NR 11-26-2024 (KPD honors officers for excellence in service)
- [注册人]Kaua'i Police Department
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Kaua'i
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/26
- 发布日 : 2024/11/26
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/26
- 总浏览次数 : 81 人
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County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii
*News Release*
For Immediate Release: November 26, 2024
Kaua'i Police
(808) 241-1600
*KPD honors officers for excellence in service*
LĪHUʻE – The Kaua‘i Police Department (KPD) proudly honored several officers for their outstanding contributions to public safety at the Police Commission meeting on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.
*Officer Alexander Lacson Receives TOP COP Award*
Officer Alexander Lacson was named this year’s recipient of the TOP COP Award, presented annually by the Law Enforcement and Security Coalition of Hawai`i. This prestigious award recognizes law enforcement professionals who demonstrate exceptional professionalism, dedication, and community service.
Over the past year, Officer Lacson has excelled in his efforts to improve public safety, particularly in the areas of traffic enforcement and impaired driving prevention. With 26 arrests for Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence of Intoxicants (OVUII), Officer Lacson has significantly contributed to reducing impaired driving and enhancing road safety. He also issued 152 speeding and moving violations, 28 parking citations, and 108 miscellaneous citations, while providing 125 verbal warnings to educate the public on traffic laws. Additionally, Officer Lacson has mentored numerous new recruits as a Field Training Officer. His exceptional commitment to law enforcement has had a lasting impact on both his colleagues and the community.
“Officer Lacson is truly exceptional,” said Deputy Chief Mark Ozaki. “His proactive approach to enforcement, strong leadership, and passion for mentorship sets a high standard. We couldn’t be more proud of the positive impact he’s made, and will continue to make, in our department and community.”
*KPD Officers Honored for Role in Chris Santos Fugitive Operation*
In addition, Officer Dustin Broad, Sergeant Brian Silva, and Sergeant Anthony Abalos were honored for their pivotal roles in the Chris Santos Fugitive Operation. In 2023, Santos, a fugitive wanted for multiple violent crimes, posed a significant threat to public safety. His capture required an extensive, coordinated effort between KPD, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other federal partners.
These officers played key roles in the successful operation that ultimately led to Santos’s capture, despite his determined attempts to evade arrest. Their exceptional teamwork and dedication earned them U.S. Marshals Service Awards, recognizing their outstanding contributions to the operation.
On Aug. 21, 2024, Officer Broad, Sergeant Silva, and Sergeant Abalos were honored in Washington, D.C., with the Distinguished Group Award presented by U.S. Marshals Director Ronald L. Davis. The award celebrated their critical role in apprehending a dangerous fugitive and safeguarding the community.
“These officers went above and beyond, working around the clock to pursue leads and ensure the suspect was apprehended,” said Deputy Chief Ozaki. “This national recognition speaks volumes about their commitment to protecting the people of Kaua‘i and highlights the vital role of our partnering agencies. Mahalo to our federal partners for their critical support throughout this operation.”
Please join us in congratulating Officer Alexander Lacson, Officer Dustin Broad, Sergeant Brian Silva, and Sergeant Anthony Abalos for their well-deserved recognitions. Their efforts and dedication continue to make a lasting impact on the Kaua‘i Police Department and the Kaua‘i community.
Are you ready to make a difference in your community? Recruitment for the force is ongoing. The salary for a police officer ranges from approximately $72,000 to over $118,000 and includes a robust benefit package. Qualifications include a high school diploma or equivalent, a valid driver’s license and a minimum age of 20 years. Applicants should not have any misdemeanor, felony or domestic violence convictions. To learn more about qualifications and how to apply, visit the County of Kaua‘i’s employment website at [ ].
Officer Alexander Lacson and Deputy Chief Mark Ozaki.
Officer Alexander Lacson and Deputy Chief Mark Ozaki.
Group Photo
From left to right: Assistant Chief Kalani Ke, Sergeant Anthony Abalos, U.S. Marshals Chief Inspector Justin Davis, Sergeant Brian Silva, Officer Dustin Broad, Deputy Chief Mark Ozaki.
*Media Contact:
If you are a member of the media with an inquiry for the Kaua‘i Police Department or its representatives, please email Mahalo!
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