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Black History Month Trailblazers Awards 2022



Westchester County Executive George Latimer,

The Westchester County Board of Legislators and

The Westchester County African American Advisory Board

Invite you to join us for a virtual celebration

Black History Month and

Our Trailblazers

Awards Ceremony

Thursday, February 24, 2022 | 6 p.m.

Visit facebook.com/westchestergov<htpps://www.facebook.com/westchestergov> to view the event.

Honoring Westchester County’s

Outstanding African American Citizens

Health and Human Services

“Dr. Valiere Alcena Award”

Dial Hewlett, Jr., MD, FACP, FIDSA


“Cecil H. Parker Award”

Belinda S. Miles, Ed.D.

Special Video Tribute

Honoring the Life of

Reginald A. LaFayette


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  • 등록일 : 2022/02/04
  • 게재일 : 2022/02/04
  • 변경일 : 2022/02/04
  • 총열람수 : 222 명
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