Seattle Responder - November 2024 Edition
- [登録者]Seattle Fire Department
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/11/01
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/01
- 変更日 : 2024/11/01
- 総閲覧数 : 32 人
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Kai Sweetsでは、ポークカツカレーやオムライス、ホット/アイスドリンクやタピオカティー、マカロン、いちご大福、シュークリーム、クレープなどのスイーツを提供しております。2019年からは、mochimochi Kai Sweetsでもちドーナツも提供し始めました。そして、2022年にはKai Creameryをオープンいたしました!しぼりたてモンブランのせソフトクリーム、バブルシェイクなども...
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MARS THE SALON LAでは、セルフネイルとして趣味を嗜む目的で学ぶ方向けから、現在日本で活躍していて将来LAでネイリストを目指したいと希望されている方々のために、最適なプログラムを実施しています。LAの高級サロンでネイルの技術が学べる!ライセンス取得・就労ビザが近道となる! LAでプロネイリストを目指すための、サロンワーク体験!ネイル初心者の方も安心!マニキュア、ペディキュア、ジェルネ...
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【木更津市の高倉観音・坂東第三十番霊場 平野山高蔵寺】当寺院では、お一人様を原則にご祈祷(ご供養)を致しますので 、ご予約が必要となります。住職がお一人様づつ心をこめてご祈祷(ご供養)を致しますので、秘密厳守、更に一層のご利益が期待できます。遠方にご先祖様がいらっしゃり、法要等を行うことが出来なくて気がかりの方、ご供養いたしますのでご相談ください。
Seattle Fire Department logo
2024 portrait of Seattle Fire Chief Harold Scoggins
A message from the Fire Chief
We begin this month with the ending of daylight savings time and will fall back an hour on Sunday, Nov. 3. This change in clocks is a great reminder to test all of the smoke alarms in your home, including bedrooms, hallways and common living spaces. Ensuring smoke alarms work properly is one of the most effective ways to keep you and your family safe in the event of a fire. If you don’t have working smoke alarms in your home, you may be qualified for free smoke alarms from the Seattle Fire Department. Visit our smoke and carbon monoxide alarm website [ https://www.seattle.gov/fire/safety-and-community/smoke-and-carbon-monoxide-alarms?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzo_cnp65iQMVQtMWBR3O-TBPEAAYASAAEgLj-vD_BwE&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to see if you or someone you know qualifies.
Our application window for entry-level firefighter/EMT positions closes on Nov. 29. If you know someone in your network who is interested in a career in the fire service, now is the time to apply. We currently open our application window once every two years for a couple of months, so it's a narrow window of time when prospective candidates can enter the Seattle Fire Department hiring process. We are seeking individuals who embody our values of teamwork, courage, integrity, diversity and compassion, and who have a heart for service and a high work ethic. The application link and more information can be found on SeattleFireJobs.com [ http://seattlefirejobs.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. Additionally, the next Diversity and Recruitment Workshop hosted by the King County Fire Chiefs Association will take place on Nov. 16 in Redmond. Visit their _website [ https://www.kingcountyfirechiefs.org/event-details/kcfca-diversity-recruitment-workshop-3?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]_ to register and learn more.
In October, we held a Fire Safety Fair at Station 39 in the Lake City neighborhood. We welcomed more than 300 community members who were able to meet their local firefighters and participate in various fire safety activities. Be sure to follow us on social media to stay updated on upcoming department events, including our annual Toys for Tots collection in early December.
As we enter the holiday season, I hope each of you are able to spend quality time with loved ones.
Stay safe,
*"Harold D. Scoggins, Fire Chief"*
""""Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.""" — Helen Keller"
Significant Incidents
Firefighter putting water on a fire in a commercial building in the 2800 block of South Massachusetts Street
*Sept. 22: Commercial building fire in the 2800 block of S. Massachusetts St.*
Firefighters extinguished an exterior fire that extended to a commercial building in the Central District. No injuries were reported. Investigators ruled the cause of the fire as undetermined.
Fire burns through the roof of a home in the 8400 block of 13th Avenue Southwest
*Oct. 15: Residential fire in the 8400 block of 13th Ave. SW*
Crews extinguished a food-on-stove fire that extended to the kitchen, then up into the attic and roof. No injuries were reported. Investigators ruled the cause of the fire as accidental.
