City Hall News | July 2024
- [注册人]City of Santa Clara
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Santa Clara, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/07/02
- 发布日 : 2024/07/02
- 更改日期 : 2024/07/02
- 总浏览次数 : 85 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 我们是一家糕点店,浅蓝色的店面就在木更津站东口外🥧 🍰 🥮本店的招牌菜 Made...
糕点店 "Coquillage "不仅有适合作为礼品和今日小吃的玛德琳蛋糕,还出售蛋糕和蛋挞,并有季节性产品,是一家可以反复品尝的糕点店 🍰 金融家 ・ 蛋挞 ・ 各种烘焙食品的礼品套装,包括糖霜饼干,以及出售的蛋糕,包括酥饼和蛋挞。用于特殊场合的装饰蛋糕 ・ 也可以预订整块蛋糕。位于木更津车站外,您也可以在下班回家的路上买到蛋糕 🍰 ✨ 我们期待您光临本店,不仅是为了庆祝特别的日子,也是为了...
+81-90-9224-6116pâtisserie coquillage
- 它是日本第一家专门经营新鲜奶油的商店。该店拥有令人难以置信的丰富的新鲜奶油,在高...
+1 (808) 376-0435MILK
- 🍎 1月份还开设了直销店 ! 3点的点心怎么样 ? 木更津市上原田的HOME ・...
Candy Cort的糖果苹果经常在节庆活动中出现,品种繁多,包括巧克力包裹的糖果苹果和具有惊人视觉冲击力的蓝苹果糖果 ! 请在店内确认蓝苹果的身份 🔍 其他使用时令蔬菜的水果杯也在销售。♪ 糖果皮也在销售
candy cort(キャンディコート)糖果皮在上鸟田的 HOME ・ 岩根直销店 ・ 和活动中的厨房车内销售 🍎 🍭顺便说一下 … 糖果皮不仅是苹果: !!!!我们还包装西红柿和其他蔬菜出售!。
- 漏水 ・ 总之 ・ 紧急水管工程 ・ 千叶县木津市 ・ 二津市 ・ 木更津市 ・...
我们福田水道,是一家以千叶县木津・二津・木更津・小菅浦为中心,以 "感谢您 "为座右铭,怀着谦卑之心经营的水道公司。从装修到售后服务,福田自来水厂将竭诚为您服务。 ● 修理和更换各种冲水器 ● 修理和更换马桶水箱和马桶座圈内的配件 ● 修理和更换热水供应设备 ( 燃气和燃油 ) ● 修理和更换家用井泵 ● 修理和更换供水管、排水管和排水槽给水管和热水管、排水管和排水槽的修理和新安装 ...
- 日式美发沙龙 ! 多才多艺的发型师提供优质服务。请联系我们 ! 310-373-...
American Salon 的每位发型师都是独立的,并提供独特的服务。因此,价格也不尽相同,请在来沙龙之前向每位发型师了解详情。请通过电话或短信与我们联系。 < 服务 > 剪发、美发、染发、直发、拉直发、角蛋白护理、巴西吹风 < 招聘发型师 ! > 我们的沙龙正在寻找想要租用工作室的发型师 详情请致电 310-373-6667 AKI !
+1 (310) 373-6667AMERICAN SALON
- 欢迎捐献卵子。酬金 6000 美元以上 + 支付差旅费。帮助不孕不育夫妇。支付交...
★20-30岁的健康女性 ★ 交通费自理 *如果您没有车,请不要担心。 ★如果您从很远的地方(如其他州)报名,我们将支付您的机票、酒店和所有费用。 如果您住在洛杉矶附近,但更喜欢夏威夷,您可以参加在夏威夷举办的活动。我们将承担机票和酒店费用。无论是在洛杉矶还是在夏威夷,我们都与综合医院建立了联系,因此在紧急情况下,我们拥有完整的护理和后备系统。洛杉矶宝宝的优势在于我们可以随机应变。
+1 (310) 444-3087LA Baby Fertility Agency
- 这是一家烹饪起来有些繁琐,但却让人想吃的餐厅。在横滨拥有多年经验的厨师为您提供正...
在君津 ! 开业的西餐厅,由在横滨有多年经验的正宗厨师主理,包括酒店法餐和横滨的许多婚宴餐。合理的价格、熟悉的口味和物有所值,使这里成为就餐的好去处。有多种菜单可供选择,虽然做起来有点费时,但…多少有点怀旧或吃起来很方便。也提供外卖 ! 请来我们这里小酌 ・ 或参加女生之夜 ・ 聚会。
+81-439-32-1225レストラン シベール
- 位于纽约市曼哈顿的眼科诊所,提供日语服务。普通眼科 ( 干眼症、红眼病、眼痒、白...
