Washington State Parks E-News September 2024
- [注册人]Washington State Parks
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/18
- 发布日 : 2024/09/18
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/18
- 总浏览次数 : 46 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 学校周六在新泽西州帕拉默斯(帕拉默斯)上课。学校为居住在纽约和新泽西郊区的日本和...
目标 : 培养孩子们开拓未来社会的素质和能力 政策 : 星期六的日语教育--用日语学习和思考 目标明确的教师 : 关注和培养每个孩子的教师 请随时拨打我们的电话 +81(201)585-0555了解更多信息! 本校提供从幼儿班到高中二年级的广泛教育。 我们还开设了国际班,从小学到高中,学生可以不受年龄限制,在一个班级里学习日语和日本文化。学校以 "星期六的日语教育 "为基本前提,致力...
+1 (201) 585-0555ニュージャージー補習授業校
- 首先,请将您的电费账单通过电子邮件或短信发送给我们 ! 电费飞涨,BTS Sol...
总部位于加利福尼亚州的太阳能公司。 我们已在加利福尼亚州完成了 2,000 多个太阳能项目,拥有超过 10 年的经验。无论是住宅还是商业,或者是教堂等希望节省资金的非营利性客户,BTS Solar Design 都能满足任何需求!
+1 (213) 798-2200BTS SOLAR DESIGN Inc.
- 🏠 租房信息 | 房屋 ・ 公寓🌴 我们可以帮助你的房地产 ! 我们会把你想卖的...
GOLDSEAI夏威夷与美国最大的房地产搜索网站合作,为您介绍最好的租赁机会。 我们的专业房地产经纪人将帮助您找到最好的出售价格和最便宜的购买价格。 我们还为学生提供学校搜索服务,为外籍人士提供日语翻译服务。 请随时与我们联系。
+1 (808) 223-5063GOLDSEAI Honolulu
- 外包人力资源解决方案/专业技能
+1 (424) 271-7991Move On Inc.
- 市原的意大利午餐 ・ 如果您想去酒吧,请去 Charcoal Italian C...
市原的意大利午餐 ・ 如果您想去酒吧,请去 Charcoal Italian CILO ! 在温馨的氛围中与家人和朋友一起享用精心挑选的肉类和意大利美食 🍖 🐟 还可举办聚会 !
+81-436-26-6121炭火×イタリアン CILO チロ
- 在日本拥有 5 家分店的改善发质美容沙龙。! ! NANANA PARENA拥有...
★秋季系列★现在仅![色彩+剪裁$ 99.75 !]由才华横溢的日本造型师制作。 ・ 剪发 $ 50 ・ 染色 + 剪发 $ 99.75 ・ 数字烫发 $ 173 ・ 直发烫发 $ 173 * 烫发包括快乐剪发! *造型师 : 健太,秀美,Alexa,清人 ★ 另外,剪发 $ 35 ! ! *只针对造型师和清人 我们期待您的预约 ! !
+1 (310) 575-3998nanana parena Los Angeles
- 位于洛杉矶托兰斯的一家日语普通内科和肠胃病医院。
本诊所于 2001 年在洛杉矶郊区的托兰斯成立,患者可以用日语接受医疗服务。医学 ( 初级保健、家庭医生、内科 ) & 胃肠病学 ( 胃肠病学 ) 所在医院请随时致电我们。我们还致力于通过健康检查、预防医学和健康宣传及早发现疾病。我们还致力于通过健康检查、预防医学和健康教育促进健康,从而及早发现疾病。
+1 (310) 534-8200大里メディカルクリニック
- 睫毛嫁接 ・ 睫毛烫发 ・ 美甲沙龙] 前Salon Akua店主Koco(可可...
在日本和夏威夷拥有10年以上经验的Salon Akua的眼部专家/Koco 팀和前Syisyu的美甲师/子,现已独立 ! 我们用与夏威夷的生活方式和季节相匹配的迷人眼睛和双手,帮助您绽放最美的光彩。
我们是一家拥有日本和美国经验的专业沙龙。凭借来自日本和美国的专业技能和客户服务,她将在・放心・ 安全 和关怀的前提下,为您提供您所希望的治疗和建议。 +1 (808) 460-2433ラ・ボーテ・アネラ | La beaute Anela
- ! 如果您要移居海外,请交给日津 ! 请随时用日语与我们联系。
・"从美国到日本的海外搬家服务",日通以其良好的业绩为您提供方便。 有关个人或家庭搬家的咨询,请用日语与我们联系。
+1 (206) 892-8103NIPPON EXPRESS U.S.A., INC. / Sea Tac / Seattle Branch
- [面向 6 个月至 6 岁儿童 !] 尔湾的日本幼儿园。小班教学,最多 12 名...
