News Release - City of Toronto lifeguards set to return to Toronto beaches this weekend
- [注册人]City of Toronto
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Toronto, Canada
- 注册日期 : 2024/05/31
- 发布日 : 2024/05/31
- 更改日期 : 2024/05/31
- 总浏览次数 : 197 人
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News Release
May 31, 2024
City of Toronto lifeguards set to return to Toronto beaches this weekend
Lifeguards are back at some of Toronto's beaches as the City opens its seasonal supervised beach program starting on Saturday, June 1.
More information about dates, times and locations can be found on the City’s Beaches webpage:
City lifeguards are identifiable by their red and yellow uniforms and are stationed either in white rowboats in the water, along the shore, or at a lifeguard stand. Designated swim areas are marked between two red-over-yellow flags with a lifeguard stand marked “Lifeguard on Duty” nearby.
Beach and water safety
The City encourages everyone to have fun and be safe this summer by:
• Swimming only when lifeguards are on duty and within the supervised swimming area.
• Always stay within arm’s reach of children who are in or near the water.
• Never swim alone or while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
• Stay hydrated, wearing sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) and limiting exposure to heat and sun.
• In case of any emergency, call 911 right away.
Each beach is equipped with lifesaving stations with ring buoys and reaching poles. Lifesaving stations are marked with a Parks Locate Point (an identification point that can be used when contacting emergency services, so the emergency vehicle knows where on the beach to respond).
If lifesaving equipment is missing or damaged, please call 311 immediately.
Know the flags
Lifeguards use a flag system adopted by the International Lifesaving Federation to identify swimming conditions and designated swimming areas. Look out for the following:
• When a green flag is flying, swimming conditions are good and there is minimal risk to beachgoers.
• When a yellow flag is flying, swimmers should exercise caution as waves, currents or other elements may be present.
• When a red flag is flying, there are high hazard conditions and beachgoers should not swim in the water.
• If no flags are flying at a Toronto beach, lifeguards are not on duty and swimming is not recommended.
Residents should stay within the clearly marked swim zones to avoid the dangers of being struck by vessels.
Operating watercraft
Toronto Police Service Marine Unit reminds residents that all watercrafts are restricted from designated swim areas along Toronto beaches. Signs are also posted in the areas for designated craft launch areas.
When spending time on the lake and/or beaches, residents should be aware of potential dangers and learn how to be safe in cold water. In case of an accident, cold water can severely impact a person’s ability to swim or stay afloat. No matter a person’s swimming ability, all swimmers should wear a lifejacket.
Toronto Police Service Marine Unit reminds people to stay sober when boating or participating in water related activities on the lake. The use of alcohol or drugs can severely impact a person’s ability to swim and stay afloat. Using drugs and alcohol while operating a vessel is illegal. In Ontario, being convicted of impaired boat operation will also affect a person’s driver’s licence.
Water quality
The City monitors beach water quality daily (weather permitting) between June and September. This includes daily water sample analysis by Toronto Public Health and City lifeguards, which helps ensure people can swim safely at Toronto beaches. More information about beach water quality testing is available on the City’s Beach Water Quality webpage:
Several City beaches have a Blue Flag distinction, an international award given to beaches that meet high environmental, safety, and cleanliness standards.
The City has 10 beaches that will be supervised as of this weekend, eight of which have Blue Flag designations:
• Bluffer’s Park Beach
• Centre Island Beach
• Cherry/Clarke Beach
• Gibraltar Point Beach
• Hanlan’s Point Beach
• Kew-Balmy Beach
• Ward’s Island Beach
• Woodbine Beach
The two other lifeguard supervised beaches are:
• Marie Curtis Park East Beach
• Sunnyside Beach
More information on beaches can be found on the City’s website:
“Summer is right around the corner and there is no better way to spend a sunny Toronto day than at one of our City beaches! Having lifeguards on City beaches means a safer and more relaxing time for people and families. We want residents and visitors to enjoy the lakeside atmosphere and to safely experience Toronto’s vast sandy and cobble beaches. Thank you to City staff for ensuring we can safely open Toronto’s incredible swimming beaches, so that residents and visitors can cool down and enjoy the outdoors on hot summer days.”
– Mayor Olivia Chow
“Staffing lifeguards on Toronto’s beautiful beaches is another exciting sign that summer is nearly here. I encourage everyone to keep safety front of mind while visiting beaches with family and friends and to swim only where there’s lifeguard supervision.”
– Councillor Alejandra Bravo (Davenport), Chair of the Economic & Community Development Committee
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