. Check out the new HEDAP informational flyer [ ] and FAQs document [ ] to learn more.
* 2025 Enrollment Is Here! Don’t forget to utilize C2C resources when choosing a health plan and to get the most out of your coverage.
* OE for Marketplace*® *insurance: the last day to enroll in or change Marketplace health plans for the year is January 15, 2025. Visit [ ] for more information.
* OE for Medicare: the last day to join a Medicare health or drug plan is December 7. Visit [ ] for more information. __
*Partner Spotlight*
Coverage to Care booth and table at a partner event.
C2C relies on trusted community partners. We are excited to spotlight different partners that are educating their community about how to get the most out of their coverage with C2C. Our collaboration with Eastside Community Network [ ] (ECN) helped us reach residents living on Detroit’s east side. In 2023 ECN distributed C2C materials at their Women and Youth/AIDS Testing Day Health Fair, Show Me Money Day event, and Juneteenth Family Fest.
Spotlighted in the C2C tour highlights video [ ], ECN describes the impact of C2C in their community and how the tools help their community members reach their health goals.
"“When I see programs like Coverage to Care come into our community and really give people the tools and resources they need to navigate these systems and get what they need, it’s unreal for me. Because if people have the tools to get what they need to reach their health care goals, to make sure their family is healthy, then that’s one step closer to the world that we all really want to live in.” –" "Nayomi Cawthorne, Director of Stoudamire Wellness Hub"
*Stay in Touch*
Getting involved with C2C is simple and is vital to help people make the most of their coverage and access preventive services. Here is how you can help your community go from coverage to care.
* Email to ask questions or learn about C2C.
* Use the partner toolkit [ ] to spread the word about C2C.
* Share C2C resources [ ] in churches, clinics, health systems, and community settings.
* Plan an educational in-person or virtual event featuring C2C resources.
* Give a community presentation [ ] about C2C.
* Subscribe [ ] to the C2C listserv.
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Update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page [ ]. You will need to use your email address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please contact [ ].
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