日语和英语双语眼科医生将为您仔细检查・和治疗。主要保险 ・ 可办理海外旅行者保险。 ♢ 普通眼科 : 干眼症、红眼病、眼痒、白内障手术、青光眼治疗、糖尿病和高血压引起的眼部并发症 ♢ 眼镜 ・ 隐形眼镜处方 ♢ 激光♢ 角膜移植手术
+1 (212) 500-1148アップル眼科 / Apple Ophthalmology
- 考虑购买或出售房产 ? 我们是一家经验丰富的房产中介公司,佣金价格更实惠。我们还...
Sakura Realty 是一家由 Yasumi Davis ) 领导的房地产公司,Yasumi Davis 是一名资深的 MBA/经纪人,在旧金山东湾拥有超过 20 年的经验。无论您是要购买或出售涉及遗嘱销售、信托销售、卖空、REO 等复杂程序的房屋,还是要出售您在美国的房屋并永久返回日本,抑或是购买您的第一套房屋,我们都随时准备满足您的所有房地产需求。我们随时准备满足您的需求。从最初规划您的...
+1 (925) 381-3201Sakura Realty / Yasumi Davis, MBA/CEO
- 在威基基的新美食广场OPEN在🌴202020🌴8家餐厅,包括美味的夏威夷食品,糖...
+1 (808) 376-0435ワイキキ フード ホール | Waikiki Food Hall Co.
- Learning Space 秉承 "培养学生 "的理念。成绩提升保证。万一您的...
<生徒が通いたいと思える教室> 我们,学习空间,致力于 "培养学生 "的理念。 ! 请随时联系我们 ・ 讨论您的需求。 我们是一家以成绩提高 100%为目标的辅导学校 ! 我们不采用传统的一味灌输的学习方法,而是通过指导,让学生在良好的学习计划和管理下自主学习。这就是成绩提高惊人的原因。
+81-436-23-5222個別指導塾の学習空間 木更津清見台教室
- 周医生的神经针灸诊所将于 2024 年 1 月在曼哈顿和威彻斯特盛大开业。
周医生的神经针灸诊所将于 2024 年 1 月在曼哈顿和威彻斯特盛大开业。曼哈顿位于第56街,威彻斯特位于怀特普莱恩斯,这两个地方都是日本人口较多的地区。 周医生 ( 周医生)是一位精通中西医的脑科研究人员,也是一位根据患者情况考虑最佳治疗方案的医生。 除了针灸和拔罐外,她还提供面部针灸、LED和其他治疗。 接受各种保险,开业特惠价。
+1 (646) 799-9444Dr. Zhou's Neuro acupuncture
- <完全予約制・可进行远程调整> 如果您患有肩部僵硬・、背部疼痛、失眠...
<完全予約制・ 可远程调节> 肩痛 ・ 背痛 ・ 眩晕 ・ 感冒 ・ 头痛 ・ 抑郁 ・ 一般身体问题 ・ 经各种治疗无好转 ・ 原因不明 ・ 冬眠等 … … 如果您有任何问题,请试一试。这是一种柔和的治疗方法,只需用手轻轻触摸,就能利用人体的自然新陈代谢和自愈能力。 TDE 调整 … TDE ( Transcen Dental Energy ) 是一种利用 TDE 能量调整脊柱...
- 在家吃正宗的拉面 ! 美国美星,特色面条都是经过精心挑选的。新鲜的拉面 ・ 荞麦...
在家吃正宗的拉面 ! 美国美星,特色面条都是经过精心挑选的。新鲜的拉面 ・ 荞麦面 ・ 乌龙面 ・ 冰镇chuka面 ・ 冲绳荞麦面 ・ 长崎chanpon面和许多其他产品 ♪ "排列组合食谱 "也有,无尽的美味取决于你的想法!。
+1 (909) 464-1411Myojo USA, INC.
- 鸭川 SEASIDE BASE "地理位置优越,在这里您可以一手拿着🍺啤酒,一手...
