Contract Specialist 2
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/09/23
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/23
- 変更日 : 2024/09/23
- 総閲覧数 : 49 人
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King County’s Finance and Business Operations Division, Procurement & Payables section, is seeking a Contract Specialist 2!
*Join our team!* The *Procurement & Payables Section* is looking for a *forward-thinking, detailed-oriented Contract Specialist II to join the Architectural and Engineering team*. We are looking for someone who can work both independently and collaboratively, is creative, adaptive, has a sense of humor, and enjoys finding solutions to procurement and business challenges. This position provides expertise in the procurement of architectural, engineering (AE) and professional services contracts for various King County agencies. This position is responsible for managing and mitigating the risks inherent in AE and professional services contracts to protect the County from being subject to litigation, criticism, or unanticipated costs due to unclear, ambiguous and non-compliant contract documents. This is a mid-level professional classification that performs highly complex procurement activities and may direct the work of others.
*Scope of Job Duties:* "To be considered for this opportunity, you must at a minimum, demonstrate knowledge, skill and ability to:"
* Research, prepare, and advertise RFPs and compile contract documents in accordance with County policies and procedures.
* Determine applicability of federal and state requirements including but not limited to Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Highway Administration, and Federal Aviation Administration.
* Suggest alternative contracting methods such as general contractor construction manager, design-build, and job order contracting in compliance with state laws.
* Provide strategic advice, innovative solutions, technical expertise, and direction to ensure compliance with applicable policies, rules, and regulations.
* Support procurement’s position with knowledge of best practices, policies, executive orders, King County code, state laws, regulations, ordinances, and contract terms and conditions.
* Collaborate with agency staff to analyze and develop evaluation criteria, scopes of work, and unique terms and conditions, anticipating non-routine procurement issues.
* Facilitate pre-proposal conferences and debriefs with consultants as a representative of King County.
* Facilitate the proposal evaluation process, including the proposal evaluations and interviews and ensure all laws and policies are carried out.
* Provide direction and training for contract specialists and other King County staff in the requirements and regulations concerning the procurement process.
* Represent Procurement & Payables at various trainings and outreach events.
*Minimum Qualifications:*
* Demonstrated understanding and experience with the principles, practices, and terminology typically used to publicly procure architectural, engineering, and professional services contracts;
* Experience analyzing costs including overhead, profit, labor rates, and other direct costs;
* Experience managing different opinions, facilitating discussion, resolving conflict, and finding resolution;
* Experience improving operations, decreasing turnaround time, meeting deadlines, streamlining work processes, and working cooperatively to provide quality seamless customer service;
* Strong communication, interpersonal, writing and customer service skills;
* Intermediate level of technology proficiency using MS Office Productivity tools in your daily work;
* Ability to manage your time and adapt to changing priorities, work on multiple priorities and projects simultaneously, meet quick deadlines, and produce timely and quality work products;
* Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds.
*We would love it if you have:*
* Associate DBIA or DBIA certification from the Design Build Institute of America;
* Experience with alternative public works delivery methods such as general contractor construction manager, design-build, and job order contracting;
* Experience with LEAN processes and principles;
* Experience with SharePoint, MS Teams and other collaborative online tools.
The Procurement & Payables Section is part of the larger Finance and Business Operations Division [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/finance-business-operations.aspx ] portfolio of countywide services. FBOD’s vision *“Count on Us”* reflects the division’s deep-seated commitment to customer success, equity, employee engagement, resource stewardship, and operational excellence. If these values align with your own, please apply and join FBOD for a rewarding career!
*Position Information:*
* *Work Site Details: *The work associated with this position will primarily be remote with time in office as needed.
* *Location Requirement: *Employees must reside in Washington state and within a reasonable distance to their King County worksite to respond to workplace reporting requirements.
* *Work Schedule: *This position is Exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and therefore is not overtime eligible. Employees are paid on a bi-weekly schedule, every other Thursday, comprising a 40-hour workweek; normally 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
* *Union Representation:* This position is represented by Teamsters 117.
Employees will be provided with a County issued laptop. When working remotely employees must maintain a workspace with an internet connection (access may be supplemented in some situations) where they can reliably perform work, remain available and responsive during scheduled work hours, and follow FBOD’s Hybrid and Remote Guidelines including on-camera participation during virtual video meetings. King County has a robust collection of tools and resources to support working remotely.
*The Application/Selection Process:
*The recruitment for this position is open to all qualified candidates. A completed King County Application is required. Applicants from this recruitment may be used to fill future opportunities in this job classification. *We highly recommend that you also provide a resume and cover letter* addressing how you meet the minimum qualifications and why you are interested in this position.
The selection process typically consists of a phone screen, video interview, and reference checking. For some positions the process may also include skill testing, writing samples or additional interviews. Candidates will be updated on the status of their application via the email address used to apply.
*Note: Online applications are preferred. However, if you cannot apply online, go to www.kingcounty.gov/jobs for other options.*
If you have any questions or concerns while applying, please contact:
*Lisa Manasan, Recruiter*
Email: lmanasan@kingcounty.gov
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