ePermitsMV Now Offers More Online Permitting Services
- [登録者]City of Mountain View
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Mountain View, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/07/15
- 掲載日 : 2024/07/15
- 変更日 : 2024/07/15
- 総閲覧数 : 112 人
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*City Update*
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ePermitsMV Now Offers More Online Permitting Services
Phase II launch creates central location for all customer development permits needs.
Post Date: 07/15/2024 9:35 a.m.
Planning permits, Heritage Tree Removal permits, and Public Works permits are now part of ePermitsMV [ https://www.mountainview.gov/?navid=1419 ], thanks to the City of Mountain View’s Phase II launch of the online permitting platform. Customers will now have these permitting services available online in addition to the existing online Building and Fire permitting services.
With this upgrade, ePermitsMV is now the central location for all customer development permit needs.
Some of the exciting changes in this major expansion include:
* Integrating online payment for all Planning, Public Works and Building/Fire permits, which will allow customers to easily pay permit fees from their email.
* Creating one permit submission for all Sign Permits, which previously required separate submission and approval from Planning and Building divisions.
* Automatic payment collection at submission for all Temporary Use Permits, which will streamline the review for small businesses’ special events.
* Establishing one permit location to submit all Heritage Tree Removal Permits, which will simplify the customer’s experience as the appropriate City division (Urban Forestry or Planning) will manage the permit behind-the-scenes.
* Simplifying submission of all Public Works permits onto one online portal, including excavations, debris boxes, subdivision map reviews and a variety of other permits, which avoids customers from having to navigate multiple online portals; and
* Allowing easy submission of rental fees and new applications or renewals of Outdoor Patio Licenses online.
ePermitsMV debuted in April 2023, making it easier for anyone seeking building permits to submit their permits electronically and have 24/7 access to permit status.
To submit a development permit, visit MountainView.gov/ePermitsMV [ https://www.mountainview.gov/?navid=1419 ].
Click here for more information [ https://www.mountainview.gov/Home/Components/News/News/904/ ]
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