News Release - City of Toronto provides an update on response efforts following heavy rainfall
- [登録者]City of Toronto
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Toronto, Canada
- 登録日 : 2024/07/16
- 掲載日 : 2024/07/16
- 変更日 : 2024/07/16
- 総閲覧数 : 122 人
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News Release
July 16, 2024
City of Toronto provides an update on response efforts following heavy rainfall
The City of Toronto has been actively responding to the heavy rainfall that saw more than 100 mm of rain fall in pockets across Toronto. Below are the updates as of 5:30 p.m.:
General updates
- Environment and Climate Change Canada has ended the rainfall warning.
- The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority has noted that more than 100 mm of rain has fallen in pockets across Toronto; however, there is no significant rainfall expected for the remainder of today.
- 311 is experiencing a higher call volume, receiving more than 700 calls regarding basement flooding.
-The Toronto Police Service continues to respond to hazard calls, which are primarily to help people get out of stuck elevators or road flooding.
-The City is not expecting any impacts to its water supply or wastewater treatment facilities.
- Toronto Public Health has closed six dental clinics and a breastfeeding clinic as a result of flooding.
- The City has closed a number of community centres and park amenities such as outdoor pools that have been impacted by flooding or a loss of power. Residents are reminded to check the City’s website for service impacts: https://www.toronto.ca/explore-enjoy/parks-recreation/places-spaces/parks-recreation-service-alerts/.
-There is flooding in various low-lying waterfront parks and on Toronto Island. The impact won’t be known until the water recedes in the coming days.
Toronto Hydro
-There are about 109,000 customers without power, down from a peak of approximately167,000.
-Toronto Hydro is working with Hydro One to restore power to customers; however, there is not an estimated time that power will be restored.
Learn what to do and how to stay safe by visiting the Toronto Hydro webpage: https://www.torontohydro.com/what-to-do-during-an-outage.
Public transit and commuting
- Torontonians and commuters are encouraged to pack their patience as they move around the city this afternoon, given impacts to public transit routes and power outages affecting streetlights and more.
- Union Station continues to experience flooding, affecting access to several areas of the facility, including the food court. Staff are actively pumping the water out.
- The most up-to-date information is available on the TTC Service Alerts webpage: www.ttc.ca/service-alerts
- Due to the flooding inside Union Station, TTC trains are bypassing Union Station.
- There is currently no service between Islington and Jane stations on TTC line two, and shuttle buses are running.
- Several streetcars and buses were impacted earlier today but surface transit is coming back online.
- The most up-to-date information is available on www.gotransit.com.
Road impacts
- Lake Shore Boulevard is closed in both directions between Strachan Avenue and British Columbia Road.
- There are several closures on the Don Valley Parkway:
- Closed in both directions between Gerrard Street and Dundas Street.
- Southbound lanes are closed between Bayview/Bloor and the Gardiner Expressway.
- Northbound lanes are closed from the Gardiner Expressway to Dundas Street.
- The Gardiner Expressway is closed between Jarvis Street and the Don Valley Parkway.
- Bayview Avenue is closed between River Street and Pottery Road.
- Park Lawn ramp to the Gardiner Expressway is closed.
- Lakeshore Boulevard West from Parkside Drive to Ontario Drive.
- Jameson on ramp to the Gardiner Expressway.
A map of all road closures is available at www.toronto.ca/RoadRestrictions.
Basement flooding
- The City of Toronto’s storm readiness plan is in place. The City’s crews are available 24/7 to respond to flooding calls.
- The City undertakes regular inspections, cleaning and maintenance of more than 10,000 kilometres of sewer pipes to ensure that the system operates well and has long term capital plans in place to help alleviate basement flooding.
What residents can do:
City crews will continue to monitor road conditions before, during and after the rainfall event and will be actively patrolling roads to clear debris and keep catch basins clear. Where safe to do so, residents are also asked to clear catch basins (the square grates on the road) in front of their homes of debris to help prevent surface flooding and allow water to drain off the road. Residents who see a significant accumulation of water on roadways are asked to contact 311.
Steps to help protect your home in the event of a flood
- There are several ways homeowners can protect themselves and their families in the event of a flood:
- Try to remain indoors.
- Move valuables in your basement to shelves or upper floors.
- Take cleaners, paint or chemicals off the floor so that they do not further contaminate potential floodwater.
- Ensure eavestroughs and downspouts are clear of debris, and are working properly.
In the event of a flooded basement
-Call 311 immediately to report basement flooding. During extreme weather conditions residents should expect high call volumes and some delays. Calls will be answered by the first available agent.
- Do not enter a flooded basement. If flooding occurs in your basement and your power is on, call Toronto Hydro at 416-542-8000 to disconnect your power.
- Call your insurance company as soon as possible to report property damage caused by flooding.
- Reduce or eliminate water use in the home (don’t do laundry, wash dishes, flush the toilet, etc.), if you have already experienced a sewer backup or your backwater valve has been activated, as this household water could end up in your basement.
Be mindful of your health and safety when cleaning a flooded basement. Do not stand in flood water – call a professional for assistance.
Learn how to protect your home and what steps to take if your basement floods at toronto.ca/BasementFlooding.
General tips and advice
-Stay away from shorelines, rivers and streams, and use caution if travelling during flooding.
-Never drive through flooding or ponding, especially in underpasses. More information about road restrictions is available at www.toronto.ca/roadrestrictions.
-Collection crews may be delayed. Residents are advised to put out their waste materials on their regularly scheduled day and leave them until they are collected.
Toronto is home to more than three million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, innovation and climate action, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit www.toronto.ca or follow us on X at x.com/cityoftoronto, on Instagram at www.instagram.com/cityofto or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofto.
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Media contacts: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca
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