NR 07-12-24 (The Kaua‘i Bus participates in National Rural Transit Day on July 16)
- [登録者]County of Kaua'i Public Information Officer
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Lihue, Hawaii, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2024/07/12
- 掲載日 : 2024/07/12
- 変更日 : 2024/07/12
- 総閲覧数 : 113 人
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County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii
*News Release*
For Immediate Release: July 12, 2024
RISE Logo (transparent background)
(808) 246-8110
*The Kaua‘i Bus participates in National Rural Transit Day on July 16*
The Kaua‘i Bus will be participating in National Rural Transit Day on Tuesday, July 16, where the Transportation Agency and team members will take the Rural Transit Day Pledge and bus riders are invited to participate in a rider survey.
National Rural Transit Day focuses on what agencies are doing to recognize passengers and staff. When team members take the Rural Transit Day pledge, they are committing to the importance of understanding passengers’ needs, providing them with equal, respectful, and helpful service, and involving them in service planning.
“After completing our Kaua‘i Bus team training in April this year, we have committed to building up our associates by enhancing customer service training, de-escalating conflict, and ensuring the safety of our drivers and riders,” said Transportation Agency Executive Celia Mahikoa.
As part of this effort to improve customer service, The Kaua‘i Bus is inviting its riders to participate in a survey focusing on what riders need and to help shape the future of the island’s transit services. This in-person survey will be available on July 16 on routes islandwide and will also be available online at www.kauai.gov/transportation [ https://www.kauai.gov/Government/Departments-Agencies/Transportation?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
“We want to ensure that future operational changes meet the needs and wants of our riders,” said Mahikoa. “Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the services we provide. Please help us recognize Rural Transit Day and let your voice be heard.”
To view all bus schedules, visit www.kauai.gov/BusSchedules [ https://www.kauai.gov/Government/Departments-Agencies/Transportation/Bus-Schedules?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. For more information on The Kaua‘i Bus, call 808-246-8110, visit the Transportation Agency’s website at www.kauai.gov/transportation [ https://www.kauai.gov/Government/Departments-Agencies/Transportation?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], or visit The Kaua‘i Bus Facebook page at www.facebook.com/thekauaibus [ https://www.facebook.com/thekauaibus?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, please call Gerald Nakamura at 808-246-8131 as soon as possible. Requests made as early as possible will allow adequate time to fulfill your request. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy.
*_Rural Transit Day Pledge_*
*On Rural Transit Day (July 16) and every day throughout the year, I/We pledge to:*
* Understand the unique needs of rural passengers and plan services to meet those needs
* Provide all passengers with helpful, courteous, and respectful customer service
* Deliver equal service to all passengers, regardless of age, background, abilities, income, or gender
* Coordinate with community organizations to provide transportation to as many destinations as possible
* Involve passengers, community stakeholders, and elected officials in service planning
* Assure that vehicles and facilities are safe, clean, well-maintained, and comfortable
* Invest in training and education that keep staff current, knowledgeable and skilled
* Contribute to an organizational culture where staff are motivated and successful
* Have a plan for potential emergencies and disasters and communicate that plan to all stakeholders
* Keep up with and invest in new technologies and funding opportunities to continually improve services
* *
Rural Transit Day group photo10x10 pixel white boxRural Transit Day pledge photo
*Media Contact:
If you are a member of the media with an inquiry for the County of Kaua‘i, its departments or representatives, please email the County of Kaua‘i's Communications Team at CountyPIO@kauai.gov to ensure a timely response to your request. Mahalo!
County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii [ http://www.kauai.gov/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
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