来到加茂川,何不在最佳位置 ? 度过悠闲时光呢?露台座位为您提供了一个独享加茂川大海的绝佳空间。在这里,您可以一边吹着海风,一边品尝啤酒和比萨饼,与朋友一起留下美好的回忆。咖啡厅提供各种国际菜肴。
+81-4-7096-7676Kamogawa BREWERY
The City of Santa Clara - Stay Connected
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*City Hall News | Mayor Lisa M. Gillmor* [ ]
*City Hall News | District 6 Vice Mayor Anthony Becker* [ ]
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*City Hall News | District 5 Councilmember Suds Jain* [ ]
City Hall News Highlights | July 2024
Santa Clara 4th of July Celebration - Mission College, 3000 Mission College Blvd.
*4th of July Celebration*
Join us for the ultimate 4th of July community celebration at Mission College. This family-friendly event has everything you need to celebrate America's Independence Day in style. Enjoy a fun afternoon of lawn games, activities and a fantastic lineup of food trucks offering a variety of delicious eats. Don't forget your reusable water to fill up on free water from Tap Water Express. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs for a relaxing picnic with friends and family. As the sun sets, prepare for a dazzling firework display from Great America that will light up the night sky.
Event gates open at 3 p.m. to allow for a smooth entrance through security. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at the event. Free parking and bike parking will be available.
Thank you to our sponsors and partners Silicon Valley Power, EdgeCore Digital Infrastructure, Mission College, California's Great America, Enamor Dental, Open Doors to Future Possibilities and City Light Bible Church. Visit ** [ ] for more information.
Westwood Oaks Ribbon Cutting
*Westwood Oaks Ribbon Cutting Ceremony*
The Westwood Oaks Playground has undergone a fantastic transformation. Join the Mayor, City Council, Parks & Recreation Commissioners and the community in a Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony to celebrate the reopening of Westwood Oaks Park. The event will take place on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 10 a.m. at 460 La Herran Drive. Light refreshments will be provided.
Smart Thermostats On Sale Through Our Online Marketplace!
*Smart Thermostats On Sale Through Our Online Marketplace*
Check out *Silicon Valley Power’s online Marketplace [ ]* for discounts on smart thermostats June 26 – July 11, 2024. Qualifying models are discounted $20-70 off the retail price and shipping is free on orders of $50 or more and just $5 for all other orders. Smart thermostats offer convenience, energy savings and personalized comfort control for your home. Residents can also shop for a variety of other energy-saving devices, such as lighting, electric vehicle chargers, connected home devices and more! Prices in the SVP Marketplace are comparable to other retail outlets, and special promotions and rebates are available periodically throughout the year. Visit * [ ]* to sign up for an account using your Silicon Valley Power utility account number.
Be Alert to Utility Scams and Fraud
*Be Alert to Utility Scams and Fraud*
Know How to Spot a Scam
* We will never ask you to pay your utility bill with a prepaid credit card, gift card or a third party payment app.
* We will never ask you to make your utility payment at a grocery or convenience store.
* Caller ID can be falsified. Scam callers may fake a Silicon Valley Power or City of Santa Clara phone number.
* If a caller asks for personal information or a payment, do not provide it. Hang up and call the City of Santa Clara Municipal Services Division at (408) 615-2300 if you are concerned about your account status.
If you receive such a call, hang up immediately. To report a scam, contact the Santa Clara Police Department at * [ ]*.
*Great America Parkway and Mission College Boulevard Intersection Improvements Project – Construction Update*
O’Grady Paving Inc. has begun construction on the Great America Parkway and Mission College Boulevard Intersection Improvements Project (Project). The Project will widen the intersection at Great America Parkway and Mission College Boulevard to include additional left-turn and through vehicle lanes, traffic signal and streetlight replacements, pavement rehabilitation, bicycle lane improvements, and modifications to existing utilities including storm drain and Silicon Valley Power electrical and fiber optic facilities. The pavement rehabilitation on Great America Parkway will extend from the intersection south to Highway 101.
*This project requires partial 24-hour lane closures and pedestrian detours at the intersection of Great America Parkway and Mission College Boulevard. *Motorists should exercise caution and drive safely in this area. Due to continuous lane closures, it is highly recommended to avoid the intersection and use alternative routes during the construction period. The project is expected to be substantially complete by Fall 2025. For more information, visit ** [ ].
Upcoming Events
Free Disposal Day - July 13
*Free Disposal Day:* The next Free Disposal Day in Santa Clara will be held on Saturday, July 13 from 6 a.m. to noon at the Mission Trail Waste Systems (MTWS) Transfer Station. Free Disposal Day provides residents with an opportunity to dispose of appliances and e-waste items, as well as mattresses, furniture, and other bulky items. Appointments are required, and availability is limited. To participate in Free Disposal Day call MTWS at 408-727-5365 between July 1 - 12 to make an appointment and for details on location, load size limits, and accepted/non-accepted materials. Proof of residency (utility bill or driver’s license) is required. Residents are responsible for unloading their vehicles.
