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City of Tampa installs new Art on the Block Murals, requires face coverings and more...

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Mayor Jane Castor

The City of Tampa commissioned local artists to paint five intersections throughout the City with the intent of unity and inclusiveness. The installations are part of Mayor Jane Castor's Art on the Block initiative, bringing art and artists into the neighborhoods.

Tampa Weekly Tampa Mayor Jane Castor on requiring face masks (https://www.cnbc.com/video/2020/06/24/tampa-mayor-jane-castor-on-requiring-face-masks.html)
Tampa Mayor Jane Castor joins “Closing Bell” to talk about the state’s response to the surge of new coronavirus cases.

Tampa Weekly Tampa Parks and Recreation kicks off summer camps (https://www.wfla.com/news/around-town/tampa-parks-and-recreation-kicks-off-summer-camps/)
WFLA NewsChannel 8
The City of Tampa's Parks and Recreation is taking new precautions to keep kids safe while having fun.

Tampa Weekly You Can Now Find 5 New Murals Brightening Up Tampa's Streets (https://www.narcity.com/news/us/fl/tampa/city-of-tampa-new-street-murals-bring-unity-and-splash-of-color-to-downtown)
The official statement posted on the City of Tampa’s website explained that not only do the murals make art more accessible for everyone, but they also help to calm traffic.

Tampa murals celebrate Pride, Black Lives Matter (https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/local/hillsboroughcounty/tampa-murals-celebrate-pride-black-lives-matter/67-f16c3af6-14cd-41c4-95ef-1034e2d0f4fa)
WTSP 10News
Mayor Jane Castor is behind the "art on the block" initiative and said it brings Tampa residents together in more ways than one.

Tampa Weekly Tampa Officials Join Bautista, O'Neil On Love Walk For Equality (https://patch.com/florida/newportrichey/s/h5u36/tampa-officials-join-bautista-oneil-love-walk-equality)
"We want to turn love into action," said O'Neil, who real name is Thaddeus Bullard.

Tampa Weekly Report: Tampa Bay's startup scene ranked among top 30 in the world (https://www.americaninno.com/tampabay/news/report-tampa-bays-startup-scene-ranked-among-top-30-in-the-world/)
Tampa Bay Inno
The group released its annual report detailing the top 100 emerging ecosystems and Tampa Bay has landed in the top 30.

Tampa Weekly Tampa distributes more than 400,000 free masks (https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2020/06/29/tampa-distributes-more-than-400000-free-masks/)
Tampa Bay Times
The city gave away 380,000 masks at several sites around the city.

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City of Tampa . 306 East Jackson Street . Tampa, Florida 33602 . USA
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  • 掲載日 : 2020/06/29
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