Construction Milestones and Bike Route Changes on East Marginal Way S
- [登録者]City of Seattle
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/10/22
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/22
- 変更日 : 2024/10/22
- 総閲覧数 : 67 人
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+1 (310) 525-0615JohnHart Realty / Hitomi Gruenberg
Fall Construction Update
The fall season brings construction milestones and bike route changes on E Marginal Way S!
We’ve had a busy start to construction, and we’ve made a lot of progress on street paving and utility work - see photos below. We’re on track to complete major drainage and water main work by the end of this year – a critical milestone for the project! For the rest of this year and into next year, we’ll continue street paving, install bike lanes and sidewalks, complete railroad work, start landscaping, and continue signal and lighting upgrades.
Crews installing the new Terminal 25 driveway on the west side of E Marginal Way S at S Hanford St
Crews installing the new Terminal 25 driveway on the west side of E Marginal Way S at S Hanford St.
Crews prep roadway dowels on East Marginal Way S.
Crews prep roadway dowels on East Marginal Way S.
Bike Route Changes
Starting this week, people biking and walking are routed onto the new curb-separated asphalt path on the west side of E Marginal Way S between S Spokane St and S Horton St. At S Horton St, people biking and walking will shift back to a temporary, vehicle-separated shared-use path in the center of E Marginal Way S.
At approximately S Holgate Street:
* Northbound travelers are routed back to the existing sidewalk on the west side of the street
* Southbound travelers are routed back to the existing bike lane on the west side of the street
Bike route changes between S Spokane St and approximately S Holgate Street on E Marginal Way S. [ https://www.seattle.gov/images/Departments/SDOT/FreightProgram/East%20Marginal%20Way%20S/SDOT-EMW_Map_101624.png?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Bike route changes between S Spokane St and approximately S Holgate Street on E Marginal Way S.
Our goal is to minimize disruptions and maintain safe access for people walking, biking, and rolling along the corridor during construction. Construction is dynamic. Our crews prioritize safety while planning and managing route changes through the work zone. When routes change, our team puts up signs, updates traffic stencils, and clears debris to support safety and reliability for people traveling. Do your part to keep yourself and others safe while travelling through the corridor by slowing down, following directions from flaggers, and watching for equipment and signs.
Help Shape Public Art Along E Marginal Way S!
In partnership with the Office of Arts & Culture, we commissioned artist Will Schlough [ https://www.willschlough.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to create public art along the East Marginal Way S Corridor. This new Public Art project aims to involve and reflect as many users –people biking, walking, rolling, driving – as possible. As part of the design development process, artist Will Schlough is seeking community input.* There are several ways to get involved:*
* Meet Will Slough to hear about his ideas and share your thoughts
* *WHEN*: Thursday, Oct. 24 from 2-5 PM
* *WHERE*: Under the West Seattle Bridge where the Duwamish Trail meets the West Seattle Bridge Trail [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/KEErsookUwPbpFnv8?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. There is access and limited street parking from SW Marginal Pl [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/KEErsookUwPbpFnv8?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
* Take this short survey [ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9N8NK5S?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to share your thoughts on the future art on East Marginal Way S
* Send an email to EastMarginal@Seattle.gov letting us know what you want to see in the public artwork
Stay Up to Date with Project Activities
* Learn more about the project and what to expect during construction on our project website [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/freight-program/east-marginal-way-corridor-improvement-project?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* Send questions or comments to EastMarginal@seattle.gov or by calling 206-257-2263
*Drue Nyenhuis*
Outreach Lead
East Marginal Way Corridor Improvement Project [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/freight-program/east-marginal-way-corridor-improvement-project?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
If you need this information translated, call (206) 257-2263. | Si necesita traducir esta información al español, llame al (206) 257-2263. | 如果您需要此信息翻譯成中文 請致電 (206) 257-2263.
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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