Hazardous waste (e.g. paints, fluorescent bulbs, chemical cleaners, pesticides, etc.), automotive parts, and pressure treated wood are prohibited. For more resources on where and how to properly dispose of household hazardous waste, visit * [ ]*
Roberta Jones Junior Theatre’s Disney Descendants and Chicago
*Roberta Jones Junior Theatre’s Disney Descendants and Chicago: *Get ready to dive into the magical world of Disney Descendants and groove to the jazzy tunes of Chicago with RJJT this Summer!
We are bringing you double the fun this summer with two thrilling productions. Brace yourself for Disney Descendants: The Musical, a riot of comedy, adventure, beloved Disney characters, and catchy tunes from the movies. Watch as the teenage offspring of Disney's most notorious villains navigate life at a prep school, torn between following their wicked parents' footsteps or choosing the path of goodness.
Get ready to be dazzled by the longest-running American musical, Chicago. Set in the roaring 1920’s, this teen version tells the tale of Roxie Hart, who spins her crimes into a media frenzy with the help of Chicago’s slickest lawyer. It’s a whirlwind of fame, fortune, and toe-tapping tunes that you won’t want to miss!
Snag your tickets now at ** [ ] for a summer of entertainment like no other!
Summer Citywide Garage Sale
*Sign up for the Summer Citywide Garage Sale:* Santa Clara’s Citywide Garage Sale returns this summer on Saturday, Aug. 10! Hosting a garage sale is a great opportunity for residents to turn unwanted items into cash, while preventing usable items from ending up in the landfill. Register online for individual, multi-family, or block garage sales from July 10 – Aug. 7 at * [ ]*. Citywide Garage Sale registrations will be displayed on an interactive map, and a list of garage sale locations will be available on Friday, Aug. 9. If you have questions, email * <>* or call 408-615-3080.
*Classes and Activities*
Fall Activity Guide - 2024
*Coming Soon - Fall Recreation: *Registration for Parks & Recreation Programs and Classes opens on Tuesday, July 23 at 7 a.m. This is a great opportunity to take a fitness class, explore a new hobby with ceramics, silk painting and swimming or enroll the kiddos in a fall recreation class like dance, arts & crafts or theater. Visit * [ ]* for more information.
*July is Parks & Recreation Month: *At the June 25, 2024 City Council meeting, the Mayor and Council proclaimed July as Parks & Recreation Month in Santa Clara. Residents are encouraged to celebrate Parks & Recreation Month by visiting a park or participating in one of the exciting programs and events the Parks & Recreation Department is showcasing during the month. A calendar of events and activities is located at * [ ]*.
*Santa Clara Skate Park:* We are excited to offer skateboarding camps for ages 4-9 years and 7-15 years old throughout the month of July. SKATEKAMP skateboarding camps are for first-time, beginner and current skaters alike. Participants will safely learn to skateboard at their own pace, make new friends during fun group activities, and build self-confidence. To register, visit * [ ]*.
*Stay Active with Group Exercise:* Join the excitement while having fun! Participate in Group Exercise classes available from Monday to Saturday at different Santa Clara locations. Stay updated on the schedule by visiting the City’s Calendar.
Current Class Offerings:
* Bolly-X®: Experience a Bollywood-inspired fitness session and unleash your inner rockstar!
* Body Sculpting: Tone your entire body in a fun-filled class.
* Cardio Dance: Sweat it out with a dance-filled workout.
* Power Yoga: Practice movement meditation that combines breath and motion to achieve mental and physical balance, while enhancing endurance, strength, and flexibility. Open to all levels.
* Power Hour: Engage in a high-intensity workout utilizing various equipment to improve strength and endurance.
* Zumba®: Enjoy a dynamic dance session blending Latin and international rhythms with cardiovascular exercise.
For more information, email **.
City Seal
City Council & Commission Meetings
View upcoming City Council Study Sessions, joint Council/Commission meetings, as well as Council Public Hearing and general business agenda items online at Legislative Public Meetings on the City website at * [ ]*.
Job Opportunities
Join the Center of What’s Possible! View all job opportunities and for information on how to apply, visit * [ ]*.
For More Information
Visit [ ] for past issues. For questions, email
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