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Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Roundup, July 2024
- [Registrant]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Baltimore, MD
- Posted : 2024/07/25
- Published : 2024/07/25
- Changed : 2024/07/25
- Total View : 31 persons
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대중 중식 호사나에서는 소매가우라시 관광협회가 주최하는 소매가우라 향토음식 '소매1 그랑프리'에서 우승한 화이트 가우라멘을 먹을 수 있습니다◎ 메뉴가 다양하고 어린이 메뉴도 준비되어 있으니 가족이나 친구와 함께 꼭 한번 방문해 보세요◎!
*Welcome to the MCBS Roundup for July 2024!*
The MCBS Roundup is a bi-monthly digest of recent product announcements from the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS).
*2023 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Survey File – Early Release LDS*
CMS plans to release a new product, the 2023 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Survey File - Early Release LDS. This file provides select microdata from the MCBS Survey File LDS on an expedited schedule. The data on demographics, health and chronic conditions, preventive health behaviors and other questionnaire topics collected during the Fall Round will be made available within 10 months from the end of data collection for beneficiaries living in the community only.
Additional information on release date and file ordering guidelines will be available later this year.
*2022 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Survey File LDS*
June 27, 2024: CMS announced availability of the 2022 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Survey File LDS. Documentation related to the 2022 MCBS Survey File is now also available on the MCBS website [ ].
The MCBS Survey File contains over 6 thousand variables on a broad range of topics, including social determinants of health, economic outcomes, medication non-adherence, health insurance coverage and barriers to accessing care. The file includes data collected during the Fall, Winter, and Summer Rounds and contains information on beneficiaries living in the community and beneficiaries living in facility settings. The file is augmented with 5 years of enrollment data and, for beneficiaries enrolled in FFS Medicare, with 5 years of limited FFS claims.
For information about ordering, see the CMS LDS ordering page [ ]. All shipments of MCBS data will be made by CMS’s data fulfillment contractor, HealthAPT. Those who have already updated their DUA to include the 2022 MCBS Survey File data will have their data automatically shipped and should be on the lookout for a package from HealthAPT.
*Infographic on Sexual Orientation Among Medicare Beneficiaries Living in the Community in 2023*
June 13, 2024: CMS released an infographic on Sexual Orientation Among Medicare Beneficiaries [ ] living in the community in 2023. The infographic is based on data collected in the Fall 2023.
*Oral Cancer Screenings Among Medicare Beneficiaries Living in the Community in 2021*
May 23, 2024: CMS released an infographic on Oral Cancer Screenings Among Medicare Beneficiaries [ ] living in the community in 2021. The infographic highlights oral/mouth cancer screening rates by race, language spoken at home, disability status and dental coverage.
*Want to learn more about the MCBS?*
Please visit the following page for more information: Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) [ ]. MCBS Limited Data Sets (LDS) are available to researchers with a data use agreement (DUA). Requests for the MCBS LDS files must be made through the CMS DUA tracking system known as the Enterprise Privacy Policy Engine (EPPE). Information on ordering MCBS files from CMS, including instructions for accessing and using EPPE to make a request, can be obtained through the CMS LDS website: Limited Data Set (LDS) [ ]. MCBS Public Use Files (PUFs) are available to the public as free downloads and can be found through the CMS PUF website at MCBS Public Use File (PUF) [ ].
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