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Community Bulletin - Update - Windstorm Aftermath & Road Closures
- [Registrant]City of Medina
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]メディナ, ワシントン州, アメリカ合衆国
- Posted : 2024/11/22
- Published : 2024/11/22
- Changed : 2024/11/22
- Total View : 34 persons
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"*COMMUNITY E-lert*""*®*"
"Be safer together"
[ ]
DATE: November 22, 2024
TO: E-lert® Recipients
FROM: Jeffrey R. Sass, Chief of Police
SUBJECT: Community E-lert® - *Update - **Windstorm Aftermath & Road Closures*
Community E-lert® is a registered trademark of the City of Medina Police Department. This announcement is provided as a public service to residents of Medina and Hunts Point. It is our intention to distribute these E-lerts following an occurrence or condition that may have public safety or community well-being implications.
According to the PSE outage map [ ], more areas of Medina and Hunts Point have regained power since yesterday's update. The estimated restoration time is still listed as 11/23/2024 at 12:00pm. Hopefully this estimate is updated with an earlier timeframe soon.
Power Outage Map
There is still one roadway closure that is affecting travel:
NE 32nd Street between 78th Place NE and 80th Avenue NE is closed due to a tree, power pole and powerlines over the roadway. The bollards that prohibit vehicle traffic on the walking path that connects 80th Avenue NE and Fairweather Place in Hunts Point have been removed to allow essential traffic and emergency personnel to travel in that area.
*If you must leave or access 80th Avenue NE via this walking path, please drive with the utmost caution and at a very slow speed. This path is normally a walking path and pedestrians are to be expected on the path.*
*80th Avenue NE Emergency Route Map** **7800 Block NE 32nd Street - 1*
*7800 Block NE 32nd Street - 3*
The intersection of NE 24th Street and 84th Avenue NE has regained power and the traffic lights are operating normally.
*The National Weather Service [ ] is forecasting winds ranging between 15 - 21 MPH and gusts reaching upwards of 24 MPH for our area. Precipitation is also expected.*
To report hazardous roads, call 911 to notify a Medina Police Officer. Our officers are constantly coordinating with response crews to ensure the roads are clear and safety issues are addressed immediately. To report power outages or downed power lines, call Puget Sound Energy at 1-888-225-5773. You can also download the myPSE app [ ] or check the online outage map [ ] located on their website [ ].
_*Safety reminders:*_
* Never touch or go within 35 feet of downed power lines because they might be energized.
* Do not use a charcoal or gas grill to cook indoors. Never use a natural gas range for heating, or charcoal as an indoor heating source. This can cause a buildup of poisonous carbon monoxide gas.
* If you choose to use a portable home generator, read the manufacturer’s instructions for the safe operation of the generator. Do not operate generators indoors or in enclosed spaces to avoid the build up of carbon monoxide.
* If you’re using portable heaters, keep them away from furniture, draperies and other flammable materials.
* Always use flashlights instead of candles.
This is the time to have your emergency supplies ready in your home, vehicle and at work, including batteries, flashlights, food and blankets. Be sure to keep your cell phones and other important electronic devices fully charged as much as possible if you still have power. If you've already lost power, use your electronic devices sparingly to conserve the battery life for as long as possible. Remember, you can charge your device from your car if your device's battery runs dangerously low. However, never leave your vehicle running in your garage, unattended, or without sufficient gas or battery life in your vehicle.
Resources, information and ways to connect with others can be found on the Medina Police Department's Emergency Preparedness webpage [ ] and by connecting with the Emergency Preparedness Committee on a regular basis.
Additional safety publications from the Medina Police Department will be posted periodically, including inclement weather preparations, hazardous road conditions, and crime prevention tips.
Check in with your neighbors, family and friends to make sure everyone's safe and healthy!
"Other great ways of staying connected to the Medina Police Department are our Twitter [ ]and Facebook [ ] pages."
"If you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please contact the Medina Police Department at (425) 233-6420. You may also reach us via email by contacting Chief Jeff Sass ( or Captain Austin Gidlof ("
" "
*Emergency: 911*
*Non-Emergency police matters: (425) 577-5656*
*Medina Police Department*
*501 Evergreen Point Road*
*Medina, WA 98039*
*(425) 233-6420*
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