In the community
Fire Safety Fair recap
Child in a firefighter costume sits in the driver's seat of Seattle Fire Engine 26
A big thank you to the South Park community for joining us at our Fire Safety Fair on Sept. 28 at Fire Station 26! We had an amazing turnout with 250-300 neighbors.
A few weeks later, we had a fantastic time meeting our neighbors in the Lake City and North Seattle communities at our Fire Safety Fair on Oct. 19 at Fire Station 39. More than 350 neighbors came by!
A huge thank you to our dedicated staff, crew and amazing community partners who made both of these events possible.
A mother and her child along with a female Seattle firefighter sit on the back of Fire Engine 39.
Attendees at both events had the chance to learn valuable fire prevention tips, explore fire service career paths, get creative at the arts table, meet a therapy dog, take a fire engine tour and much more!
Fire Safety Fairs are through for the year, but we are already planning for 2025. Until then, stay fire safe this holiday season, and follow us for essential fire and injury prevention tips for your whole household!
Kraken donation
Five Seattle firefighters and rescue swimmers present a giant check for $32,000 provided by the Kraken and One Roof Foundation
On Oct. 22, the *Seattle Kraken* [ https://www.facebook.com/seattlekraken?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZVAttzY6iK6GdQgHk-PvAc4l9tlX05BzlWgYDGnlx3JIFwGtZ68yivzwLXYGH_-m77DZs4pQrqget5z3W1WbMSnzvmcJGTthGZofsSHuhlfM-RL9hHlX-E5eeMU5j8eHEccDaZOZHvuuh6IzzJJmMK8y6P6Bcg4Pkk-1uQuxqZ0AMRVKqNjpLHMjGJaEYOmy6o&__tn__=-%5DK-R&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] and One Roof Foundation honored *Seattle Fire Department* [ https://www.facebook.com/SeattleFire?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZVAttzY6iK6GdQgHk-PvAc4l9tlX05BzlWgYDGnlx3JIFwGtZ68yivzwLXYGH_-m77DZs4pQrqget5z3W1WbMSnzvmcJGTthGZofsSHuhlfM-RL9hHlX-E5eeMU5j8eHEccDaZOZHvuuh6IzzJJmMK8y6P6Bcg4Pkk-1uQuxqZ0AMRVKqNjpLHMjGJaEYOmy6o&__tn__=-%5DK-R&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]’s rescue swimmers as "Heroes of the Deep" for a remarkable rescue during the summer.
On June 9, while testing equipment in Lake Union, Seattle Fire received a 911 call about a man who had reportedly jumped from a pedestrian bridge. SFD’s fireboat crew acted fast, marking the last known location, and three brave rescue swimmers dove in, locating the man within 10 seconds despite him being underwater for 15 minutes. On-scene life-saving efforts by firefighter EMTs and paramedics brought him back — and he survived.
Several of our rescue swimmers represented the program at the game, when the Kraken and One Roof Foundation announced a donation of $32,000 to the Seattle Fire Foundation to support SFD’s life-saving work.
Enchant special ticket offer
Graphic of the Enchant logo
Enchant Seattle, the largest Christmas maze light show, has created a special ticket offer that supports Seattle’s firefighters!
Held at T-Mobile between Nov. 22 and Dec. 29, this holiday experience features a magical journey to find the missing pieces of Santa’s Magical Timepiece – essential to Santa’s Christmas Eve mission.
By using code SFD10 at this special link [ https://tickets.enchantchristmas.com/promo?code=SFD10&hide-code=false&location=e0c51f41-35f0-f7f0-1251-160866b74fe0&logo=fire&subtitle=ENCHANT+%26+SEATTLE+FIRE+PARTNER+UP+TO+SAVE+YOU+MONEY+%26+RAISE+FUNDS+FOR+CHARITY.+Use+code+SFD10+at+checkout+to+receive+10%25+off+your+purchase+of+any+General+Admission+Enchant+tickets+on+the+following+dates%2C+and+Enchant+will+donate+an+additional+10%25+from+each+ticket+purchase+to+the+Seattle+Fire+Foundation%21++&title=Seattle+Fire&utm_campaign=promo_code_url&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] and on the dates listed below - you’ll receive a 10% discount on a general admission ticket and the Seattle Fire Foundation will also a 10% donation.
