Beacon Ave S & 15th Ave S Safety Project Update - September 27
- [注册人]City of Seattle
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/27
- 发布日 : 2024/09/27
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/27
- 总浏览次数 : 46 人
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即使只是不孕不育治疗也充满了焦虑。 除此之外,晦涩难懂的英语和专业术语,以及无法表达自己想说的话的苦恼,在旧金山CCRM,您都不必担心。我们以[日本女医生]和[最强团队]提供的[最先进的不孕不育治疗]欢迎您的到来。 目前,我们正在接受面对面或远程在线咨询。请先联系我们。 CCRM San Francisco 擅长试管婴儿 ( IVF-体外受精™)、试管婴儿 ( IVF ) 和生育力测试/评估...
+1 (650) 646-7500CCRM San Francisco
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很高兴见到大家。我叫户田光彦(和户田辉彦),是休斯顿・日本合唱团 "樱花 "的团长。这个合唱团是在2014年4月日本・节之后和5月在大家的帮助下成立的。在日本・节上,我们向日本灾民发出了来自休斯顿的鼓励,缅怀东日本大地震的惨痛,并向受灾的人们传递来自休斯顿的信息。在这个合唱团成员的帮助下,休斯顿成立了一个新的合唱团・"樱花"。 我作为音乐工作人员参与了日本许多歌剧的制作,包括新国立剧场、日剧团...
- 您有任何问题都可以与我们讨论 ?。
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+1 (424) 625-8720True Resource Coaching & Consulting
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海外艺术大学入学考试作品集制作 ! 纽约艺术留学 ! 凭借36年的经验,我们全力支持您进入欧美著名艺术大学 ! PI艺术中心与众多艺术大学的合作关系,让您获得大学水平的学分,从而与众不同 ! I-20签发 ! 艺术 ・ 设计 ・ 在纽约时尚之都生活和学习艺术
I-20发行 艺术 设计 在纽约时尚之都生活和学习艺术 !。 +1 (212) 695-5470PI Art Center
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我们以 "夏威夷 "的概念为基础,营造温馨的氛围。 Myobrace 牙齿矫正 我们主要使用 Myobrace 系统,这是一种以口罩为基础的儿童牙齿矫正治疗方法。 Myobrace 系统使用特殊的口罩和简单的活动 ( 如口腔练习 ) 来纠正不良习惯的原因。 该口罩由硅胶或聚酯制成,对儿童的压力较小。 通常在白天和睡前佩戴口罩一小时,每天的活动时间约为两分钟。 上学时无需佩戴,只需在家...
+81-438-30-0058Konoha こどもの歯ならびクリニック真舟
- 纽约的日语辅导学校。教学以在美国 30 多年积累的经验为基础。日语数学 ・ 数学...
这是一所教授日语、算术和数学的辅导学校。 它提供学校通常教授的学习内容的预习、复习和学习方法指导。 服务 ✍ 汉字 ・ 朗读 ・ 全面指导阅读 ✍ 丰富基本学术和数学技能 ✍ 作文指导
+1 (914) 426-0958日本語 算数・数学クラス
- 位于日本市原的残疾人宠物友好型集体之家 "Le pont"!欢迎住户随时来访。 ...
让人们能够充满活力地应对工作和日常生活。 Le pont 是一家宠物友好型残疾人集体之家,我们的目标是创建一个社区,让残疾人和病人可以理所当然地与动物生活在一起。我们随时欢迎住客 ! 也提供参观服务。 我们还提供空调维修/天线安装/电器更换等本地电力服务。 镇上有任何电气问题,请与我们联系!。
- Nadeshiko 日本文化振兴协会 NPO501C (3 ¾) 组织日本文化体...
Nadeshiko-kai 是美国官方认可的 NPO 501C (3 ™) 组织,主要组织日本文化体验、传播和介绍活动,如日本文化体验活动和课堂,以及面向下一代年轻人的日本文化体验活动和演示。每个月都会为会员举办和服穿搭课程和日本文化研讨会。自 2013 年起,日本驻洛杉矶总领事馆每年都会在洛杉矶主办成人仪式。2025 年的成人仪式将于 1 月 19 日在加迪纳举行。具体细节一旦确定,将在抚育会网...