[为 6 个月至 6 岁儿童开设的幼儿园!] 位于学校一楼,由最多 12 名日托人员组成的小团体。 幼儿园充满了家的氛围,到处都是孩子们的笑脸。 ( 0-6 岁 ) 双语、蒙台梭利教育政策,发展每个孩子的个性。
+1 (949) 433-8600おれんじ幼稚園
- 森町千原台购物中心内的人气天然温泉汤间OPEN ! 餐厅无需门票 ◎提供各种日餐...
市原市的人气天然温泉 "汤米饭 OPEN"!"汤米饭 "的厨房市原千原台店,提供包括桑拿饭在内的各种菜肴,仅作为餐厅使用,不收门票。
+81-436-63-3273湯舞音's kitchen 市原ちはら台店
- 木更津市的垃圾处理和减量 ・ 木更津市为了资源回收、美化城市环境和清洁卫生,运营...
木更津城市固体废物管理和减少 ・ 该公司负责资源回收、美化城市环境和清洁中心的运营。
(0438) 36-1133木更津市環境部 資源循環推進課
- 尔湾会计师事务所 - 美国和日本税务 ・ 20 多年的会计 ! 纳税申报、公司组...
美国 ・ Hiromi K. Stanfield,注册会计师,在日本有20年的工作经验,拥有税务硕士学位,曾在四大税务审计公司工作,是加州注册会计师,协助个人・和小型企业・进行税务
会计工作。我们致力于通过详细的在线交流!,帮助您实现财务稳定和业务增长。 +1 (949) 281-1219Hiromi K. Stanfield, CPA Inc.
- 超过 30 年的信任和经验。Yun 公司的商用制冷・是制冷设备销售、安装和维护的...
超过 30 年的信任和经验。Yun 公司的商用制冷・是制冷设备销售、安装和维护的单一来源。快速应急响应、免费报价和电话咨询,专家随时满足您的所有需求。值得信赖的合作伙伴,最大限度地提高您的业务效率。 500 美元以上免费估价:您是否正在考虑规划一个项目 ? 我们提供 500 美元以上免费估价。 提供紧急响应:无论何时,只要您需要帮助,我们就会提供帮助。
+1 (213) 820-8095Yun Company / Commercial refrigeration
- "楽しく入って、学んで出られる動物園」。
日立市かみね動物園は、太平洋を望む神峰公園の一角に1957年 ( 昭和32年 ) オープンしました。それに、市民やたくさんのお客様に支えられながら動物の魅力や素晴らしさを伝えてきました。それはこれまでも、そしてこれからも変わることはありません。
enews template header 2
*September 2024*
Fall stroll at Yakima Sportsman
You know it's fall when __________?
You swap out summer clothing for sweaters and pants?
You switch from cold brew and frappes to caramel lattes and PSL?
You notice the leaves turning color?
"Yes!" to all this and more! But we know it’s fall when seasonal, harvest and dare we say Halloween-themed programs pop up in our Calendar of Events [ ].
*On Saturday, Sept. 28 we’ll see several events at parks around the state:*
September is Hispanic Heritage Month and we’re celebrating once again [ ] at Millersylvania 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Advance registration required by Sept. 25. [ ]
Heritage Days [ ] also returns to Sacajawea State Park, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Fort Flagler will give its weekly battery tour [ ] at 2 p.m. on all Saturdays in September. Group size is limited to 10 on a first come, first served basis.
And, don't forget, Sept. 28 is National Public Lands Day and a Discover Pass free day!
*Fall housekeeping*
Beach trash
Ready to sea a change?
State Parks helps put on three beach cleanups a year on our Pacific Coast and Salish Sea beaches. We haven’t even held our third cleanup of 2024, and we’ve already surpassed our 2023 haul from all three cleanups *"by more than 12,000 lbs."*
In short, 145,719 pounds of marine and firework debris have been cleaned off our beaches so far this year. Every year, these numbers get higher, and staying positive has been rough. We feel more like Sisyphus pushing that boulder up the hill.