* November 22, 23, 24, 27, 29
* December 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11*, 12, 17, 18, 19
*Dec. 11 is First Responder Night!
Fire Connect Podcast series
Graphic promoting the Fire Connect Podcast [ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrrbCcncevEOD5YqmDAhmhNKFwO11bg6z&si=0Io0BztUQLB7--8I&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
The third and fourth episodes of the Fire Connect podcast were released in October. Episode 3 focuses on the Medic One and Health One programs, and episode 4 focuses on promotional opportunities and technical teams within the department. The episodes feature the unique perspectives of Deputy Chief Jon Goins, Lt. Leo Castenada, Firefighter/Paramedic Alan Goto, Firefighter Katie Campbell and Firefighter Jordan Legan.
Watch all our podcast episodes on the SFD YouTube channel [ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrrbCcncevEOD5YqmDAhmhNKFwO11bg6z&si=0Io0BztUQLB7--8I&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Keeping you safe
Graphic illustrating to change your clocks as daylight saving time ends. And check your smoke alarms.
2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 3 marks the end of daylight savings time where clocks are adjusted back one hour. This is also a good time to remind family and friends to test their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
Thanksgiving safety - a few words about cooking, frying and choking
Graphic encouraging people to keep an eye on dinner while cooking. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLrrbCcncevENcUUmF0BPeRj5g1yGmg-lH&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery&v=qFTGGkEvnas ]
The SFD reminds residents to be safe while cooking and gathering this holiday season. Thanksgiving is the leading day for home cooking-related fires [ https://www.nfpa.org/News-and-Research/Publications-and-media/Press-Room/News-releases/2021/NFPA-urges-added-caution-when-preparing-this-years-Thanksgiving-feast?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] in the U.S. Unattended cooking is by far the leading contributing factor in cooking fires and fire deaths. Other holiday-related home fires involve heating and electrical sources.
*How to be safe in the kitchen*
* Check on food regularly while cooking and set timers – unattended cooking is the number one cause of home fires.
* Keep children and pets at least three feet away from the stove.
* Remove flammables such as towels, oven mitts and food packaging away from the stove top.
* If a fire starts on the stove top, cover it with a lid or metal cookie sheet and turn the stove off. Do not throw water on a grease fire.
* If you experience a fire beyond the pan that has spread, get outside of the home or apartment and call 9-1-1 immediately.
Click here [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLrrbCcncevENcUUmF0BPeRj5g1yGmg-lH&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery&v=qFTGGkEvnas ] to watch our cooking safety videos in several languages and American Sign Language.
Diversity and Recruitment Workshop Nov. 16 in Redmond
Graphic promoting the Nov. 16 King County Diversity and Recruitment Workshop [ https://www.kingcountyfirechiefs.org/diversityrecruitmentworkshop?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Fire departments across King County are looking for qualified applicants, and the King County Fire Chiefs Association is hosting a Diversity and Recruitment Workshop to help prepare candidates for the hiring process. The event will occur on Saturday, Nov. 16 in Redmond and will offer insight into all aspects of the process in breakout groups. If a fire service career is for you or someone you know, this is an event not to miss.
This workshop is open to anyone at least 16 years of age, and is geared towards recruiting women, people of color, LGBTQIA+, bilingual adults or those with no prior fire service experience.
*The deadline to register is Nov. 10*. Visit the event website [ https://www.kingcountyfirechiefs.org/diversityrecruitmentworkshop?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] for information.
Fire Connect In-Person Q&A Session Nov. 23
Graphic promoting the Nov. 23 Fire Connect In-person Question and Answer session at Fire Station 28
Are you interested in a career with the SFD? The application period for entry-level firefighter/EMT closes on Nov. 29. Attend an in-person Fire Connect workshop from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Nov. 23 at Fire Station 28 (5968 Rainier Ave. S.). With one week left from the workshop date to apply with the SFD, this is an opportunity to network with Seattle firefighters, ask questions about the hiring process, and tour apparatus and equipment. No RSVP is required for the workshop.
To learn more about the hiring process and submit an application, visit seattlefirejobs.com [ http://seattlefirejobs.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
*Seattle Fire Department*
301 2nd Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-386-1400*
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