NPO日本文化振興協会 なでしこ会
- 成立于 1992 年,是美国最大的日本足球队。该球队满足了所有希望认真对待足球、...
每周六上午,球员们都会在东河公园挥洒汗水,并在赛季期间的周六或周日代表日本队参加 COSMOPOLITAN SOCCER LEAGUE(日本女子足球乙级联赛)。 不同技能、经验、性别和年龄的球员聚集在一起,挥洒汗水。 出于某种原因,大家都很喜欢在周六的清晨聚在一起踢球。赛季中,他们扛着太阳的旗帜,在纽约地区规模最大、历史最悠久、最传统的联赛--宇宙联赛中,与来自世界各地的球队一较高下。 ...
FC Japan NYC
- 修剪沙龙🐾营业时间外 ・ 接送服务 ・ 高龄犬 ・ 猫咪请随时咨询 ! 所有犬类...
我们是一家位于索德盖拉市仓合台的修剪沙龙🐾,我们的目标是成为一家友好可靠的沙龙,让您可以放心地将珍贵的家庭成员交给我们。・ 高龄犬 ・ 猫请咨询我们 ! 我们为所有犬类使用超细泡泡,不收取额外费用。 当然,我们会尽量满足主人的需求,但我们也会检查皮肤和被毛的状况,并提供建议和剪毛意见。 如果您有任何顾虑或担忧,请联系我们。
- 2024 年 12 月在阿拉莫阿那中心 1 楼拉奈美食广场 !
一... -
2024 年 12 月在阿拉莫阿那中心 1 楼拉奈美食广场 !
一个真正适合成人的空间,在这里您可以享受艺术寿司。欢迎光临我们的特别晚宴。 +1 (808) 570-4200Amaterasu
- 2024 年 12 月在阿拉莫阿那中心 1 楼拉奈美食广场 !
- 我们自己的芭蕾舞工作室🩰新成员招募 !&日本足球俱乐部F.C.KATANA 20...
[芭蕾舞學校🩰 足球俱樂部 ⚽ ️在南灣] 我們MK ACADEMY是一個非牟利機構,經營足球俱樂部和芭蕾舞學校。 《芭蕾舞學校🩰 Petit ・ Etoile》 從1歲半到成人的芭蕾舞學校,用日語教授正宗芭蕾舞 ! 小班細心 ・ 安全的課程,美麗的身心。我们培养您美丽的身心。 本月 3 月,我们开设了自己的新芭蕾舞教室 ! 我们使用专为芭蕾舞设计的特殊地板,以减轻身体负担。 http...
+1 (310) 483-9318MK ACADEMY F.C.KATANA / Ballet des Petites Étoiles
- 激光美容与健康 ? 多种治疗方法解决您的问题。立即咨询我们 !.
HEC Medical ・ Clinic 是一家激光治疗专科诊所。该诊所是夏威夷首家引进激光治疗干眼症的诊所,拥有来自美国的最新激光设备。诊所提供满足各种需求的激光治疗,从无痛脱毛到面部提升以恢复青春活力,以及无需饮食限制的瘦身治疗。此外,我们还能为各种疼痛提供止痛治疗,包括背痛和关节炎。现在就到 HEC Medical ・ 诊所重拾美丽,摆脱疼痛。
+1 (808) 888-0110HEC メディカル・クリニック HEC Medical Clinic
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Beacon Ave S & 15th Ave S Safety Project Update
*Construction of the Beacon Ave S and 15th Ave S Safety Project began on July 22!* Crews will work in segments along the project area through spring 2025.
Continue visiting our project website [ ] or subscribe to our email list [ ] for bi-weekly updates on construction activities.
Construction update
Over the next few weeks, you’ll see the following construction activities in the project area:
*15th Ave S from S Judkins St to S State St*
* Crews will continue installing concrete buffer for protected bike lanes on the *east and west sides* of 15th Ave S from S Judkins St to S State St. This work will *permanently remove parking *on the *east side* of 15th Ave S from S Judkins St to S State St.
