MEDIA RELEASE: Los Angeles County Public Safety Agencies Urge Residents to Prepare for High Winds, Significant Fire Weather
- [登録者]County of Los Angeles
- [言語]English
- [エリア]Los Angeles, CA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/11/05
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/05
- 変更日 : 2024/11/05
- 総閲覧数 : 67 人
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*_For Immediate Release:
_*November 5, 2024
*Los Angeles County Joint Information Center*
*Los Angeles County Public Safety Agencies Urge Residents to Prepare for High Winds,
Significant Fire Weather*
*LOS ANGELES (Nov. 5, 2024)* – The Los Angeles County Fire Department, Sheriff’s Department and Office of Emergency Management are on high alert in anticipation of strong, high-speed winds and dangerous fire weather conditions that will impact our County late Tuesday night through at least Thursday afternoon.
The National Weather Service has issued a Particularly Dangerous Situation Red Flag Warning for much of Los Angeles County. The forecast includes very dry weather coupled with extreme winds, including the potential for gusts up to 100 miles per hour in some wind prone areas. There is high risk for rapid fire growth if a fire were to start. Power outages and damages resulting from high wind are also possible. It is critical that community members remain aware of conditions and take action to prepare now.
“With widespread critical fire weather conditions impacting Southern California, the County of Los Angeles Fire Department has implemented its augmented staffing plan by ordering additional staffing and pre deployment of ground and aerial resources throughout Los Angeles County,” said County of Los Angeles Fire Chief Anthony C. Marrone. “It takes cooperation, communication, and community action to ensure the safety and survival of residents living in wildfire-prone areas. I urge residents to take appropriate precautions and be familiar with the Ready! Set! Go! [ https://fire.lacounty.gov/rsg/?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= ] program and Know Your Zone [ https://protect.genasys.com/search?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= ] platform.”
“The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, in coordination with our County partners have been closely monitoring weather conditions and actively preparing for this significant weather event,” stated Sheriff Robert G. Luna. “We are fully equipped and ready to respond to any emergency incidents that may arise in our communities. We encourage residents in high-risk areas to be prepared for the unexpected and be ready to evacuate with essential items such as important medications, documents, and personal belongings.”
“The emergency management community in L.A. County will be on high alert in the coming days” said Kevin McGowan, Director of Los Angeles County’s Office of Emergency Management. “Our emergency response officials are world-class and will stand ready to defend lives and property. The County’s Emergency Operations Center is activated and monitoring conditions, but we need all residents in L.A. County to be individually prepared by staying informed and being ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice, especially if you live in canyon, mountain or foothill communities.”
The following safety tips can help County residents prepare themselves, their families and homes for evacuations and power outages:
* *Plan Ahead*: Keep your mobile phone and other devices charged with the ringer on so you can receive and hear emergency alerts throughout the day and night. Have working flashlights for all family members ready and within reach.
* *Be Evacuation Ready*: Prepare your family and home ahead of time for the possibility of having to evacuate. Park your vehicle in the driveway (to avoid being stuck behind an electricity-operated garage door) and facing the street so that you do not have to back out.
* *Stay Informed*: Sign up for emergency notification systems available in your community. Visit alert.lacounty.gov [ https://alert.lacounty.gov/?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= ] for more information on emergency alerts and to register for the system in the areas where you live, work, or frequent often. Watch local newscasts and have a battery-operated radio handy so that you can access news if the power goes out.
For more preparedness tips, visit the Los Angeles County preparedness website, Ready.lacounty.gov [ http://www.ready.lacounty.gov/?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= ], follow @ReadyLACounty, @LACoFDPIO, and @LASDHQ on social media or contact 211LACounty free of charge by dialing 2-1-1 to request preparedness resources, tips and information.
twitter [ http://twitter.com/readylacounty?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= ]
County of Los Angeles, Chief Executive Office, Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
For questions, please contact OEM on-call PIO at communications@ceooem.lacounty.gov.
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