Luckily, there is a solution, but we need your help! And you can start this very weekend at the *International Coastal Cleanup, Saturday morning, Sept. 21, at several WA beaches.*
Marine debris is one of the greatest threats to our waterways. If not collected, much of the garbage ends up in the ocean where birds, fish and marine mammals get entangled or ingest it. Plus, microplastics end up in the food chain (gross).
Be a part of the change! Sign up for the International Coastal Cleanup!
Visit [ ], see all participating beaches and pre-register for the event.
Even if you can’t come to the cleanup, please do your part whenever you visit a beach: bring trash bags and pack out everything you pack in. * *
Mount St. Helens Visitor Center art project
Park project updates
We're still hammering away at our summer construction projects, and we start a few new ones this fall:
* Lake Sylvia is anticipated to remain closed until late 2024 as additional excavation was required to secure the new bridge to the park entrance. We will provide updates if the park reopens ahead of schedule.
* The Mount St. Helens Visitor Center will close Sept. 30 with expected reopening in May 2025. The center will undergo a total update to its exhibits, the first in nearly 40 years.
* Adjacent Seaquest State Park will close on Sept. 18 through mid-October to complete road work.
* The Cornet Bay boat ramp at Deception Pass State Park will close at 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22 to replace a power line. We anticipate reopening the boat ramp reopening the next morning on Tuesday, Sept. 24.
* Visit our project pages [ ]for more information and the latest updates.
Our mission includes long-term upkeep of parks, including renovations and repairs, so they can be enjoyed for generations to come. We appreciate your patience with these temporary closures.
Cape Disappointment big surf
No "Disappointment" this year!
Our anticipated construction project at Cape Disappointment State Park [ ] has been postponed. That means the campground and other impacted areas will remain open until work resumes next fall.
We have opted to postpone the project due to anticipated delays in the permitting process and delivery of supplies. Both of these factors posed a risk to our desire to have the park fully reopened by Memorial Day, one of the most popular camping weekends of the year.
*But we know what you’re really wondering: Can I get a campsite?!*
We closed camping availability during the anticipated closure window (Sept. 16-June 2025). The park is currently issuing permits for first come, first served camping only. Campsites will fully reopen for advance booking through the Washington State Parks Reservation System [ ] at 8 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 23.
Fixed Frame beach wheelchair
Beach wheelchair comes to Lake Wenatchee
Hanging out on the beach at Lake Wenatchee [ ] just got easier for folks with mobility needs, thanks to a new Fixed Frame Beach Wheelchair [ ] and ADA beach mats.
The chair is instantly recognizable for its big, wide wheels, which allow it to move on shifting sands and uneven surfaces. It’s free to check out for the day or a few hours; just call the park office in advance at 509-763-3101. Bring a friend to help push it, since the chair is not motorized. Users will need to fill out a liability waiver onsite.
The park acquired the new chair thanks to a Community Partnership Fund grant, which is jointly funded by Confluence Health and Wenatchee Valley Medical Group.
Date Peace Arch
Hungry for food and travel ideas, conservation efforts and dating inspo?
"Use our blog as your co-pilot!"
From camp recipes and road trip ideas to stewardship opportunities and helpful tips, our Field Guide Blog [ ] is your one-stop shop for State Parks travel planning this fall! Plot out a shoulder season itinerary, then make simple, delicious sandwiches, side dishes and desserts for your getaway. Some recipes can be made in camp, while others need a little prep time at home. Along the way, our blog has tips to guard against invasive insects and protect endangered shore birds.
And, if you happen to be making these plans to impress a new crush, check out this dating app interview [ ], where we offer ideas for dating in state parks! (Musical instrument and Peace Arch border guard chaperone not guaranteed.)
Kid with ranger hat at festival
*Looking for a new adventure? *
"*Join our team!*"
We are fortunate to manage one of the largest, most diverse — and most beautiful — parks systems in the country.
Nearly 1,000 employees help steward our parks, including park rangers, maintenance and construction specialists, customer service staff, planners, engineers, managers, administrative professionals and support staff serving in seasonal or career full-time capacities.
We invite you to join us on the adventure!
*Apply today!* [ ]
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