*15th Ave S and S Judkins St to S Atlantic St*
* Crews will remove roadway pavement and then pour new roadway on the *east and* *west sides* of 15th Ave S
*15th Ave S and S Grand St *
* Crews will finish underground electrical work and then pour new sidewalk and curb ramps on the *west and east side* of 15th Ave S
*15th Ave S and S Plum St*
* Crews will begin work to survey and prepare the area for upcoming work
* Crews will remove roadway pavement and sidewalk, install storm drain improvements, and then pour new roadway, sidewalks, and curb ramps on the *east side* of 15th Ave S
*Traffic Control*
* 15th Ave S will be reduced to one lane 24/7 during this work. Drivers and cyclists will use 14th Ave S between 15th Ave S and S College St as a detour.
* Pedestrian detours will direct people walking to cross to the opposite side of 15th Ave S while crews work on the east or west side of the road*.*
* Parking restrictions will remain in place
* A uniformed police officer will direct northbound and southbound travelers through intersections during work requiring lane blockages or signal modifications
*Tree Removals*
We may need to remove more trees than the three we initially identified during design phase. As we began sidewalk repair work on the project corridor, we're finding that more trees have root systems that are too shallow and overgrown under the sidewalk. We have exhausted all design options to build ADA-compliant sidewalks and will need to remove additional trees - these trees have been posted. We are trying our best to retain as many trees as possible. We will continue to inspect tree roots as we move southward with our sidewalk repair work and will share additional information about tree removals as they become available.
*Construction progress*
New roadway pavement on 15th Ave S near S State St
New roadway pavement on 15th Ave S near S State St
*Business owners and managers*
Please fill out this construction survey [ ] so we can keep you informed and minimize impacts to your business during construction. You may also request a paper copy by leaving us a voicemail at (206) 900-8728 [ tel:%20+1%20(206)%20900-8728 ] or emailing us at
The survey is available in English, [ ]Spanish, [ ]Amharic, [ ]Simplified Chinese, [ ]Traditional Chinese, [ ]Tagalog, [ ]Vietnamese, [ ]Somali, [ ]and Tigrinya. [ ]
Thank you to all the business owners and managers who have already filled out our survey online or in-person during our door-to-door outreach in late June and early July!
*What to Expect During Construction*
Typical work hours are Monday – Friday, from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. During this time you can expect:
* Temporary traffic revisions to accommodate construction vehicles
* Temporary parking restrictions near work zone
* Noisy construction activities, such as backup alarms for safety, heavy vehicle use, and the use of power tools.
Changes coming to Beacon Ave S and 15th Ave S
* *Repaired sections of sidewalk* near every intersection along the entire route
* *New APS pedestrian push buttons* at every crossing at S Hanford St and Beacon Ave S and at the south and west crossings of 15th Ave S and S College St
* *62 new or rebuilt curb ramps*. When this project is complete, people who use wheels will be able to safely travel from Dr. Jose Rizal Bridge to S Spokane St.
* *Concrete-protected bike lanes* on both sides of 15th Ave S
* *Post-protected bike lanes* on both sides of Beacon Ave S
* *New bike signals* at the intersections of S Charles St & Golf Dr S, 15th Ave S & S College St, and 15th Ave S & Beacon Ave S
* *New bus stop islands* on both sides of Beacon Ave S at S Hanford St and outside of Beacon Hill Station
Map illustrating changes coming to Beacon Ave S and 15th Ave S
Changes coming to Beacon Ave S and 15th Ave S as part of this Safety Project
Learn more about how we're improving safety in North Beacon Hill [ ]
How to stay informed
* Call our project hotline at (206) 900-8728 [ tel:%20+1%20(206)%20900-8728 ]
* Email us at
* Visit our project webpage [ ] to:
* Read about project progress
* Sign up for email updates
Thank you,
Ching Chan
Public Engagement Lead
Levy to Move Seattle Logo
For translation services, please call (206) 900-8728 [ tel:%20+1%20(206)%20900-8728 ] and leave a message clearly stating the language you prefer.
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"*"Mayor Harrell’s 2025-2026 Proposed Budget"*": This week, Mayor Bruce Harrell released the 2025-2026 Proposed Budget. For more information on the proposed budget, read the Mayor’s press release [ ] and the SDOT Blog. [ ]""
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
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Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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